Processes and Practices. by Wendy Bishop

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Davis 1 Summary Greene, Stuart. "Argument as Conversation The Role of Inquiry in Writing a Researched Argument.

" The Subject Is Research: Processes and Practices. By Wendy Bishop and Pavel Zemliansky. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2001. 145-56. Print. I think this article has helped me find a good conversation to talk about in my paper. Researching robotics effect on humans, whether or not it will be a positive or negative effect like in the movie I, Robot. This article This article is about conversation and argument; it gives you a good analogy of what an argument is and how thats like a conversation. This article also gives you a has some very good points like Kenneth burkes quote about how arguments are like conversations and that its like showing up at a party and you have to listen and pay attention Analysis 18 February 2013

basic step by step of how to form a good article to what they are talking about and the different around your topic. That research is important, because you need to know what the conversation is about before you involve yourself in the conversation. sides to the argument before you can give your opinion. The step by step guide and the questions it was asking to get the reader who is writing their own paper to think about to get them started about what to write and what to include in their writings was very good.

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