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Writing tasks. Revision units 4,5 and 6 Reorder the words to make questions. Section A. 1.

Could you tell me if you speak any other languages? 2. How do you spend your weekends? 3. Whats your idea of a perfect holiday? 4. Do you come from a big family? 5. What kind of food dont you like? 6. Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? 7. What did you want to be when you were a child? 8. What do you use the internet for? 9. What kinds of things annoy you in a restaurant? 10. Do you mind telling me where you bought those shoes? 11. Can you remember the first time you travelled by plane? 12. What music do you like listening in the car? Reorder the words to make questions. Section B. 1. Can you remember the last time you bought a DVD? 2. What would be your ideal evening? 3. What kind of things are you good at? 4. What dont you like about where you live? 5. What made you want to learn English? 6. What were you doing this time yesterday? 7. Do you know how long this school has been opened? 8. Would you like to go and live in a foreign country? 9. Have you ever broken your leg or arm? 10. Would you mind telling me what are you afraid of? 11. What about people from your country irritates you most? 12. When was the last time you went to the cinema?

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