What Am I Activity

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Name ______________________

What Am I?
Activity Adapted from Mr. Clemens (Osceola High School) Artifact Worksheet

1. Look at each item and make a guess about what you think the item is.
2. Choose one of the items to answer the questions below in section B.
3. After you finish section B, scan each QR code and write what each item is really called.

Section A

What do you think I


QR Code

What am I really called?







Section B
1. What item did you choose? Item Number _______
2. What is it made of? ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. What do you think it was used for? __________________________________________________________________________
4. Who might have used it? __________________________________________________________________________________
5. What does it tell you about the people who used it? _____________________________________________________________
6. What do you think we have today that is like this object? _________________________________________________________

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