GRP Repair Installation

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Installation Procedures for Composite Repairs

June 2005

Installation Procedures for Composite Repairs

June 2005

Title Customer Customer reference Confidentiality, copyright and reproduction Warranty

Installation Procedures for Composite Repairs

File reference Report number Report status

57756001 AEAT 57756 June 2005

AEA Technology plc Building 551.11 Harwell International Business Centre Harwell Oxfordshire OX11 0QJ England Tel: 00-44-870-190-2227 Fax: 00-44-870-190-2225 Name Author Reviewed by Approved by SR Frost Signature Date

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................1 SCOPE............................................................................................................................1 RISK ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................3 DEFINITION OF REPAIR CLASS..............................................................................3 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ..........................................................................4 Types of repair .........................................................................................................5 Reinforcement Systems ........................................................................................5 Resin Systems .........................................................................................................6 Adhesives..................................................................................................................7 In-fill Compounds ....................................................................................................8 Surface Preparation Agents .................................................................................8 STORAGE CONDITIONS............................................................................................8 METHOD STATEMENTS............................................................................................9 INSTALLER QUALIFICATIONS ..............................................................................10 INSTALLATION GUIDANCE ....................................................................................11 Surface Preparation..............................................................................................11 Laminate Lay-up ....................................................................................................13 Cure...........................................................................................................................15 Key Hold Points .....................................................................................................16 Documentation.......................................................................................................17

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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

LIVE REPAIRS........................................................................................................18 REPAIR OF CLAMPS, PIPING COMPONENTS, TANKS OR VESSELS....19 SYSTEM TESTING.................................................................................................19 FIRE SERVICE........................................................................................................20 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY...........................................................................21 INSPECTION ...........................................................................................................21 HEALTH AND SAFETY.........................................................................................21 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................22 FUTURE MODIFICATIONS ..................................................................................22 DECOMMISSIONING.............................................................................................23 BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................................23

APPENDICES .....................................................................................................................25 Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms .....................................................................................26 Appendix 2: Installer Qualification ................................................................................28

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Codes and standards for pressurised equipment provide rules for the design, fabrication, inspection and testing of new piping systems. These codes do not address the fact that equipment degrades in service or may require to be up-rated due to a change in duty, nor do they consider options for remedial action should such events occur. This document provides guidance for the installation of one repair option: the external reinforcement and the repair of damage such as holes in pipe or pipe components using composite materials. The procedures described in this guidance note can be used to assist in the application of composite reinforcements to allow damaged pressurised equipment to continue to operate safely. The application of a composite repair involves the completion of a bonded connection between it and the underlying pipe and the quality of this bond is a key factor in the success of the repair. The most important element within the bonding process is surface preparation, and failure to execute this task correctly will lead to a reduced level of performance irrespective of other issues such as the quality of the mechanical design of the repair laminate itself. As such it is important that installation instructions for the bonding operation are followed rigorously. A further key point that must be considered in the design and application of a bonded repair is that the combination of pipe material/surface preparation technique/composite laminate is the basic design unit. Suppliers of repair options will have qualified their materials, design and application procedures on this basis. It is not valid therefore to substitute the specified surface preparation method for another unless it has been explicitly demonstrated to be fit for purpose as part of a total bonded arrangement. The development of this document was carried out in collaboration with a number of organisations representing material suppliers, users and regulatory agencies. Those involved included Shell, BP, Saudi Aramco, Amerada Hess, Petrobras, Statoil, BGHydrocarbon Resources Ltd, DML, WTR, Clock Spring and IMG.

The installation procedures given in this document cover situations involving damage commonly encountered in utility oil and gas pipework systems. The procedures are also applicable to the repair of pipelines. They are not intended to provide a definitive guideline for every possible situation that may be encountered. However, they are intended to be used flexibly and can, in principle, be used as a basis for repairs to uncommon situations that are not explicitly covered. Procedures in this document cover the repair of carbon steel pipework and pipework components, and pipelines originally designed in accordance with a variety of pipe standards including ISO 15649/13623, ASME B31.1/B31.3/B31.4/B31.8 and BS 8010. The following circumstances are addressed: external corrosion, which may or may not cause leaking, and structural integrity needs to be restored. In this case it is probable that with suitable surface preparation the application of a composite repair will arrest further deterioration;

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external damage such as dents, gouges, fretting (at supports) where structural integrity needs to be restored; internal corrosion, which may or may not be leaking, and there is a need to restore structural integrity. In this case it is probable that corrosion will continue and the assessment must take this into account; structural strengthening to account for an increase in pressure rating or other loads in local areas.

Pipe services that are considered are: utility fluids, diesel, seawater, air; chemicals; produced fluids, including gas and gas condensate.

The upper pressure/temperature limits are dependent on the type of damage being repaired and the type of repair being used. These limits are determined by the qualification testing requirements presented in the following sections. A lower temperature limit of -500C can be assumed but further considerations in the design are required. Also, the internal fluids and, or external environment can reduce these pressure/temperature limits. Use of this document outside these service ranges is possible subject to the comments given below. The composite materials considered within the document are those with glass (GRP) or carbon (CFRP) reinforcement in a polyester, vinyl ester or epoxy matrix. Examples where the details of the application are outside the above scope, but where the intent of the design guidelines may be used coupled with a more complete analysis are: other pipe specifications; other tubular products, e.g. caissons; other pressurised parts, e.g. storage tanks and pressure vessels; other pipe materials, e.g. alloyed steel; other degradation mechanisms, e.g. wall loss due to erosion; other service conditions, e.g. process fluids or operating envelope; other composite material systems.

Elements of the procedures are also applicable to those repair systems with different design features, e.g. those that use elastomeric seals or other means of containing the fluid. The operational envelope described in this scope is intended to cover the majority of applications and experience at the time the document was prepared. The allowable pressure for repairs in leaking pipes is lower due to the fact that in these circumstances the repair material is in direct contact with the process fluid and subject to loadings that are more severe than in the non-leaking case. For the non-leaking case there is considerable successful experience at high pressures especially for pipeline applications. There are some examples where the composite repair option is in use or being considered for more arduous conditions and for more complex repairs. This flexibility in materials and design options is one of the key advantages with composites.

