GSM Training 2

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GSM Systems

RF Network Design

The high level life cycle of the RF network planning process can be summarised as follows :: To help the operator to identify their RF design requirement Optional Discuss and agree RF design parameters, assumptions and objectives with the customer Coverage requirement Traffic requirement Various level of design (ROM to detail RF design)
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Comparative Analysis

Site Realisation

Issuing of search ring Cand. assessment Site survey, design, approval Drive test (optional)

RF Design requirement RF Design Implementation RF Design Frequency plan Neighbour list RF OMC data Optimisation

Comparative Analysis
This is an optional step This is intended to :: Help an existing operator in building/expanding their network Help a new operator in identifying their RF network requirement, e.g. where their network should be built For the comparative analysis, we would need to :: Identify all network that are competitors to the customer Design drive routes that take in the high density traffic areas of interest Include areas where the customer has no or poor service and the competitors have service

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Comparative Analysis
The result of the analysis should include ::For an existing operator All problems encountered in the customers network All areas where the customer has no service and a competitor does Recommendations for solving any coverage and quality problems For a new operator Strengths and weaknesses in the competitors network Problem encountered in the competitors network

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RF Network Design Inputs

The RF design inputs can be divided into :: Coverage requirements Target coverage areas Service types for the target coverage areas. These should be marked geographically Coverage area probability Penetration Loss of buildings and in-cars Capacity requirements Erlang per subscriber during the busy hour Quality of service for the air interface, in terms GoS Network capacity Growth plan - Coverage and Capacity
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RF Network Design Inputs

Available spectrum and frequency usage restriction, if any List of available, existing and/or friendly sites that should be included in the RF design Limitation of the quantity of sites and radios, if any Quality of Network (C/I values) Related network features (FH, DTX, etc.)

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RF Network Design
There are 2 parts to the RF network design to meet the :: Capacity requirement Coverage requirement For the RF Coverage Design
Digitised Databases

CW Drive Testing

Customer Requirements

Propagation Model

RF Coverage Design

Link Budget

Slide No.7

CW Drive Testing
CW drive test can be used for the following purposes :: Propagation model tuning Assessment of the suitability of candidate sites, from both coverage and interference aspect CW drive test process can be broken down to ::Test Preparation
Equipment required BTS antenna selection Channel selection Power setting Drive route planning Test site selection

Propagation Test Data Processing

Slide No.8

Transmitter setup Receiver setup

Drive test Transmitter dismantle

Measurement averaging Report generation

CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

The test equipment required for the CW drive testing :: Receiver with fast scanner Example : HP7475A, EXP2000 (LCC) etc. The receiver scanner rate should conform to the Lee Criteria of 36 to 50 sample per 40 wavelength CW Transmitter Example : Gator Transmitter (BVS), LMW Series Transmitter (CHASE), TX-1500 (LCC) etc. Base Station test antenna DB806Y (Decibel-GSM900), 7640 (Jaybeam-GSM1800) etc. Accessories Including flexible coaxial cable/jumper, Power meter, extended power cord, GPS, compass, altimeter
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CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

Base Station Antenna Selection The selection depends on the purpose of the test For propagation model tuning, an omni-directional antenna is preferred For candidate site testing or verification, the choice of antenna depends on the type of BTS site that the test is trying to simulate. For Omni BTS :
Omni antennas with similar vertical beamwidth

For sectorised BTS

Utilising the same type of antenna is preferred Omni antenna can also be used, together with the special feature in the post processing software like CMA (LCC) where different antenna pattern can be masked on over the measurement data from an omni antenna

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CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

Test Site Selection For propagation model tuning, the test sites should be selected so that : They are distributed within the clutter under study The height of the test site should be representative or typical for the specific clutter Preferably not in hilly areas For candidate site testing/verification, the actual candidate site configuration (height, location) should be used. For proposed greenfield sites, a cherry-picker will be used.

