Civil Rights Unit Essay Questions

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Description of class: This class is a Freshman Humanities class, team-taught by English and History teachers.

Unit Description: The class is doing a unit on the U.S. Black Civil Rights Movement, during the 1960s. The class is studying the social and political climate of the U.S. during this time of turmoil. The class will be using primary and secondary source documents to examine key moments during the era. In addition, students will reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett, a novel that explores the social climate in the segregated South by looking closely at relationships between black domestic workers and their white employers. Writing-to-Learn Activity: Students will be given the following question prior to reading the book to prompt their interest, activate prior knowledge, and give them a chance to show their intelligence. You are a white student at a recently integrated school. Due to the recent integration, there will be two proms held. To appease parents, administrators have agreed to hold a white prom which is restricted to white students and an integrated prom which is open to all students. The white prom will be held at a fancier hotel, and is receiving more monetary support from the school. All of your friends have decided to attend the white prom. Your parents are encouraging to attend the white prom. However, your potential date, being black, will be attending the integrated prom. Which of the two proms will you choose to attend? You can only choose one. Provide at least 2 reasons as to why you will be attending the prom of your choice. After students brainstorm for ten minutes about their response to the question, they will be split into two groups, contingent on which position they took. Each side will then collectively form two arguments to defend their position from the attack of the other side. Students will then take turns debating their positions. Essay Questions: Materials used are the text The Help, the film version of The Help, Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream speech text/recording, Selected chapters from the school history text that outline the major moments in the Civil Rights era, clips from the film Ruby Bridges (dramatization of Ruby Bridgess story, who integrated an allwhite elementary school in New Orleans). Essay Question #1: Based on class discussion, textbook readings, primary source documents, and the two films watched in class, examine some of the goals outlined below present in Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have a Dream speech. Would you argue that the Civil Rights Movement was successful in achieving these goals, or not? Take a position on this issue, and argue in favor of your stand, taking into consideration at least two of the goals listed below. Your essay will only be evaluated on how well your arguments are formed. 1.) Desegregated Southern states, with black and white able to interact 2.) Judgment passed on individuals by content of their character rather than skin color 3.) U.S. political policy living up to the ideal of all men are created equal Essay Question #2: Referencing your notes, textbooks, class discussions, and the two films we watched

in class, examine the following events that weve studied. Pick two of these events, and decide which two have had the greatest impact on YOUR life. Examine aspects of your life such as the school you attend, the neighborhood you live in, your ability to utilize public spaces such as parks and public restrooms, the friends that you have, and your relationships/interactions with members of other races, and any other aspects that you are able to come up with. Reference at least one of the films or readings AND the textbook (the textbook is not optional). -Desegregation of the schools (Brown v. Board, 1964) -March on Washington/MLKs I Have a Dream speech, 1963 -Passing of the Civil Rights Act, 1964 -Integration of the Armed Forces, 1948

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