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For each repair situation a risk assessment shall be carried out. In most cases the risk assessment will be carried out by the owner/user. The objective of the assessment shall be to establish the Class of the repair and this determines the detail of the design method to be carried out together with the requirements for supporting documentation. The risk assessment shall include consideration of the hazards associated with system service, the availability of the personnel with the necessary skills, the ease with which it is practicable to execute surface preparation operations, availability of design data, leak before break, inspectability, and performance under upset and major incident situations including fire, collision and environmental loading. The risk assessment shall also provide information and data describing any hazards for inclusion in the repair method statement to be used on site. Leak before break is a general characteristic of composite materials under internal pressure loading. Generally, failure is through weeping of the process media through the wall thickness of the laminate. For repairs, there will be an additional failure mechanism due to possible delamination of the repair from the parent steel. This type of failure will also be characterised by leak before break. Suppliers of repair materials will have experience relating to their specific products and confirmatory test information from any qualification testing that has been carried out.


Specific repairs shall be allocated to a particular class following completion of the risk assessment. Repair Classes are defined in Table 1. Class 1 repairs cover pressure ratings up to 10 bar g and therefore are appropriate to the majority of the utility service systems on an offshore facility. This Class is intended for those systems that do not relate directly to personnel safety or safety critical systems. Class 2 repairs cover pressure ratings up to 20 bar g and therefore are appropriate to those systems that have specific safety related functions. Class 3 repairs cover pressures up to the qualified upper pressure limit. This Class is appropriate for many of the systems transporting produced fluids on an offshore facility. Hazards for these systems derive primarily from the nature of the fluids they convey. For applications not included in the above, they shall be designated as Class 3.

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Repair Class

Typical Service Low specification duties, e.g. static head, drains Cooling medium, sea (service) water, utility hydrocarbons Fire water/deluge systems Produced water and hydrocarbons, flammable fluids, gas systems. Class 3 also covers operating conditions more onerous than described.



Class 1

< 10 bar g

-200 to 400 C -200 to 1000 C -500 to qualified upper limit

Class 2

< 20 bar g

Class 3

Qualified upper limit

Table 1: Repair classification The ASME PCC-2 (high risk metal pipe) standard refers only to Class 3 systems. This is because the scope of the ASME standard in terms of potential applications is significantly wider than this guideline for off-shore use and attempting to define a generic Class system would be too complicated. The ASME PCC-2 (low risk metal pipe) standard is equivalent to Class 1 systems. The definitions for Class 1 to 3 given in Table 1 cover the majority of composite repairs carried out at the present time. It is not intended that the data presented in Table 1 should preclude the use of composites for other duties. For more onerous applications detailed consideration between the owner/user and supplier is required. The derivation of the definitions for the repair classes involved the consideration of typical repair situations and the repair options currently available. The intention is to ensure that these procedures allowed the use of simple repair procedures and techniques for straightforward scenarios (Class 1), whilst establishing a means of increasing the level of conservatism for the higher risk duties (Classes 2 to 3). The selection of Class is governed by the output of the risk assessment.

A discussion of the details relating to material of construction is given in the following sections. The production of a composite laminate requires the combination of a network of fibrous reinforcement and a thermosetting polymer matrix that is subsequently subject to a chemical curing process. This often involves the use of a liquid resin and layers of reinforcing material at the point of application, which means that the load carrying material is formed as the repair is carried out. The final properties of the material are significantly influenced by the method of application, the details of the lay-up and the form of reinforcement used. This is due to possible variations in the fibre fraction in the composite, fibre orientation with the respect to the applied loading, and the achieved state of cure. There are alternatives ('prepregs')

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whereby the constituent materials are brought to the repair site already combined in a partially cured state and these materials reduce the number of variables that may be present during material application, but further processing (curing) is still required. In both circumstances the properties that deliver the required mechanical and environmental performance are not developed until the point of installation. This issue is similar, in principle, to that for the bonded connection where the load carrying capacity of the joint is not achieved until the repair is complete. These points emphasise the need for installation practices to be fully controlled to ensure that the materials present in a repair are the same from a technical point of view as those that have been qualified by the supplier.

5.1 Types of repair

Repairs that are currently supplied fall into two generic types: bandage and engineered. In the first, material often in a pre-packed form can be held as a stock repair and the intent is for them to be applied by maintenance personnel on the facility. In the second case the repair is specified and designed on a bespoke basis and, in many cases, installed by specialist contractors. Broadly, the principles governing installation are the same in both cases, although it should be noted that the use of the pre-packaged option does not reduce the need for ensuring personnel are suitably trained. The lifetime of the repair is defined during design. Generally lifetimes can be split into shortterm and long-term. These term designations can have an effect on design, materials of construction (including surface preparation) and documentation requirements. Short-term is intended to denote those situations where the repair is required to survive for a limited period, after which it shall be replaced. Each case should be the subject of an individual assessment, but in any event short-term implies a period of less than 2 years. Typical of these applications will be those where immediate repair action is necessary and the pipe will be assessed further at the next scheduled inspection interval or shut down. Long-term is intended to denote those situations where the repair is required to reinstate the pipe to its original design lifetime or to extend its design life for a specified period. The effect of the short-term/long-term designation manifests itself primarily in the design of the repair through more onerous qualification procedures and design factors. In the context of installation it is important that the repair method as qualified is applied with the same degree of attention regardless of its design lifetime.

5.2 Reinforcement Systems

Most of the repair systems covered by this document employ either glass or carbon reinforcements. Both of these materials are stable and do not require particular consideration in terms of storage conditions (see Section 6), handling or shelf life. In principle all types of reinforcement can be used, e.g. woven and random fabrics or unidirectional. In some cases the repair laminate will be anisotropic, i.e. the strength and stiffness in the direction of the fibres will be greater than in other directions, and the design procedures used in the assessment of the repair will have taken this into account. It is important that the installation method statement gives explicit information on the disposition and orientation of individual layers.

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The effect of fibre orientation can cause variations in stiffness and strength values that are typically in the range between 2 (glass) and 10 (carbon). The correct application is essential particularly for carbon fibre materials. This requirement also applies to woven materials where the properties in the warp and weft directions are nominally the same. Where the surface onto which the repair is applied is of complex geometry it may be a requirement of the design for these layers to be rotated with respect to one another to achieve a quasiisotropic lay-up (so that the properties are nominally the same in all directions). Woven reinforcements are available in a number of forms and it is for the supplier of the repair system to specify the appropriate material. In addition to mechanical performance other criteria that need to be considered are compatibility with the resin system and ease of application. In the latter case, for example, the details of the weave will be a determining factor in the drape characteristics of the fabric and this may be an important factor in repairs for complex geometries. The reinforcement systems employed should be the same as those used during qualification testing. Handling of both glass and carbon is straightforward. Care may need to be taken with short carbon fibres (or carbon dust arising as a result of sawing/grinding operations) in the proximity of electrical equipment. In principle, the guidance given in this document will apply for all potential reinforcement systems, although there may be specific issues with some of the alternatives, e.g. aramid fibres can be prone to water absorption. Specific guidance should be sought from the supplier.