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CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

Frequency Channel Selection The necessary number of channels need to be identified from the channels available With input from the customer The channels used should be free from occupation From the guard bands Other free channels according to the up-to-date frequency plan The channels selected will need to be verified by conducting a pre-test drive It should always precede the actual CW drive test to verify the exact free frequency to be used It should cover the same route of the actual propagation test A field strength plot is generated on the collected data to confirm the channel suitability
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CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

Transmit Power Setting For propagation model tuning, the maximum transmit power is used For candidate site testing, the transmit power of the test transmitter is determined using the actual BTS link budget to simulate the coverage On sites with existing antenna system, it is recommended that the transmit power to be reduced to avoid interference or inter-modulation to other networks. The amount of reduction is subject to the possibility if separating the test antenna from the existing antennas

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CW Drive Testing - Test Preparation

Drive Route Determination The drive route of the data collection is planned prior to the drive test using a detail road map Eliminate duplicate route to reduce the testing time For propagation model tuning, each clutter is tested individually and the drive route for each test site is planned to map the clutter under-study for the respective sites. It is important to collect a statistically significant amount of data, typically a minimum of 300 to 400 data points are required for each clutter category The data should be evenly distributed with respect to distance from the transmitter In practice, the actual drive route will be modified according to the latest development which was not shown on the map. The actual drive route taken should be marked on a map for record purposes
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CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test

Transmitter Equipment Setup Test antenna location Free from any nearby obstacle, to ensure free propagation in both horizontal and vertical dimension For sites with existing antennas, precaution should be taken to avoid possible interference and/or inter-modulation Transmitter installation

A complete set of 360 photographs of the test location (at the test height) and the antenna setup should be taken for record
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CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test

Scanning Receiver Setup - HP 7475A Receiver Example

HP 7475A Receiver

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CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test

Scanning Receiver Setup The scanning rate of the receiver should always be set to allow at least 36 sample per 40 wavelength to average out the Rayleigh Fading effect. For example: scanning rate = 100 sample/s test frequency = 1800 MHz therefore, to achieve 36 sample/40 wavelength, the max. speed is =

40 0.1667 = 18.52 m / s = 66.67 km / h 36/100

It is recommended that : Beside scanning the test channel, the neighbouring cells is also monitored. This information can be used to check the coverage overlap and potential interference Check the field strength reading close to the test antenna before starting the test, it should approach the scanning receiver saturation
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CW Drive Testing - Propagation Test

Drive Test Initiate a file to record the measurement with an agreed naming convention Maintain the drive test vehicle speed according to the pre-set scanning rate Follow the pre-plan drive route as closely as possible Insert marker wherever necessary during the test to indicate special locations such as perceived hot spot, potential interferer etc. Monitor the GPS signal and field strength level throughout the test, any extraordinary reading should be inspected before resuming the test Dismantling Equipment It is recommended to re-confirm the transmit power (as the pre-set value) before dismantling the transmitter setup
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Measurement Data Processing

Data Averaging This can be done during the drive testing or during the data processing stage, depending on the scanner receiver and the associated postprocessing software The bin size of the distance averaging depends on the size of the human made structure in the test environment Report Generation For propagation model tuning, the measurement data is exported into the planning tool (e.g. Asset) Plots can also be generated using the processing tool or using MapInfo During the export of the measurement data, it is important to take care of the coordinate system used, a conversion is necessary if different coordinate systems are used
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Propagation Model
COST 231 - Hata propagation model
Lu (dB) = 46.3 + 33.9 log(f) - 13.82 log(Hb) - a(Hm) + [44.9 - 6.55 log(Hb)] log(d) + Cm where a(Hm) = [1.1*log(f) - 0.7]*Hm - [1.56*log(f) -0.8]

For medium sized city, suburban centres with moderate tree density Cm = 0 dB For metropolitan centres Cm = 3 dB The propagation model applies with condition ::
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Frequency of operation (f) Base station height (Hb) Mobile height (Hm) Distance (d)

: 1500 - 2000 MHz : 30 - 200 m : 1 - 10 m : 1 - 20 km

Propagation Model
Hata Model
Lu (dB) = 69.55 + 26.16 log(f) - 13.82 log(Hb) - a(Hm) + [44.9 - 6.55 log(Hb)] log(d)

For medium-small city

a(Hm) = [1.1 log(f) -0.7] Hm - [1.56 log(f) -0.8]

For large city

a(Hm) = 8.29 [log(1.54 Hm)]2 - 1.1 a(Hm) = 3.2 [log(11.75 Hm)]2 - 4.97 for f <= 200 MHz for f >= 400 MHz

For Suburban
Lsu (dB) = Lu - 2 [log(f/28)]2 - 5.4

For Rural (Quasi-open)

Lrqo (dB) = Lu - 4.78 [log(f)]2 + 18.33 log(f) - 35.94

For Rural (Open area)

