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Shuler 3

is Dublin. Dublin is the on the very east end of lreland. Also, he told me that on my grandmals


side,part of her family was Native Americans and that my great great grandma was full blooded Cherokee lndian.

My grandpa served in the United States Air Force for twenty-five years before retiring. My dad also served twenty years in the Air Force. Right now my dad is still employed and works for the local recreational park in my hometown. My grandma worked for Swain County High
School and was a sqcretary there; see retired from her job after serving thirty years. My

grandma passs away in 2008 after a battle with cancer that she had won earlier in her life but
it lrrg!.came back.


fQn: &ncl.
My grandma drove a Buick and my grandpa still drives a L987 dodge r.rrn@tn of them

Both sets of the grandparents that I know of were not really big into politics. They would go to the polls and vote for whomever or whatever they thought was best for this country and

that was it. They didn't go out and try and tell people why or who they needed to vote for.

t,tDg Mte AtsRUPTLq , ftt{gr )ist

Hoort 4ur


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