5.3 Resin Systems

A variety of matrix materials are used for composite repair. Most systems employ styrenated (polyester or vinyl ester) or epoxy resins, but polyurethanes, phenolics and furanes have also been used. The correct mixing of resin components is essential and due regard should be taken of the effect of the ambient conditions prevailing at the time of the repair, and any effect these may have on required mixing ratios and the curing reactions. Styrene based resins are normally ambient temperature cure and require the addition of small quantities of catalyst and accelerator for curing to start. Proper measuring equipment must be used as small changes in the amount of accelerator or catalyst have a significant influence on the rate of the curing reaction. It is by changing the relative amount these materials that pot life and time to cure can be controlled to suit site conditions. However, it is important that supplier's limits are observed in order to prevent under cure (styrene evaporation can be a significant factor if the reaction is too slow) or excessive heat generation (the reaction is strongly exothermic) which could cause laminate damage through cracking, especially in thick laminates, or reduce the performance of an adhesive bond. To simplify repair operations it is recommended that resins should be obtained in pre-accelerated form (PA) so that only catalyst need be added at site. Should ambient conditions dictate that normal mixing ratios are not suitable advice should be obtained from the material supplier who may be able to supply special formulations. In some industries it is the norm to use styrenated resins specially formulated to limit the emission of styrene into the atmosphere (LSE resins). This is accomplished by adding a wax component that comes to the surface during cure. It is recommended that these systems are not used for repair applications as

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the presence of the wax can adversely affect mechanical properties, especially bonding. Further comment on the release of styrene into the atmosphere is given in Section 16. Epoxy systems are generally two part systems consisting of a resin and a hardener. These are mixed in similar proportions, but the individual components still need to be metered accurately for the achievement of the desired material performance. The curing of certain epoxy formulations can be adversely affected by the presence of water so appropriate material storage conditions of material prior to use are important (see section 6). In many cases resins will contain fillers to impart specific characteristics. Wherever possible the addition of these further additives should be carried out by the material supplier. It is recommended that fillers of any type are only added where there is a specific technical requirement for their use. This is especially important for glass reinforced materials where the translucent nature of unfilled laminates can greatly assist subsequent inspection. Examples are thixotropic agents to aid lamination on vertical surfaces, flame retardants, UV inhibitors and pigments. Generally, these should be limited to <3% by weight. Bulking fillers such as talc should not be used as they impair laminate properties and can hinder application. Many systems, including some of the epoxy range, can require the application of heat to effect cure and the achievement of the correct temperature regime for a given set of ambient conditions should be an important aspect of the repair method statement. The extent of cure achieved during installation should be the same as that assumed in the design. This may involve the measurement of glass transition temperature (Tg) or heat distortion temperature (HDT). Where 'prepregs' are used these will often incorporate epoxy resins which are partially cured. Final cure is effected after application usually with the application of heat. Prepreg materials can simplify the installation process, as there is no need for further addition of chemicals. There is, however, some loss of flexibility and shelf life. The use of other resin systems also require attention with respect to matters such as storage, mixing and curing. Particular attention needs to be given to the curing of phenolics and furane where the control of cure is particularly important. In the cure of phenolic and furane resins water is formed as a bi-product of the reaction and this must be removed by heat if the cure is to be complete. If this is not done correctly delaminations or porosity may result. Another issue with these particular systems is that acid catalysts are often used. This could preclude them from the repair of carbon steel pipe as the acid can cause corrosion of the steel surface.

5.4 Adhesives
For many repair options the resin comprising the matrix in the composite also acts as the adhesive between the repair material and the underling pipe. In other circumstances a separate adhesive material may be used to effect load transfer at this interface. The materials issues affecting adhesives are broadly similar to those for the resins cited in Section 5.3.

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5.5 In-fill Compounds

For certain repair situations an in-fill compound will be required between the pipe surface and the composite lamination. This may be a feature of the specific repair option or it may be required in individual circumstances to repair local damage to restore a cylindrical profile to the external surface of the pipe. Normally, in-fill compounds will consist of proprietary resin/filler systems. In-fill compounds must have sufficient toughness, and compressive stiffness and strength to ensure adequate load transfer from the pipe to the repair. In-fill compounds will pose the same materials issues as adhesives and resins. The in-fill compound should be compatible with the resin system used.

5.6 Surface Preparation Agents

Surface preparation agents are used for some repair options. For repairs to carbon steel pipe a durable bonded connection can be obtained by cleaning/degreasing to remove contamination followed by grit blasting. For other metallic substrates chemical pretreatments are often a precursor to the achievement of an acceptable bond and these may involve the use of aggressive etching or other surface modification agents. The preparation of surface pre-treatments should be carried out by the suppliers. Mixing of chemicals should not be carried out on site. A key point that has been cited in Section 2 is that surface preparation methods are not interchangeable. The procedure used for surface treatment is an integral part of a given repair method and an alternative cannot be used in lieu of that which has been qualified by the supplier. It is often helpful if a small amount of pigment is included in the surface preparation solution. This provides a visible means to check that it has been correctly applied over the surface prior to bonding.

Storage of material should comply with the suppliers instructions. Manufacturer's Materials Safety Data Sheets should be retained for reference. It should be noted that the materials used will need to be stored and controlled according to COSHH (or similar) regulations. Attention also needs to be given as to how combinations of chemicals are to be stored. These issues will need to be addressed in the risk assessment for the chemical store. An example of the importance of storage conditions related to accelerators and catalysts for styrenated resins. These must not be kept adjacent to one another as if inadvertently spilled and mixed they may cause an explosive hazard All materials should be clearly labelled with relevant Health and Safety data, batch number, expiry date and any other relevant technical information.

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Control of the temperature during storage is particularly important. Shelf lives could be reduced significantly if temperatures are allowed to exceed those specified. Freezing temperatures should also be avoided. Many of materials that are used are formulations involving a number of separate chemicals and additives. These mixtures are often supplied in the form of suspensions or emulsions and freezing can affect their stability. Reinforcements should also be carefully stored to ensure that condensation either due to storage of material below the dew point or on movement between areas at different temperatures cannot occur. Shelf lives quotes by the suppliers should be observed. Resin systems can deteriorate over time, especially in high ambient temperatures, and catalysts can lose their activity. Material should be disposed of at any time where there is any evidence of changes in, for example, colour, smell, viscosity or tack. Disposal of time expired material should be carried out the required manner and according to suppliers instructions. Generally, chemicals should not be mixed prior to disposal, although resin may be converted it to solid form though the addition of curing agents. This operation must be done with care as curing reactions are exothermic and the heat generated from hardening resin in bulk can cause high temperatures.