Lrqo (dB) = Lu - 4.78 [log(f)]2 + 18.33 log(f) - 40.94
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Propagation Model
Hata Model The propagation model applies with condition :: Frequency of operation (f) Base station height (Hb) Mobile height (Hm) Distance (d) : 150 - 1000 MHz : 30 - 200 m : 1 - 10 m : 1 - 20 km

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Propagation Model
Standard Macrocell Model for Asset Lp (dB) = K1 + K2 log(d) + K3 Hm + K4 log(Hm) + K5 log(Heff) + K6 log(Heff) log(d) + K7 Diffraction + Clutter factor where Lp, Diffraction, Clutter factor are in dB d, Hm, Heff are in m

It is based on the Okumura-Hata empirical model, with a number of additional features to enhance its flexibility Known to be valid for frequencies from 150MHz to 2GHz Applies in condition : Base station height : 30 - 200 m Mobile height : 1 - 10 m Distance : 1 - 20 km An optional second intercept and slope (K1, K2) for the creation of a twopiece model with the slope changing at the specified breakpoint distance.
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Link Budget
Link Budget Element of a GSM Network
BTS Antenna Gain Max. Path Loss Fade Margin

LNA (optional)

Penetration Loss

Feeder Loss ACE Loss BTS Transmit Power Diversity Gain BTS Receiver Sensitivity

MS Antenna Gain, Body and Cable Loss

Mobile Transmit Power

Mobile Receiver Sensitivity

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Link Budget
BTS Transmit Power Maximum transmit power GSM900 and 1800 networks use radios with 46dBm maximum transmit power ACE Loss Includes all diplexers, combiners and connectors. Depends on the ACE configuration The ACE configuration depends on the number of TRXs and combiners used
No of TRXs 1 or 2 1 or 2 3 or 4 3 or 4 Network GSM900 GSM1800 GSM900 GSM1800 ACE Configuration 2 antennas per cell, diplexer 2 antennas per cell, diplexer 2 antennas per cell, diplexer + hybrid combiner 2 antennas per cell, diplexer + hybrid combiner Downlink ACE Loss (dB) 1.0 1.2 4.4 4.4

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Link Budget
Mobile Receiver Sensitivity The sensitivity of GSM900 and GSM1800 mobile = -102 dBm The following should be noted : The sensitivity level is not sufficient to achieve
RXQUAL of 4 without frequency hopping RXQUAL of 5 with frequency hopping

A mobile receiver that moves at 50km/h averages the fading, but a static one will be under more severe fading influences. Therefore : If the quality of a static mobile needs to be considered, then a quality margin of approximately 4 - 5 dB is used The mobile sensitivity would be -97 or -98 dBm

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Link Budget
Mobile Transmit Power GSM900 : Typical mobile class 4 (2W) GSM1800 : Typical mobile class 1 (1W)
Class 1 2 3 4 5 GSM 900 (Watt/dBm) 8 / 39 5 / 37 2 / 33 0.8 / 29 GSM 1800 (Watt/dBm) 1 / 30 0.25 / 24 4 / 36 -

LNA (Optional) To improve the performance of the uplink Should be located close to the antenna to : Improve the system noise figure Compensate the feeder losses

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Mast Head Amplifier

Achieves quality impovement and cell expansion by improving receive sensitivity at the antenna The Mast Head Amplifier is installed in the receive path, close to the antenna It compensates for the cable loss between antenna and BTS, for the uplink path, allowing higher BTS transmit powers while retaining path balance. Only effective in uplinkuplink-limited cells

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Link Budget
Diversity Gain Two common techniques used : Space Polarisation Reduce the effect of multipath fading on the uplink Common value of 3 to 4.5 dB being used BTS Receiver Sensitivity Depends on the type of propagation environment model used, most commonly used TU50 model BTS2000 : Receiver Sensitivity for GSM900 = -107 dBm Receiver Sensitivity for GSM1800 = -108 dBm

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Link Budget
Feeder Loss Depends on the feeder type and feeder length The selection of the feeder type would depends on the feeder length, I.e. to try to limit to feeder loss to 2 - 3 dB. BTS Antenna Gain Antenna gain has a direct relationship to the cell size The selection of the antenna type depends on : The morphology classes of the targeted area and coverage requirements Zoning and Local authority regulations/limitations Common antenna types used : 65, 90, omni-directional antennas with different gains

