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Special Muscle Nerd Report:

Supplement Stacking Secrets!

How to COMBINE Simple Supplements To Turbo-Charge Individual Results!"

Special Muscle Nerd Report:

"Supplement Stacking Secrets: How to Combine Simple Supplements To Turbo-Charge Individual Results!"
By The Muscle Nerd Jeff Anderson
What was that movie? You know...the one about the boxer with Sylvester Stallone? Oh, thats right! ROCKY! Of course the name of the movie came to you immediately after hearing the Italian Stallions name, right? But what if I had asked you, You know...the movie about the boxer with Burt Young? WHO?! 95% of you would probably sit there scratching your head trying to figure out who the hell Burt Young is to begin with. But for those of you who arent die-hard Rocky fans, Burt Young played Rockys pal and girlfriends brother Paulie...AND while Stallone was the star of the film and nominated for Best Actor In A Leading Role that year, Young was ALSO nominated for Best SUPPORTING Actor for the same movie. Why is this important? Well, in movie terms, most actors will tell you that there is always a fellow actor they star with who made THEM step up to the challenge and act even BETTER. One star actor cant save a film and these supporting actors have the ability to MAGNIFY the skills of the entire cast when there is a great synergy among the players. The same relationship occurs when it comes to sports supplements! In the world of supplements, you have several stars that have become household names for those of us in training. But you might not be aware of a whole cast of supporting characters, each boosting the performance of the other members of the main cast.

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Special Report: Supplement Stacking Secrets

Lets take a look at six supporting supplements that can MAGNIFY the effectiveness of the stars...

Star Supplement: Creatine

The most thoroughly researched and effective supplement (in the legal realm), creatines specialty is increasing your muscles mass and strength through several mechanisms. While youre lifting, creatine enters muscle cells and helps to produce more of the fast energy you need. And more repetitions with the same weight mean more muscle. Creatine also draws water into your muscle cells, creating a volumizing effect whose stretching action is believed to trigger processes in your muscles leading to further growth. While creatine comes in a variety of different forms, including monohydrate, citrate, and tartrate, all appear to have roughly the same effects in the end.

Supporting Supplement: Cinnamon Extract

While creatine is effective, it can only work if its able to enter the muscle cells, and cinnamon appears to help with that. Cinnamon extracts active ingredient hydroxychalcone both imitates the effects of insulin and also boosts insulin release. Because insulin helps push creatine into your muscle cells, taking cinnamon extract with creatine may enhance the muscle-building effects youll attain. In fact, in one study, researchers found that methylhydroxy chalcone polymer (the most active compound in cinnamon) increased the glucose metabolism of fat cells in vitro 20 TIMES relative to the control subjects.

Lights, Cameras, Action!

Take 2-5 grams of creatine with somewhere between 100-250 mg cinnamon extract powder right before and immediately after your workouts.

Star Supplement: Arginine
Most body builders take the amino acid L-arginine for its ability to increase nitric oxide (NO), which can in turn increase your muscle strength while also dilating blood vessels, helping to deliver more blood, and by extension more oxygen, nutrients, and anabolic

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Special Report: Supplement Stacking Secrets

hormones to your muscles. Like creatine, NO also draws water into the muscles for that magical effect known as the pump.

Supporting Supplement: HMB (beta-hydroxy betamethylbutyrate)

Taking HMB orally in combination with arginine seems to increase body weight and lean body mass, and possibly improve immune function. This combination was tested and showed great results when used over a period of eight weeks to prevent wasting in patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Lights, Camera, Action!

Take 3-5 grams L-arginine or arginine alpha-ketoglutarate twice a day, away from other protein meals, with 3 grams of HMB. If possible, time one of your doses 3060 minutes before your workout and the other 30-60 minutes before bed.

Star Supplement: Glutamine
Glutamine, an extremely popular supplement, appears to be anticatabolic. It also encourages recovery, helps your digestion, and increases muscle growth, growth hormone levels, and immune function. Glutamine is yet another volumizer for your muscle cells, enhancing the growth potential of your muscle fibers and it aids in the production of bicarbonate to buffer muscle acidity. This powerful buffer helps to prevent muscle fatigue, allowing you to work through longer sets of repetitions, increasing both strength and muscle growth.

Supporting Supplement: Carnosine

Actually a combination of two amino acids histidine and beta-alanine carnosine works alongside glutamine to increase your muscle strength and endurance while also warding off fatigue by buffering the lactic acid that builds up during exercise. Another volumizer, research looks promising that carnosine could support immune function and act as an antioxidant.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Take 5-10 grams of glutamine 24 times per day on an empty stomach. Take two of the four doses before and after your workout along with .5 grams of carnosine.

