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Zachary Shuler

English ll02-EA2

Ms. Raymond
January 16,2013

A Colorfirl Family Member

In my family I have many people that I can choose from that will frt as a colorfrrl perso&
but I believe that my grandpa stands out the most, My grandpa's name is Jack Shuler, he is my oldest living relative and he is my only grandparent that is still alive. He lives in my hometown

which is Bryson City, North Carolina and is

person that more so keeps to himself. He is a very

active person at the church that he attends. He is 82 years old and is an old


I mean

by that is that if he wants you to help him it is going to be his way or no way. He believes that he is always right about things even if he is wrong. Growing up I would sometimes disagree with

my grandpa but now that I am older I have learned to just go with what he says and not really to
ask questions. Also,

if you do something to make him mad or bring up a topic when talking n"

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willspeakthismindandwil1notgiveacareinthewor1difithurtssomeone,sfeels.Likep",pl:M r--r say the true hurts. He is a nice and caring person but sometimes

it gets him in trouble or he will


do so dumb things. He is the type of person that charities love. Every

donated more money to a charity and he thinks that he is getting


turn around he


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