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Link Budget
Slow Fading Margin To reserve extra signal power to overcome potential slow fading. Depends on the requirement of coverage probability and the standard deviation of the fading A design can take into consideration : both outdoor and in-building coverage, which utilises a combined standard deviation for indoor and outdoor (Default value = 9dB) Only outdoor coverage (Default vendor value = 7dB) Pathloss slope used, 45dB/dec (Dense Urban), 42dB/dec (Urban), 38dB/dec (Suburban) and 33dB/dec (Rural)
Cell Area Coverage Probability (%) 85 90 95
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Combined (outdoor & indoor) slow fade margin (dB) DU U SU RU 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 9 9 10

Outdoor slow fade margin (dB) DU 1 3 6 U 1 3 6 SU 2 4 7 RU 2 4 7

Link Budget
Penetration Loss Penetration loss depends on the building structure and material Penetration loss is included for in-building link budget Typical value used for Asia-Pacific environment (if country specific information is not available) : Dense Urban : 20 dB Urban : 18 dB Suburban : 15 dB Rural : 9 dB Body Loss Typical value of 2dB body loss is used MS Antenna Gain A typical mobile antenna gain of 2.2 dBi is used

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Link Budget
Link Budget Example (GSM900)
UPLINK MS Transmit Power Cable Loss MS Antenna Gain Body Loss Penetration Loss Slow Fade Margin Max. Path Loss BTS Antenna Gain LNA Gain Feeder Loss ACE Loss Diversity Gain BTS Receiver Sensitivity DOWNLINK BTS Transmit Power ACE Loss Feeder Loss LNA Gain BTS Antenna Gain Max. Path Loss Slow Fade Margin Penetration Loss Body Loss MS Antenna Gain Cable Loss Diversity Gain MS Receiver Sensitivity

33 dBm 0 dB 2.2 dBi 2 dB W X Y 18 dBi 0 dB 2 dB 0 dB 4 dB -107 dBm

46 dBm Z 2 dB 0 dB 18 dBi Y X W 2 dB 2.2 dBi 0 dB 0 dB -102 dBm

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Antenna Selection Gain Beamwidths in horizontal and vertical radiated planes VSWR Frequency range Nominal impedance Radiated pattern (beamshape) in horizontal and vertical planes Downtilt available (electrical, mechanical) Polarisation Connector types (DIN, N) Height, weight, windload and physical dimensions

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The antenna selection process Identify system specifications such as polarisation, impedance and bandwidth Select the azimuth or horizontal plane pattern to obtain the needed coverage Select the elevation or vertical plane pattern to be as narrow as possible, consistent with practical limitations of size, weight and cost Check other parameters such as cost, power rating, size, weight, mounting capabilities, wind loading, connector types, aesthetics and reliability to ensure that they meet system requirements

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System Specification Impedance and frequency bandwidth is normally associated with the communication system used The polarisation would depends on if polarisation diversity is used Horizontal Plane Pattern Three categories for the horizontal plane pattern : Omnidirectional Sectored (directional) Narrow beam (highly directional) Elevation Plane Pattern Choosing the antenna with the smallest elevation plane beamwidth will give maximum gain. However, beamwidth and size are inversely related Electrical down tilt Null filling
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Example 90 vs 60 horizontal beamwidth Bore sight gain vs performance at sector cross over Indoor : 90 antenna gives a more circular coverage Vertical Beamwidth Wider vertical beamwidth, better RF performance in rolling terrain Excessive Multipath Environment Reduce horizontal and vertical beamwidth Long Bridge over Water Very high gain antennas with extremely narrow beamwidth

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Receive Diversity
Diversity schemes provide two or more inputs at the receiver so that the fading phenomena among the inputs are less correlated Types of Receive Antenna Diversity Space diversity Polarisation diversity Space Diversity Two receive antenna separated physically by a distance, d The separation, d, varies with the antenna height

h = d

, = f( )

h = antenna height d = antenna separation distance = correlation coefficient of 2 signals received

For practical limitation, the diversity antenna distance for : GSM900 : approximately 3 m GSM1800 : approximately 1.5 m
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Nominal RF Design
Link Budget Propagation model Coverage requirements Traffic requirements

Maximum path loss Site radius Typical site configuration

Transmit Power Antenna configuration (type, height, azimuth) Site type (sector, omni) Standard hexagon site layout Friendly, candidate sites Initial site survey inputs

Nominal RF Design (coverage)

Recalculate the site radius using the number of sites from the traffic requirement Repeat the nominal RF design