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Special Report: Supplement Stacking Secrets

Star Supplement: Whey Protein

Whey protein is probably the fastest absorbing protein available to athletes today. Getting protein into your system directly before and immediately after your workout is incredibly important to your ability to put on quality muscle. No protein is more effective than whey.

Supporting Supplement: Leucine

While whey already contains some leucine, increasing your intake of leucine can push the synthesis of muscle protein, and by extension muscle growth, into overdrive. Researchers believe that leucine is the key for turning on the machinery of hypertrophy. Studies have shown that taking a combination of protein and leucine after a weight training workout increased the insulin-like growth hormone-1 levels in muscle, an important factor for growth, by as much as 50% over taking simple sugars alone.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Take 20 grams whey protein immediately before training and 20-40 grams immediately after - along with 5 grams leucine, either by itself or from branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). If you go with BCAAs, make sure that the product has at least 5 grams leucine, 2.5 grams isoleucine, and 2.5-5 grams of valine per dose.

Star Supplement: Simple Carbohydrates
Your post-workout supplement intake should include whey, leucine, and also simple (ie.- fast digesting) glucose to restock the depleted stores of glycogen in your muscles. This combination will also ease the impact of cortisol, a catabolic hormone. Carbohydrates that can be digested quickly such as honey, dextrose, or even sugar, when added to your whey shake, are the best path to handle these needs.

Supporting Supplement: Fenugreek

Traditionally a spice popular in the Far and Middle East, fenugreek has been found to have medicinal properties as well. In numerous studies, fenugreek increased the amount of insulin released by the pancreas. In another study, subjects who ingested fenugreek with dextrose after their workout had better replenished glycogen stores compared with subjects who took only dextrose.

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Special Report: Supplement Stacking Secrets

Lights, Camera, Action!

Take 60-100 grams of simple carbohydrates right after your workout, along with 1-1.5 grams of fenugreek.

Star Supplement: Casein
Casein, a slow-to-digest milk protein, is a favorite with athletes looking for a steady supply of amino acids going to their muscles to prevent catabolic processes. There is data available that suggests it can take up to seven hours to fully digest some forms of casein, which make it a popular source of protein to take just before sleep (when your body enters a long fasting state that some believe wastes muscle). Hard gainers have popularized the habit of downing a casein shake before going to bed to provide their muscles with amino acids all through the night.

Supporting Supplement: Canola Oil

Dietary fats do an excellent job of further slowing protein digestion. But not just any old lipid will do. Canola oil contains healthy fats that offer a variety of health benefits in addition to enhancing fat loss. Later in the day, insulin sensitivity tends to decrease, leaving you more vulnerable to putting on carbohydrate-induced fat. Taking your omega3s (which youll find in canola) at night not only helps prevent this problem but may also ramp up your metabolism. To slow down your digestion and help provide your body with a steady stream of nutrients while sleeping, try canola oil.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Right before bedtime, consume 20-40 grams casein protein with 3 tablespoons canola oil.

And Now Introducing...The Villians

Every movie needs a hero and a villain to overcome, right? Well some supplements ALSO have their arch-enemies that are on a mission to spoil their good deeds. Avoid eating the following foods in combination with the following lead supplements.

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Special Report: Supplement Stacking Secrets

Wheys Arch-Enemy...
The point of consuming whey is to take value from its speedy absorption. High fiber foods slow everything down. While foods high in fiber are good for you and provide necessary roughage, avoid them right before or after your workout by at least an hour in either direction.

Arginines Arch-Enemy...
Dishes high in saturated fat inhibit nitric oxides ability to dilate your blood vessels. Slamming that burger and fries right after taking your arginine renders the supplement almost completely useless.

High Glycemic Carbohydrates Arch-Enemy...

Studies have shown that drinking alcohol interferes with your muscles ability to store glycogen. Avoid alcohol for a minimum of two hours after your post-workout meal (your muscles should have managed to absorb the carbohydrates by that point).

ZMAs Arch-Enemy...
ZMA (zinc + magnesium aspartate) has become a popular supplement following reports that it increased testosterone and muscle growth in college football players. However, what is often not understood by beginners using the product is that the calcium in your milk or casein protein supplement will minimize ZMAs effects. Taking calcium at the same time as your zinc and iron will simply cause your body to choose the absorption of calcium over the other two. The best plan is waiting between 30 and 60 minutes after taking ZMA before taking anything with calcium (such as casein). Also, note that ZMA is at its most effective when taken on an empty stomach.

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