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Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Important Concepts 3.1 Variety of Living Things and Their Classification Quick Refresh Smart Review

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Important Concepts
made up of


made up of


classified into

Flowering plants
classified into

Non-flowering plants
classified into

Squid Octopus Beetle

Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals


Fungi Moss Fern 2

TRG Science Form 2

Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity


Animals can be classified into two groups: Invertebrates Animals without backbone Make up the most number of animals on the Earth Have great variety of shapes and sizes Some invertebrates have soft bodies with no bones at all. Examples of these invertebrates are earthworms and octopus Some invertebrates have coating on the outside of their bodies, also known as exoskeletons. Examples of these invertebrates are beetle and lobster Vertebrates Animals with backbone All vertebrates are either warm-blooded or cold-blooded Warm-blooded vertebrates have fixed body temperature Cold-blooded vertebrates have body temperature that changes to the surrounding temperature Can be divided into five main groups, which are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

TRG Science Form 2

Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Class of vertebrate

Fish Characteristics

Characteristic of body Type of blood Breathing organ Type of fertilisation Method of reproduction Habitat Examples of animals

Covered and protected by overlapping scales Cold-blooded Gills External fertilisation Lay eggs Water

Sardine, goldfish, eel, clownfish

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Class of vertebrate

Amphibians Characteristics

Characteristic of body Type of blood Breathing organ Type of fertilisation Method of reproduction Habitat Examples of animals

Covered by moist skin Cold-blooded Gills (tadpole stage) Skins and lungs (adult stage) External fertilisation Lay eggs (without shell) Water and land

Frog, toad, salamander

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Class of vertebrate

Reptiles Characteristics

Characteristic of body Type of blood Breathing organ Type of fertilisation Method of reproduction Habitat Examples of animals

Covered with dry scales Cold-blooded Lungs Internal fertilisation Lay eggs (with shell) Water and land

Crocodile, turtle, snake

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Class of vertebrate

Birds Characteristics

Characteristic of body

Covered with feathers Have beak Have a pair of wings Have a pair of legs covered with dry scales Warm-blooded Lungs Internal fertilisation Lay eggs (with shell) Land

Type of blood Breathing organ Type of fertilisation Method of reproduction Habitat Examples of animals

Sparrow, swan, chicken, pigeon 7

TRG Science Form 2

Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Class of vertebrate

Mammals Characteristics

Characteristic of body

Covered with fur or hair Have a pair of external ears Have sweat gland Have mammary gland (produce milk for the young) Warm-blooded Lungs Internal fertilisation Give birth to young Land

Type of blood Breathing organ Type of fertilisation Method of reproduction Habitat Examples of animals

Lion, deer, elephant, whale 8

TRG Science Form 2

Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification


Plants can be classified into two groups: Flowering plants produce flower, fruit and seed. They reproduce by seeds can be classified into monocotyledon and dicotyledon Characteristics Leaf Number of Cotyledon Type of stem Type of root Examples Monocotyledon Leaves with parallel veins One Soft stem Fibrous roots system

Dicotyledon Leaves with network veins Two Woody stem Tap roots system

Maize plant

Rambutan tree

Non-flowering plants do not produce flower, fruit and seed. They reproduce by spores or binary fission can be classified into algae, fungi, moss and fern
TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Non-flowering plant

Algae Characteristics

Type of stem, leaf and root Chlorophyll Nutrition Reproduction Habitat Examples of plant

Do not have leaves, stem and root Present Makes its own food (carries out photosynthesis) Binary fission Water

Chlamydomonas, spirogyra, seaweed

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Non-flowering plant

Fungi Characteristics

Type of stem, leaf and root Chlorophyll Nutrition Reproduction Habitat Examples of plant

Do not have leaves, stem and root Absent Gets food from living or dead organisms (live as parasite) Produces spores (yeast reproduce by budding) Damp places

Mold, yeast, mushroom

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Non-flowering plant

Moss Characteristics

Type of stem, leaf and root Chlorophyll Nutrition Reproduction Habitat

Have leaves and stem Do not have root Present Make its own food (carries out photosynthesis) Produces spores Damp places

Examples of plant


TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Variety of Living Things and Their Classification

Non-flowering plant

Fern Characteristics

Type of stem, leaf and root Chlorophyll Nutrition Reproduction Habitat Examples of plant Ferns

Have leaves, stem and root Present Makes its own food (carries out photosynthesis) Produce spores Damp places

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Q.R. 3.1

Quick Refresh

Living organisms can be classified into animals and plants Habitat is the place that living organisms lives, seeks food and reproduce Animals are divided into two group, which is vertebrate and invertebrate

Most of the animals on earth are invertebrates

Vertebrates is the animals with backbones. These includes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals Invertebrates is the animals without backbones Plants are divided into two groups, which are flowering plants and non-flowering plants Flowering plants can be classified into monocotyledon and dicotyledon Non-flowering plants can be classified into algae, fungi, moss and fern
TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity

Smart Review

A living thing also known as an organism Living organisms exist in various shapes, sizes and habitats Variations is the differences that exist between the same species of living organism Some mammals have unusual characteristics than other mammals, such as (a) Whales and dolphins (live in water like fish) (b) Bats (have wings and fly like birds) (c) Anteaters (body covered with dry scales like reptiles, lay eggs) Insects constitutes the largest number among animals

TRG Science Form 2 Amazing Tunas Enterprise (001573407-U)

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