Coverage site count Traffic > Cov. Cov. > Traffic

Traffic requirements
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Traffic site count

Nominal site count

Nominal RF Design
Calculation of cell radius A typical cell radius is calculated for each clutter environment This cell radius is used as a guide for the site distance in the respective clutter environment The actual site distance could varies due to local terrain Inputs for the cell radius calculation :: Maximum pathloss (from the link budget) Typical site configuration (for each clutter environment) Propagation model Example (GSM1800) :: Maximum Pathloss = 138 dB Typical Site Configuration (Urban) Antenna Height = 30 m EiRP = 56 dBm
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Standard COST231 model Mobile Height = 1.5 m

Nominal RF Design
COST231COST231 -Hata model (Urban)
Lu (dB) = 46.3 + 33.9 log(f) - 13.82 log(Hb) - a(Hm) + [44.9 - 6.55 log(Hb)] log(d) a(Hm) = 0.0432

Rearranging the equation and substituting the value given :35.22 Log(d) = 136.24 - 0.0432 - 138 d = 0.889 km The cell radius is calculated without using any terrain/clutter information A margin is taken to take into consideration of diffraction and implementation margin A clutter offset (for each clutter type) can be applied In a standard 3 sector hexagon site configuration, the relationship between the cell radius and site distance is :Site Distance = 1.5 x Maximum Cell Radius

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Nominal RF Design
There are different level of nominal RF design :: Only using the cell radius/site distance calculated and placing ideal hexagon cell layout Using the combination of the calculated cell radius and the existing/friendly sites from the customer

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Nominal RF Design
The site distance also depends on the required capacity In most mobile network, the traffic density is highest within the CBD area and major routes/intersections The cell radius would need to be reduce in this area to meet the traffic requirements If the total sites for the traffic requirement is more than the sites required for coverage, the nominal RF design is repeated using the number of sites from the traffic requirement Recalculating the cell radius for the high traffic density areas The calculation steps are : Calculate the area to be covered per site Calculate the maximum cell radius Calculate the site distance

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Site Realisation
vendor vendor Objective Link objective to sites Cust / vendor vendor Add sites to survey schedule

Site Survey Site Identification process RF Design No

Prioritise objective


Planning meeting Cust / vendor

High priority objectives with linked sites Yes Prioritise sites



Site Package forwarded to Cust


Other sites available for objective ?

Cust / vendor

Accepted Implementation Rejected

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Site Realisation
Release of Search Ring Suitable Y Candidates? Candidates Approved?

Arranged Caravan

All parties agreed at Caravan

Produce Final RF Design

Problem identifying candidate

Next candidate

Caravan next candidate

Exhausted candidates

Discuss alternative with customer Driveby, RF suggest possible alternative

Exhausted candidates


Candidate approved?

Issue design change

Cell split required

Additional sites required

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Site Realisation
Search Ring Form
Site ID Site Name Latitude/Longitude Project name Issue Number and date Ground height Clutter environment Preliminary configuration
Number of sector Azimuth Antenna type Antenna height

Search ring radius Search ring objective Attachment

Location map
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Site Realisation
Candidate Assessment Report Includes all suitable candidates for the search ring For each candidates : Location (latitude/longitude) Location map showing the relative location of the candidates and also the search ring Candidate information (height, owner etc) Photographs (360 set, rooftop, access, building) Possible antenna mounting position Possible base station equipment location Information for any existing antennas Planning reports/comments (restrictions, possibilities of approval etc.)

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Site Realisation
Final RF Configuration Form Base Station configuration Azimuth Antenna height Antenna type Down tilt Antenna location Feeder type and length BTS type Transmit power Transceiver configuration

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Site Realisation
The suitability of a candidate site is determine based on the coverage that the candidate will provide (against the design coverage) and the interference that the candidate site will cause Antenna selection Type : omni, directional (options of various beamwidth) Type : Cross-polarised, vertical polarised Downtilt : fixed, variable Gain (low, medium, high) Antenna installation Clear of any local clutters, obstructions
d 2D2/, where D is the maximum antenna dimension Obstacles within the surrounding region can dramatically distort RF radiation pattern Position antenna such that at least the main lobe is un-obstructed 1:3 rule of thumb for antenna height vs distance to roof top parapet

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Site Realisation
Antenna installation Omni-directional antenna
Normally mounted at the highest point possible If it is side mounted, the antenna pattern will be distorted due to tower RF wave reflection and shadowing

