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Business Data Communications Quiz2

1. What means ERP on the Internet? Also, list and define the two main protocols in an ERP? (15%) ( p.5-44) (1) ERP (Exterior Routing Protocols): routing operates between two or more ASs (autonomous systems) (2) BGP (Border Gateway Protocol): distance vector 2. Compare the differences (give 5 items) between LAN (Local Area Networks) and WAN (Wide Area Networks). (15%) LAN WAN Distance Speed Signal Architecture Cost Short Fast Digital Simple Low Long Slow Analog/Digital Complex High

3. Compare the differences (give 3 items) between TCP and UDP in the Internet Transport Layer. (15%) ( p5-16, 10 ) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) UDP (User Datagram Protocol) connection-oriented ACK flow control packets are dependent connectionless NO ACK No flow control packets are independent

4. How does TCP/IP perform address resolution from URLs into Internet Layer addresses? (15%) ( p.5-33, p5-38, 13 ) URL IP Address DNS (Domain Name Service) 5. Simple define ICMP and IGMP protocols in a TCP/IP protocols suite. (10%)( p.5-47, p5-50) - ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol): an error reporting protocol - IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol): multicasting routing 6. Under what circumstances is Switched Ethernet preferred to Shared Ethernet? (10%) ( 15 ) Large networks and heavy traffic flow 7. Describe three ways to improve LAN performance on the Server hardware. (10%)( p.6-43, 4 ) - add more servers and spread the network applications across the server to balance the load - upgrade to a faster computer - increase the servers memory - increase the number and speed of servers hard disks - upgrade to a faster NIC 8. What are three reasons for developing a LAN. (10%) ( p.6-4, 18 ) Information sharing Resource sharing Cost saving

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