Each repair should be covered by a method statement that addresses each of the main procedures to be carried out. Input to the method statement would come from the following: Risk assessment (supplied by owner/operator); Working conditions (supplied by owner/operator); Installer training/qualification (supplied by vendor); Design information; plant operating conditions, layout, etc (supplied by owner/operator) design of repair (supplied by repair vendor) Materials information (supplied by repair vendor).

Typically a method statement should include the following information: Health and Safety List of materials to be handled including copies of Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets. COSHH assessment for process. Details of protective measures to be adopted. List of hazards associated with equipment to be repaired and equipment in the vicinity of the repair site with protective measures.

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Installer Training Details of training requirements for installers. Repair Design Details of laminate lay-up including disposition and orientation of individual layers of reinforcement (this may be presented as a written description or a drawing incorporating standard details such as overlap and taper information). Repair Application Details of surface preparation procedure, including method of application, equipment to be used and inspection method. Details of in-fill required to achieve a smooth outer profile prior to the application of the laminate. Details of time limitations between stages of the repair, e.g. between surface preparation and lamination. Details of lay-up procedure including if the laminate is to be applied in stages. Details of curing procedure including post curing if necessary. Quality Assurance Details of hold/inspection points in the repair (see Table 2). Details of any materials tests to be carried out (see Section 9). Details of any systems tests to be carried out (see Section 11). Environmental Information on disposal of unused material.

Suppliers of repair methods will have qualified their system for use in specific applications in complying with the requirements of the design method (see AEAT - 57711). Personnel involved in the installation of composite repairs should have had appropriate training and be qualified in the repair method to be undertaken. This should include the handling of composite materials, surface preparation, lay-up techniques, quality control procedures, and health and safety issues. It is important that the training given provides sufficient technical background to allow personnel to obtain a good understanding as to why key operations such as surface preparation, material handling and lay-up technique are so important. It should be noted that training is an essential element of a successful repair. This also applies to the use of material in the pre-packaged form (see Section 5.1). Selection of these materials does not reduce the need for ensuring personnel are suitably trained. Ideally training should include practical demonstration through the pressure testing of demonstration samples. Guidance on installer qualification is given in Appendix 2. It should be noted that training in one repair option does not necessarily qualify personnel for alternative methods.

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Installation personnel should be the subject of a continuing review of competency with a log kept of experience in the application of repairs. This is important as the levels of competence and experience achieved by an individual installer should also considered in the context of repair activities. For example, working in confined spaces or applying material around complicated geometries can pose additional difficulties that should be taken in to account. Supervisory personnel should also be trained in the relevant technique and ideally should have had a period during which they were engaged in the application of repairs. Supervisors should also be the subject of a continuing review of competency. Guidance on the content of a suitable training programme may be obtained from ISO 14692 where the training requirements for the installation of composite (GRP) pipe are given. Full details of pipe jointing approval schemes are also given in related NTS (Norway) and CSWIP (UK) documents.

Suppliers of repair material should provide full installation instructions for their repair systems. The guidance given in the following sections is intended to complement that given by suppliers and to emphasise the key operations necessary for a successful repair. In the event of conflict the supplier should be contacted for clarification. For certain repair methods it is intended that the remedial work is carried out by specialist contractors and it would be expected that these personnel would be well versed in repair techniques. In these circumstances the guidance proved below would be of value to the owner/operator of a facility as background information and to appraise them of the facilities they need to provide. Full instructions for each repair situation should be given in the method statement prepared in each instance.

9.1 Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is single most important operation in the achievement of a successful repair. The surface preparation should extend over the whole surface onto which the composite laminate is to be applied. There are a number of surface pre-treatments, but they normally entail cleaning/degreasing and surface abrasion. This may (or may not) be accompanied a subsequent chemical treatment stage. For repairs to carbon steel pipe a durable bonded connection can be achieved with cleaning to remove debris and corrosion products followed by mechanical abrasion as the sole surface preparation activity. In these circumstances it is important that the nature of the abrasion technique is fully specified. This should include the grade and duration of shot blasting, the grade of any abrasive paper or other equipment that is used. Surface roughness gauges or other measurement technique should be used to check that the prepared surface is as required by the specification. All paint, tape, corrosion, dust or other loosely attached debris should be removed.

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The surface preparation issues that govern the performance of a repair material are analogous to those that are considered to be important in the application of painting systems and other protective coatings. These are generally listed as: the presence of rust and mill scale, the presence of surface contaminants and the profile of the surface following preparation. ISO 8501, 8502 and 8503 provide methods of assessing these factors and ISO 8504 provides guidance on the preparation methods that are available for cleaning steel substrates. ISO 8501 incorporates the well established Sa series for blast cleaning. These standards (and this document) do not contain recommendations for surface quality requirements for specific circumstances. Irrespective of the procedures used to prepare the steel substrate, the surface will consist of a series of random features that are not easily characterised. There are no methods for uniquely defining the essential quality of a surface on a quantitative basis. The norm is to employ visual (photographic standards) or tactile (surface profile comparators) to make comparative assessments. Due to the complexity of the situation it is important that when specifying a surface preparation method both the method of preparation (type of abrasive, hand/power tool, etc) and the description of the prepared surface (Sa, St, etc) are defined. It is not the purpose of this document to imply that levels of surface preparation must be the best that can be technically achieved. In many cases simple methods are preferred due to the limitations of what is achievable on site. The key point is that the quality of the surface that is achieved should be the same as that used in the qualification of the repair method in the first instance. The repair of other metallic pipe such as alloyed steel is likely to require a chemical treatment for a satisfactory repair. The surface preparation of GRP pipe requires mechanical abrasion only. The bonding of material onto phenolic GRP pipe can be problematical and the pipe vendor should be contacted in each instance. Any chemicals used for surface preparation should be within the recommended shelf life, freshly mixed (where appropriate) and applied strictly in accordance with the supplier's instructions. The time period between the completion of surface preparation stage and the application of the composite laminate is an important factor in the achievement of a good adhesive connection. The time period between surface preparation and laminate application should not be more that 4 hours. Generally, it is good practice to apply repair material as soon as possible after the surface has been treated. Water absorption onto a freshly prepared surface can be rapid as can the reaction of the surface with air and both of these factors can impair the achievement of a good joint. The surface preparation of a number of repair sites before any laminate material has been applied would not be recommended practice. The minimum and maximum allowable time between surface preparation and bonding should be specified in the method statement. In all cases it is important that prepared surfaces are protected from contamination prior to the application of the repair laminate. Any sign of deterioration of the prepared surface through handling, the presence of water or other influence should be cause for rejection and the surface preparation procedure repeated.