Directional antenna
For the new cross-polarised antenna, all the 3 antennas can be mounted on a single pole

Wall Mounting
Ideal perpendicular to wall surface Avoid metal building structural objects

Corner Mounting
Maximum 15 from perpendicular direction to avoid distortion

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Site Realisation
Collocating with other antennas Spurious emission
Cause rx desensitization (noise floor increase) Level should be 10dB below thermal noise floor

Cause by rx LNA non-linearity IMP3 level 10dB below thermal noise floor

Receiver overload
Total received power drive amplifier into non-linear gain region Total rx power 5dB below 1dB compression point of rx amplifier

Use vertical separation if possible (provide better decoupling)

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Site Realisation
Antenna downtilt

= arctan(h/2R) + BWv/2 = 180 - 2* arctan(R/h)


(equation 1) (equation 2)

R = cell radius h = antenna height BWv = antenna vertical beamwidth


desired R Arctan(h/R)

Interfering R

desired R
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Site Realisation
Antenna downtilt reduces the interference to neighbouring cells and enhance the weak spots in the cell Equation 1 is used to control extreme interference, reduces the interference at the neighbouring cell (d=2R) by 3dB Equation 2 is used to improve interference, preserving the coverage at the edge of the cell (d=R) RF feeder run : Proposed route Feeder length Feeder type

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Traffic Engineering

Spectrum Available

Reuse factor

Maximum number of TRX per cell

Traffic Requirement

Channel loading

No of TCH available

Traffic offered

Subscriber supported

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Traffic Engineering
Traffic Requirement The Erlang per subscriber (during busy hour) is given by ::-

Erlang / sub =

BHCA Average call holding time( s ) 3600

BHCA = Busy hour call attempt Average call holding time = Duration of time (s) for an average call

Grade of Service (GoS) GoS is expressed as the percentage of call attempts that are blocked during peak traffic Most cellular systems are designed to a blocking rate of 1% to 5% during busy hour Outside busy hour, the blocking rate is much lower
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Traffic Engineering
Frequency Reuse In designing a frequency reuse plan, it is necessary to develop a regular pattern on which to assign frequencies The hexagon is chosen because it most closely approximated the coverage produced by an omni or sector site Common reuse factor : 4/12, 7/21

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Traffic Engineering
Distance to Cell Radius and C/I The reuse cluster size, N and the D/R ratio are related by :-

D = 3N R
where D is the distance separation between cell centers and R is the cell radius As N decreases, the D/R ratio becomes smaller and the C/I ratio goes down, interference increases As the number of sector increases, the number of potential interferers decreases. For example, using a 3 sector configuration reduces the number of first tier interferers from 6 to 2 In GSM conventional frequency planning, the 4/12 reuse pattern is typical. Using the inverse 3.5 exponent law, a mean C/I ratio of ~18dB would be found at the edge of the cell Advance frequency planning techniques further reduces the reuse factor
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Traffic Engineering
Example :: Available spectrum = 10 MHz Available channels : 48 channels Design 1 Proposed Reuse factor = 4/12 Channels required per TRX layer : 12 Number of TRX : 4 Design 2
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Proposed reuse factor for BCCH = 4/12 Proposed reuse factor for remaining TRX = 3/9 Number of channels for BCCH layer = 12 Remaining channels = 36 Number of channels for non-BCCH layer = 9 Number of non-BCCH layers = 4 Total number of TRX = 5

Traffic Engineering
Channel Loading As the number of TRX increases, the control channels required increases accordingly The following channel loading is used for conventional GSM network For services such as cell broadcast, additional control channels might be required
Number of TRX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Control Channels Combined BCCH/SDCCH Combined BCCH/SDCCH 1 BCCH, 1 SDCCH 1 BCCH, 1 SDCCH 1 BCCH, 2 SDCCH 1 BCCH, 2 SDCCH 1 BCCH, 3 SDCCH 1 BCCH, 3 SDCCH Number of TCH 7 15 22 30 37 45 52 60

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Traffic Engineering
After determining the number of TCH available and the traffic requirements, the traffic offered is calculated using the Erlang B table For example, for a 2% GoS and 3 TRX configuration, the traffic offered is 14.9 Erlang If the traffic per subscriber is 35mE/subscriber, then the total subscribers supported per sector = 425

