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ANTIBIOTICS Subgroups Benzyl pencillin Phenoxy methyl pencillin Doses 50000:100000 unit/kg/day IV or IM every 6hrs 50000:100000 unit/kg/day Orally

every 6:8hrs Market Pencillins Aqua pen vial 1000000 u Ospen Susp 400000 unit/5ml Tab 1000000 unit/tab Cliacil Susp 300000 unit/5ml Tab 1000000 unit/tab Depopen vial 1200000 u Retarpen vial 1200000 u Notes Maily gram +ve Not antistaph

Benzathine pencillin

Procaine pencillin

Less than 3yrs 1/4 vial 3yrs:6yrs 1/2 vial More than 6yrs vial IM every 2wks Less than 4yrs 1vial/day More than 4yrs 2 vials/day For 7 days 50:100 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs For 5:10 days

Pencillin procaine vial 400000 unit/vial

used in RF prophylaxis every 2wks sensitivity test must be done before each injection Used in streptococcal pharyngitis sensitivity test must be done before each course


Ampicillin Sulbactam

Amoxicillin Amoxicillin Clavulinic

Amoxicillin flucloxacillin




Epicocillin Ampicillin Susp 125 250 mg/5ml Vial 500 1000 mg/vial 50:100 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs Unasyn Unictam For 5:10 days Ampictam sulbin Susp 250 mg/5ml Vial 375 750 1500 mg/vial 50:100 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs Emox 250 500 1000 mg For 5:10 days Biomox 125 250 mg/5ml 50:100 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs Hibiotic For 5:10 days Tab 1000 625 375 mg Susp 156 312 mg/5ml Augmentin Tab 1200 625 312 mg Susp 156 312 mg/5ml Vial 600 1200 mg Curam E moxclav Klavox Magnabiotic Adult 500:1000 mg/8hrs Flumox Children 25 mg/kg/8hrs Susp 250 mg/5ml Cap 250 500 1000 mg Vial 500 1000 mg Cephalosporines First generation cephalosporines 50:100 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs Ceporex Keflex For 5:10 days Susp 125 250 mg/5ml Tab 250 500 1000 mg Vial 500 1000 mg 50:100 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs Velosef Cephradine For 5:10 days Susp 125 250 mg/5ml Cap 250 500 1000 mg Vial 250 500 1000 mg 50:100 mg/kg/day every 12hrs Duricef Biodroxil For 5:10 days Susp 125 250 mg/5ml Cap 500 mg Second generation cephalosporines

Vial form given intravenous and not intramuscular

80% gram +ve 20% gram -ve


Cefaclor Cefprozil





Amikacin Tobramycin







Oral = 20:40 mg/kg/day Zinnat every 12hrs Susp 250 mg/5ml parentral = 50:100 mg/kg/day Vial 750 1500 mg every 12hrs 20:40 mg/kg/day Bacticlor Ceclor every 12hrs Susp 125 250 mg/5ml 20:40 mg/kg/day Cefzil every 12hrs Susp 125 250 mg/5ml Third generation cephalosporines 50:75 mg/kg/day single dose Cefaxone Oframax IM dissolved in lidocaine Ceftriaxone sandoz IV dissolved in water Vial 250 500 1000 mg 100:150 mg/kg/day every 12hrs Xorine Claforan Cefotax Vial 125 500 1000 mg 8 mg/kg/day every 12hrs Ximacef Suprax Susp 100 mg/5ml Cap 200 mg Aminoglcosides 5:7 mg/kg/day every 8:12hrs Garamycin gentamycin Epigent Amp 20 80 mg/2ml 10:15 mg/kg/day every 12hrs Amikin Vial 100 250 500 mg/2ml 2.5:7.5 mg/kg/day every 8:12hrs Nebcin Vial 20 80 mg/2ml Macrolides 30:50 mg/kg/day every 6:8hrs Erythrin Erythrocin Susp 200 mg/5ml Tab 5oo mg 15 mg/kg/day every 12hrs Klacid Oral after meal Susp 125 250 mg/5ml Tab 250 500 mg 10 mg/kg/day every 24hrs Zithrocin Zithrokan Oral 1hr before meal Susp 100 mg/5ml Or 2hrs after meal Cap 500mg Zithromax Susp 600 900 1200 mg/5ml Cap 250 mg Children 0.75 million unit/12hrs Spirex Adult 3 million unit/12hrs Tab 1.5 3 million IU Spiracin Supp 0.65 1.3 million IU Quinolones Adult dose 250:500 mg/12hrs Bactiflox Ciprobay Ciprofar Ciprofloxacin Tab 250 500 750 mg Adult 400 mg/12hrs Epinor Tab 400 mg

50% gram +ve 50% gram -ve

80% gram ve 20% gram +ve

Mainly gram ve Nephrotoxic Antipseudomonas Ototoxic Most active against Pseudomonas Maily gram +ve Active against atypical organisms mycoplasma chlamydia campylobacter

Active against toxoplasma

Produce urinary tract concentrations that are bacericidal to most urinary tract pathogens

Sulphamethoxazole + trimethoprim

Other antibiotics Sutrim septazol Sutaprim DS Septrin

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