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Due to the importance of surface preparation a quality check should be introduced into the repair schedule specifically identifying it as a key stage and a hold point in the process. Where a chemical treatment is applied it can be advantageous to incorporate a small amount of pigment in the solution to be applied. This allows the operator, or the inspector supervising the work, to visibly check that it has been applied correctly. A means of checking that the surface treatment is effective in promoting bonding is to carry out a 'stipple' test. This can be done by applying an amount of adhesive or resin to the prepared surface with a pallet knife and then removing the knife with a lever action. It is recommended that the application is performed at the 6 o'clock position. If the adhesive or resin material remains on the pipe it demonstrates that it has properly wetted the surface. However, it should be recognised that this test is relatively insensitive in that it can only distinguish between surfaces where oil is and is not present. An alternative method of demonstrating good bonding is to show that the adhesive bond is stronger than the shear strength of the composite material. This can be done by applying a small amount of material to the steel surface along side the actual repair and then mechanically removing it. The test would entail the bonding of a strip of material onto the prepared surface coincidentally with the repair itself. A typical sample would allow a bonded area of 50 mm x 50 mm with a tab of unbonded material to allow the material to be pulled off. The presence of remaining composite laminate over at least 30% of the bonded surface of the steel is evidence of a satisfactory bond. A test area of 50 mm by 50 mm would normally be sufficient. Generally, this would only be done for Class 3 repairs. The surface preparation method is an integral part of the repair method. The specified technique cannot be replaced by another without explicit guidance from the supplier who will need to have qualified the alternative as part of a revised design. The means by which the quality of a prepared surface is measured is not straightforward. There are some potential techniques, but these are very specific to the chemistry of the substrate and the surface preparation process. Measurement of surface tension (the wetting behaviour of a droplet on the surface) can be a useful method. This needs to be the subject of development within the individual suppliers. The principal behind the installation guidance provided is that the same surface preparation method should be used when qualifying the repair and also during actual application. Therefore no prescriptive surface preparation standard is defined. However, if an end user wishes to prescribe a minimum surface preparation standard then it is important to remember that cleanliness of the substrate surface is the most important issue for ensuring a good bond or repair. Roughness of the surface is less critical. Therefore for a minimum standard ISO 8501 is recommended with the surface cleanliness rating, Sa 2.5, considered appropriate.

9.2 Laminate Lay-up

The details of the lay-up procedure vary according to the repair method to be used and these should be fully specified by the supplier. Examples of material variants include pre-packaged material supplied as a prepreg roll or reinforcement and resin supplied separately requiring cutting and metering on a bespoke basis. Both of these alternatives are applied using contact moulding. Another variant is for reinforcement to be supplied pre-cut and then applied at the site of the repair using a resin

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infusion process. Other proprietary systems also are available involving, for example, the bonding of fully cured composite material onto a repair site. For all options it is recommended that the necessary materials and tools are prepared and brought together at the repair location prior to the work commencing. Where material needs to be pre-heated to achieve an elevated temperature this should be done in a controlled manner. Any material that has been pre-heated and then subsequently not used should be discarded even if it has not been mixed with other material. Reinforcement should be pre-cut ideally away from the immediate vicinity of the repair in an area where dimensions can be properly measured and material bagged ready for use after preparation. The requisite amounts of resin, catalyst or hardener and any other ingredient or permitted filler should be accurately measured and thoroughly mixed. Dual volume syringes can be a useful means of achieving this for two part systems. For certain repair methods it is necessary to use proprietary in-fill compounds to make good local surface imperfections, e.g. external corrosion damage. The final geometry of the surface should be measured and should comply with the specified tolerances. The external surface of the filler should be prepared according to instructions. Where a separate adhesive material is required to achieve a bond between individual laminate layers attention needs to be given to ensure that the adhesive is applied uniformly and that the bond line thickness is in accordance with the design. Individual layers should be applied to the repair site in a sequential manner in the order specified in the method statement. Particular care should be taken with directional reinforcement where the fibre alignment needs to be controlled according to the requirements of the design. The overlaps between individual layers will be dependent on the nature of the reinforcement and these should be defined as part of the laminating procedure. Overlaps should be staggered around the geometry of the repair area. Consolidation of the layers of reinforcement and resin can be accomplished through the use of simple hand tools such as rollers. This needs to be carried out thoroughly to ensure adhesion between individual layers and to remove air inclusions, but excessive pressure should be avoided to prevent damage or undesired reorientation of fibres. The geometry and orientation of the pipe being repaired can have an influence on the quality of the repair. Small diameters and regions of rapidly changing curvature, e.g. a tee intersection, can be difficult to laminate due to the resistance in the reinforcement to drape. The use of lighter weight fabrics or directional reinforcement to 'tie' the laminate into difficult areas can be useful. On vertical surfaces drainage of resin prior to cure may cause difficulties and the addition of thixotropic additives may be required. The minimum thickness for the repair laminate shall be 5 mm. The extent of the laminate over the surface should be specified within the design. This should normally be the larger of 100 mm or 2(D.t)0.5 in all directions beyond the damaged region, where D and t are the external diameter and thickness of the pipe respectively. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no significant discontinuities in laminate thickness at the edge of the repair. Typically thickness should be tapered to give a minimum slope of 6:1. In the event of excessive heat generation in resin containers, evidence of premature gelation, or a significant increase in viscosity, the material should be discarded and a further batch of material prepared.

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Where the external finish of a repair laminate is important as it is intended to carry a bearing load, e.g. within a support, the surface can be moulded flat by applying a former prior to final cure. Any spillage, drips or runs, which may later flake off, should be removed. The outer surface should have a smooth contour. For major repairs there may be a need for material to be applied in stages with cure occurring between them. In these circumstances it may be necessary to lightly abrade the cured surface to ensure good secondary bonding. Ideally, repairs should be carried out above the dew point. However, it is possible to proceed in conditions of low ambient temperatures with suitable local protection to the repair area. This may involve the use of temporary covers or housings. The material supplier should be contacted for confirmation that resin curing will continue to be satisfactory. Similar considerations should be taken in regions of high ambient humidity. Where condensation is possible, e.g. repair onto a cold pipe, this should be considered at the outset of material selection and design. Ideally, repairs should not be applied when the temperature of the surface is less than 3 C above the dew point of the surrounding air or when the relative humidity of the air is greater than 85% unless local conditions dictate otherwise. Guidance on the estimation of the probability of condensation can be found in ISO 8502-4. Also, the pipe surface temperature, ideally, should always be more than 5 C. It is not possible to determine the properties of the actual repair laminate. However, it would be possible to prepare a sample laminate along side the repair using the same materials. This could be used to measure parameters such as fibre content and mechanical characteristics. Generally, this option would only be considered for Class 3 repairs. The minimum thickness of 5mm was considered to be the norm at the time this document was prepared. In most cases the cost of the material is not a significant element in that for the total repair operation. There may be circumstances where this requirement could be relaxed, e.g. the use of a GRP repair to provide external corrosion resistance to significant lengths of pipe and there is little or no load carrying requirement for the composite. Approximate calculations using analysis for a beam on an elastic foundation indicates that the specified extent of repair laminate is satisfactory for leaking pipes.