For a uniform traffic distribution network, the number of sites required for the traffic requirement is ::Total sites = Total subscribers Subscriber supported per site

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Traffic Engineering
Erlang B Table
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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1% 1.20% 1.50% 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.46 0.49 0.54 0.87 0.92 0.99 1.36 1.43 1.52 1.91 2 2.11 2.5 2.6 2.74 3.13 3.25 3.4 3.78 3.92 4.09 4.46 4.61 4.81 5.16 5.32 5.54 5.88 6.05 6.29 6.61 6.8 7.05 7.35 7.56 7.82 8.11 8.33 8.61 8.88 9.11 9.41 9.65 9.89 10.2 10.4 10.7 11 11.2 11.5 11.8 12 12.3 12.7 12.8 13.1 13.5 13.7 14 14.3 14.5 14.8 15.2

2% 0.02 0.22 0.6 1.09 1.66 2.28 2.94 3.63 4.34 5.08 5.84 6.61 7.4 8.2 9.01 9.83 10.7 11.5 12.3 13.2 14 14.9 15.8

3% 0.03 0.28 0.72 1.26 1.88 2.54 3.25 3.99 4.75 5.53 6.33 7.14 7.97 8.8 9.65 10.5 11.4 12.2 13.1 14.0 14.9 15.8 16.7

5% 0.05 0.38 0.9 1.52 2.22 2.96 3.74 4.54 5.37 6.22 7.08 7.95 8.83 9.73 10.6 11.5 12.5 13.4 14.3 15.2 16.2 17.1 18.1

7% 0.1 0.5 1.1 1.8 2.5 3.3 4.1 5 5.9 6.8 7.7 8.6 9.5 10.5 11.4 12.4 13.4 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.3 18.2 19.2

10% 0.11 0.6 1.27 2.05 2.88 3.76 4.67 5.6 6.55 7.51 8.49 9.47 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.6 17.6 18.7 19.7 20.7

15% 0.18 0.8 1.6 2.5 3.45 4.44 5.46 6.5 7.55 8.62 9.69 10.8 11.9 13 14.1 15.2 16.3 17.4 18.5 19.6 20.8 21.9 23

20% 30% 40% 50% 0.25 0.43 0.67 1 1 1.45 2 2.73 1.93 2.63 3.48 4.59 2.95 3.89 5.02 6.5 4.01 5.19 6.6 8.44 5.11 6.51 8.19 10.4 6.23 7.86 9.8 12.4 7.37 9.21 11.4 14.3 8.52 10.6 13 16.3 9.68 12 14.7 18.3 10.9 13.3 16.3 20.3 12 14.7 18 22.2 13.2 16.1 19.6 24.2 14.4 17.5 21.2 26.2 15.6 18.9 22.9 28.2 16.8 20.3 24.5 30.2 18 21.7 26.2 32.2 19.2 23.1 27.8 34.2 20.4 24.5 29.5 36.2 21.6 25.9 31.2 38.2 22.8 27.3 32.8 40.2 24.1 28.7 34.5 42.1 25.3 30.1 36.1 44.1

Traffic Engineering - Example

Traffic distribution

Supporting up to 10,000 startup sub GOS : 2% (0.02) Traffic/subs : 25 mErlang(0.025 Erlang)

Solutions A = function(GOS, #TCH) - refer Erlang B table B = A x # Sector Radio Network Capacity = B/Erlang per Sub


SOUTH (60%)

Slide No.62

Traffic Engineering - Example

BTS Count with Respective TRX Configuration For Traffic Regions Region 1 North Clutter Dense Urban Urban Suburban Rural Dense Urban Urban Suburban Rural Total BTS Configuration 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1 1 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1 1 No of BTS 4 6 3 1 5 10 2 2 33 Radio Network Capacity Capacity Forecast



2 South





Slide No.63

Traffic Engineering
If a traffic map is provided, the traffic engineering is done together with the coverage design After the individual sites are located, the estimated number of subscribers in each sector is calculated by :: Calculating the physical area covered by each sector Multiply it by the average subscriber density per unit area in that region The overlap areas between the sectors should be included in each sector because either sector is theoretically capable of serving the area The number of channels required is then determined by :: Calculating the total Erlangs by multiplying the area covered by the average load generated per subscriber during busy hour Determine the required number of TCH and then the required number of TRXs If the number of TRXs required exceeded the number of TRXs supported by the available spectrum, additional sites will be required
Slide No.64

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