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Building Flex Application with the Swiz Framework

Chris Scott, Senior Software Architect, Universal Mind

About Me... Enterprise Software Consultant Author of the Swiz Framework Co-Author of the ColdSpring Framework Avid Open Source Contributor Long, long time Java, CF and ActionScript developer

What is Swiz anyway??

Swiz in a nutshell Simple IOC for Flex / AS Development MVC Architecture Simple tools for common tasks
- Remote method invocation - Event Handling

Utilities for advanced development

What Swiz is NOT Excessive JEE patterns Boilerplate code Verbose XML configuration Overly Prescriptive

Swiz 101 Flex Applications require:

Remote Services Data Logic Views

Swiz 101 Application Components need each other

- Wire ourselves - Use Service Locators - Verbose XML configuration

Swiz 101 Application Components need each other

- Inversion of Control - Annotations

Swiz 101 Views communicate with components

- Standard Flex Events - Facilitates MVC Paradigm - Use Swiz Dynamic Mediators

Swiz 101 Applications Need Data

Async Token IResponder Implementations State Management Use Swiz Dynamic Responders

Swiz 101 Swiz features at a clance

IoC for Autowiring DynamicResponder for remote data DynamicMediator for events A whole lot more...

InSync example application...

- first show views, clean, no script - now show main.mxml and beanloader, how defined - open ContactController, show two autowire methdos - show mainview and autowire there too

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