9.3 Cure
The cure of a repair laminate is strongly influenced by temperature and the correct mixing of resin constituents prior to lamination. It is important that the prevailing temperature conditions are considered when, for example, resin catalyst levels are being assessed. On no account, however, should the limits set by suppliers be exceeded without recourse to further information. It should be noted that for curing in extreme ambient conditions there may be special resin formulations that may be more suitable. Cure can be assisted by keeping the repair laminate covered with, for example, a plastic film during installation. This protects the laminate from mechanical abuse and water, retains heat and excludes air that can inhibit the cure in certain resin systems. This is especially important for thin repair laminates where there may be insufficient material to retain heat generated due to cure.

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Where elevated temperatures are required for cure it is recommended that these are achieved through the use of heating blankets that fully cover the repair laminate. Heating blankets should extend beyond the repaired region by at least 50 mm. A protective film should be positioned between the blanket and the laminate to prevent material being bonded to the blanket. The temperature should be monitored throughout the curing process. Pre-heating the pipe surface prior to the application may also be useful, but it should be ensured that this would not adversely affect the surface preparation that has been carried out. The use of heated air guns directed to the surface of a curing laminate is not recommended due to the likely evaporation of reactants from the surface. The time for full cure is dependent on the type of resin used in the repair and ambient conditions. The extent of cure may be measured using Barcol or Shore hardness or DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry). Acceptance values should be obtained from the supplier for each repair method. Details of the test methods are given in BS2782: Part10: Method 1001, ISO 868 and ISO 11357 respectively. Typical Barcol hardness values for styrenated resins are in the region 35 to 40 (Shore hardness approximately 60), but in any case should be at least 80% of the value obtained from cast resin specimens. The extent of cure achieved during installation should be the same as that in the design. The repaired pipe may be returned to service after full cure has been achieved, assuming the pipe service has been reduced prior to repair application. Guidance for the repairs of live pipes are given in Section 10. A Barcol or Shore hardness impresser is a simple hand held tool that can give an immediate indication of the degree of cure. DSC is a laboratory base technique requiring a small sample of resin. It gives an accurate measure of the degree of cure. Other methods are available to assess cure such a residual styrene content (BS 2782: Part4: Method432A) and the acetone test (assessment of surface tact after exposure to acetone).

9.4 Key Hold Points

The key hold points to be observed during a repair are dependent on the repair class and are summarised in Table 2.

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Hold Point Method Statement Materials Preparation reinforcement resin Surface Preparation inspection mechanical test Filler Profile Stage Check on Reinforcement Tests on Repair Laminate cure thickness dimensions external inspection Pressure Test

Class All Classes All Classes All Classes All Classes Class 3 All Classes (where appropriate) Class 3

Checked by Installer Installer

Installer (Class 1) Supervisor (Class 2 and 3) Installer Installer Installer (Class 1) Supervisor (Class 2 and 3)

All classes All classes All classes All classes

Inspection Authority

Table 2: Hold Points During Manufacture The stipple test can be included as an extra key hold point during surface preparation if requested by the end user.

9.5 Documentation
On completion the repair should be permanently marked with its reference number. A logbook opened for each repair and retained for its service life. The records that should be provided with each repair should include: Material Records Record of resin type and quantity. Record of reinforcement type and quantity. Record of personnel on the fabrication. Record of layers and orientation of reinforcement. Record of surface preparation procedure. Record of cure system. Record of post cure. Quality Control Records Repair reference number. Visual inspection report. Thickness measurement. Repair dimensions. Barcol or Shore hardness measurement (if carried out - dependent on resin system). DSC measurement (if carried out - dependent on resin system). Bond strength measurement (if carried out - usually Class 3 repair only).

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Laminate strength measurement (if carried out - usually Class 3 repair). NDT results (if carried out) Independent Inspection Report (if carried out). Service Inspection Details of service inspection intervals. A summary of documentation requirements is given in Table 3. Documentation requirement Material records resin reinforcement personnel lay-up surface preparation cure QC records repair reference visual inspection thickness dimensions. Barcol, Shore hardness/ DSC bond strength laminate strength NDT* Independent inspection Service Inspection

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

* subject to availability of appropriate technique (see AEAT - 75394) Table 3: Documentation Requirements


Repairs to live pipe systems are possible provided that the associated hazards are fully considered in the risk assessment for the operation. This should include any hazards to surrounding live equipment in addition to that being repaired. Live repairs would normally be carried out with some reduction in line pressure.

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Where the pipe to repair is leaking the effect of this on the likely success of the repair should be considered. Reference should be made to the material supplier. Whilst there are resin systems for which it is possible to achieve an acceptable bonded connection when surfaces are wet, a dry situation is preferred where possible. A distinction should be made between surfaces that are wet and those where there is flowing water. In case of the latter, the leak should be plugged prior to the repair being applied. The plugging method should be considered as integral part of the repair and the total arrangement should have been demonstrated to be satisfactory by the supplier through qualification. In the event of the repair being carried out under reduced pressure conditions the repaired pipe may be returned to full service after full cure has been achieved. Repairs that are plugged to stem flowing water will have been treated as leaking pipes for the purposes of design qualification and will be been subject to the appropriate tests (see AEAT 57711).


The design of composite repairs of clamps, piping components, tanks or vessels, may be carried out using the procedures given in AEAT - 57711. It is likely that prior to applying the composite repair in-fill materials will be used to provide a smooth external contour. Guidance for the surface preparation of clamps is the same as for repairs on pipe (Section 9.1). The details of repairs to clamps, piping components, tanks or vessels including the final geometrical form prior to the application of the composite repair shall be provided by the supplier. The arrangements at the edges of the repair are particularly important. The supplier should demonstrate the suitability of these details through prototype pressure testing. Prototype testing is recommended for these types of repairs. The effects of local variations in geometry are not easily amenable to calculation (see AEAT 75484) and testing will confirm that these features do not adversely affect the performance of the repair..


If required system pressure tests should be specified by the end user. For most repairs process control as described in Section 9 is a satisfactory means of assuring fitness for purpose. For Class 3 this will require the performance of a bond test as described in Section 9.1. All repairs should be cured in accordance with the Repair System Supplier instructions before pressure testing.

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Where required, hydrotesting shall take the form of a service test at 1.1 times the operating pressure for a period of at least 60 minutes over which any changes in pressure and temperature should be recorded. Any signs of leakage from the repair should be cause for rejection of the repair. The repaired system should be flushed with an appropriate medium prior to testing. All supports and anchors should be in place prior to pressure testing. Temporary supports or restraints can be added if necessary. If the test pressure exceeds the pressure for which the repair has been designed then this higher pressure should be considered as a separate design case. For the purposes of the calculation the test condition may be treated as an occasional load. In circumstances where it is considered necessary to carry out a hydrotest to 1.5 times design pressure (e.g. piping systems) to the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of the pipeline special consideration should be given to ensure that the test pressure does not cause additional damage to other parts of the system. Where a 1.5 or MAOP hydrotest is specified the test pressure should be regarded as separate design case (see AEAT 57711). For the purposes of the calculation the test condition may be treated as an occasional load and the design strains/design factors specified for Class 1 repair, design lifetime 1 year, may be used. The repaired system should be flushed with an appropriate medium prior to testing. Hydrotesting will usually only be carried out where the repair has been to a leaking pipe. Where a repair is undertaken on damaged pipe where the residual wall thickness is still above the design code minimum there is little value in conducting a hydrotest. The use of a service test to confirm fitness for purpose is as a result of concerns that retesting to 1.5 times design pressure or to the MAOP of the pipeline may cause additional damage to a pipe system that has been the subject of deterioration. For Class 1 repairs pressure testing may not be practical as this Class covers open drains. The use of process control will only be satisfactory if the procedures described in this document are observed. When considering test requirements it should be noted that the failure modes of composite components under sustained pressure are benign. This will also likely to be the case where the repair is for a leaking pipe where any failure will be through delamination at the steel/repair interface.


The requirements for fire performance should be identified in the risk assessment. Flame spread and smoke generation should also be considered in the assessment. Due account shall be taken of the response of the complete system (original pipe and the repair). In many cases additional fire protection will not be necessary, as the damaged steel pipe may still be able to perform satisfactorily during the short duration of a fire event. Strategies for achieving fire performance include the following:

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application of additional composite material such that enough basic composite will remain intact for the duration of the fire event; application of intumescent external coatings; application of intumescent and other energy absorbent materials within the laminate; use of resin formulations with specific fire retardant properties.

Further guidance on the design and testing of composites for fire performance may be obtained from ISO14692.


For repairs to steel or other metallic pipework it is likely that the properties underlying pipe will satisfy electrical conductivity requirements. Where the pipe to be repaired is insulating, e.g. GRP, and electrical conductivity requirements are specified the properties of the repaired arrangement should be measured to ensure that the original characteristics of the system are restored. Guidance on how these measurements can be taken is given in ISO 14692.

Composite repairs if unpigmented are amenable to visual inspection and the ingress of fluid within the laminate or at the interface between it and the parent steel can be seen, particularly if unnecessary fillers or pigments are excluded from the repair material. Any sign of delamination between the composite laminate and steel pipe would also be a sign that the repair should be rejected. Further information on inspection methods can be obtained from AEAT - 75394.


Health and safety issues should be fully addressed in the risk assessment and repair method statements. In the majority of cases the hazards associated with composite repair methods can be catered for using simple protective equipment. Reference should be made to suppliers instructions, local regulations and any permit to work procedures. Manufacturer's Materials Safety Data Sheets should be read and understood before a repair is started. This may entail a COSHH assessment for the process. Resins and associated chemicals, surface preparation agents and adhesives will have quoted TLV limits for short and long term exposures. It is unlikely that these will be exceeded given the relatively small quantity of material used in repairs, especially those executed in open situations. However, in addition to TLV limits the ALARP (as low as reasonably possible) principle is applicable. This can be accommodated by adopting simple safety procedures that will limit operator exposure. For example, directing personnel to stand such that prevailing airflows draw fumes away from the breathing area and the use of covers on containers can be very effective.

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Where repairs are carried out in enclosed spaces or if overhead working is necessary further consideration may be required. If forced ventilation is deemed to be necessary experience has shown that relatively slow, but constant air velocities are the most effective. Strong and local extraction in the immediate vicinity of a composite surface can have an adverse effect by removing material through evaporation. It should be noted that when considering ventilation strategies many of the chemical species of concern are heavier than air. Styrene (a component of polyester and vinylester resins) is an example where a downwards extraction away from the operator is the most effective. The quantity of many chemical species in the atmosphere may be estimated using Draeger tubes and measured values compared with allowable limits. Where repair material is to be machined, for example, drilling for boltholes, grinding for surface preparation, secondary bonding or material removal, precautions need to be taken to contain the dust hazard. Where possible such operations should be carried out in the open air with operators wearing the recommended protective clothing. If the amount of material to be removed is large extraction local to the repair site should be provided. Carbon dust could pose a specific hazard to any electrical equipment in the vicinity of the repair. The ALARP principle is a feature of UK legislation for Health and Safety. For many chemicals defined short and long-term limits are given which are regarded as pragmatic and achievable with prevailing manufacturing practice. However, they should be considered as maxima and the onus is on the organisations concerned with a given activity to use 'appropriate' measures to limit operator exposure. This approach is different to that adopted in other countries where it is the norm to stipulate lower limits even though these may not be achievable in practice.


All repair materials shall be designed to allow for satisfactory disposal according to prevailing environmental regulations. Given the relatively small amount of material employed it is unlikely that repair operations will pose an environmental risk. However, in addition to any specific requirements the BATNEEC (Best Available Technique Not Entailing Excessive Cost) principle is applicable which requires the environmental impact of any activity to be minimised. Special attention should be given to the disposal of unused chemicals and resins that may be left after a repair operation. In some circumstances it is possible to recycle materials for reuse, e.g. acetone and other solvents. Incineration in the open air should not be carried out. The BATNEEC principle should be regarded in the same way as ALARP.


Existing repairs may be modified, but this would only be after a design assessment and specific design approval of the new repair. For example, the upgrade of the pressure rating of

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a repair may be achieved by the application of further material. However, for some material options it is difficult to achieve a successful bond onto an existing fully cured composite laminate. Reference should be made to the supplier. In the event of the failure of a repair the preferred course of action would be to remove the original material first. The repair of a leaking laminate through the simple application of additional thickness, particularly if the leak is caused by a delamination at the laminate/pipe interface, is unlikely to be successful. A repair with a short lifetime cannot have its lifetime extended through the later addition of further material (see Section 5.1) unless it can be demonstrated that the design does not rely on the original repair to contribute to repair integrity. Different repair systems should not be mixed at the same repair site without reference to the suppliers concerned.

Reference should be made to the risk assessment prior to decommissioning. If necessary a separate risk assessment should be carried out to cover this activity. The removal of repair material may be achieved by mechanical means, although it should be noted that a well bonded repair would require a significant amount of effort for removal. Procedures should be put in place to contain any dust that may be generated. Care should be taken to avoid damage to adjacent equipment that is to remain in service and this should be protected if necessary. Components should be disposed of in an appropriate manner (see Section 16)

Background standards and references are given in the following sections. Reference Standards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ISO 14692, Specification and recommended practice for the use of GRP piping in the petroleum and natural gas industries. prEN 13121, GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground. ASME B31.3, Chemical plant and refinery piping. BS 2782: Part10: Method 1001, Measurement of hardness by means of a Barcol impresser. ASTM D2583, Standard test method for indentation hardness of rigid plastics by means of a Barcol impressor ISO 868, Plastics and ebonite - Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness) ISO 11357, Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). ISO 8501, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products ISO 8502, Tests for the assessment of steel cleanliness

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10 11 12 13

ISO 8503, Surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned steel substrates ISO 8504, Surface preparation methods NTS-GRP-FJS/01 and NTS-GRP-INSP/01, NTS GRP guidelines for approval schemes for fitters, joiners, supervisors and inspectors. CSWIP-GRP-1-96 and CSWIP-GRP-2-96, as per reference 10

Reference Publications 1 2 AEAT - 57711, Design of Composite Repairs for Pipework, January 2004 AEAT - 75394, NDT Techniques for the Inspection of Composite Repairs, January 2004. AEAT 75484, Composite Repairs for Piping Systems, Tanks and Pressure Vessel Repair, January 2004.

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Appendix 1 - Glossary of Terms Appendix 2 - Installer Qualification

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Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms

This appendix provides a glossary of terms used in this report.

Accelerator A substance when mixed with resin and catalyst will speed up the curing reaction. Normally used in conjunction with styrenated resins. Anisotropic Exhibiting different properties in different directions. Barcol hardness Measure of surface hardness using a surface impresser. Often use to assess cure in styrenated resin systems. Cure Setting of a thermosetting resin, e.g. polyester, epoxy, by an irreversible chemical reaction. Cure cycle Time/temperature/pressure cycle to achieve cure Delamination Separation of layers within a composite laminate or between the laminate and the steel. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Method of determining the glass transition temperature of a thermosetting resin. Glass transition temperature Temperature at which a resin undergoes a marked change in physical properties. Hardener Component added to an epoxy resin to effect cure Heat distortion temperature Temperature at which a standard test bar deflects a specified amount under a given loads. In-fill material Material used to repair external surface imperfections prior to the application of composite repair. Post cure Additional elevated temperature cure.

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Pot life Length of time that a catalysed resin remains processable. Shore hardness Measure of surface hardness using a surface impresser or durometer. Often used to characterise elastomers and seals. Warp/weft Reinforcement directions in a woven cloth.

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Appendix 2: Installer Qualification



The repair of pipe using composite laminates differs considerably from other repair techniques and the quality of the installation depends strongly on satisfactory craftsmanship. Training and certification of personnel is therefore a key element to the execution of a successful repair. This appendix outlines the minimum requirements for training, qualification and approval of installers and supervisors. Courses and training may be arranged by or with the assistance of the repair material supplier.


Basic skills/experience

Installer The candidate should be a minimum of 18 years of age and fulfil either of the following experience requirements: Minimum 2 years documented experience in the repair and maintenance in pipe related systems. Minimum 2 years documented training and/or experience with fibre reinforced plastics, e.g. GRP pipe.

A log book of all repair applications should be kept and is mandatory. To obtain the necessary 2 years experience the following should be undertaken; 3 month in-house training at the Repair Suppliers office. 15 months supervised (by qualified Installer or Supervisor) application of repairs.

Supervisor For entry to the supervisor course the candidate must have a minimum of 2 years experience in repair using composite materials, must have completed at least 12 repair applications within the 2 year timeframe and be in possession of a current specific approval certificate for an installer of composite repairs. Experience of the applications to complex geometries (at least 3 applications) other than straight pipework is also required.



The basic course should give a theoretical and practical introduction to the most important elements in the installation of a composite repair.

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Coursework (Installer) The course should include training in: Terminology, types of repair; Health, safety and environment; Surface preparation; Material application; Control of repair conditions; Quality assurance and control.

Coursework (Supervisor) Supervisor's duties and responsibilities; Evaluation methods used in repair design; Methods of pipe defect assessment; Health and safety; Installation checklist and hold points; Inspection of repairs.

Installer Specific Approval Installers should be qualified for each specific repair method. Qualification should be carried out on a basis of repair class (Table 1). Installers approved for a given Class can undertake repairs at a lower level, i.e. approval to Class 3 permits repairs at Classes 1 and 2, etc. The higher classes relate to onerous service conditions, e.g. pressure rating, and therefore require higher specification materials and application methods. All specific approval tests should be carried out in accordance with a written procedure, relevant to the specific repair method and approved by the material supplier. The test pieces shall be tested with water generally in accordance with ASTM 1599 to a minimum test pressure equal to 2 times the design pressure which shall be held for one hour with no leakage. The assembly should be inspected in stages at each incremental increase in pressure for evidence of cracks, leaks or other signs of deterioration. Before and after testing the repair should be visually inspected. Where the repair method can be used for the repair of leaking pipes the steel pipe used in the test specimen should incorporate a hole (see AEAT - 57711) and should be tested to failure after the 1 hour at 2 times the design pressure. The derived value of derived from these tests should be consistent with the acceptance value quoted by the supplier. The specified acceptance value of should be related to the data used for repair design (see AEAT - 57711).



At the completion of an installer or supervisor course a successful candidate should be issued with a certificate providing details of the repair method of concern and the class to which qualification has been achieved.

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The type specific approval is valid for a period of 1 year. All personnel who have been trained as competent applicator require to be continually working in the application of composite repairs and will therefore not require a revalidation of their competency. Those personnel who have not applied a composite repair for more than 1 year will have to redo the training course (Appendix 2, Section 3).

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