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[DataSet1] C:\Users\komal\Desktop\SPSS Practical Problem\Practice- 8 Chi-Square test 6.1.sav

Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Location of Firm * Perfomance of Firm 45 Percent 100.0% N 0 Missing Percent .0% N 45 Total Percent 100.0%

Location of Firm * Perfomance of Firm Crosstabulation Perfomance of Firm Loss Location of Firm Low and Middle Income country Count % within Perfomance of Firm High income country Count % within Perfomance of Firm Total Count % within Perfomance of Firm 6 54.5% 5 45.5% 11 100.0% Breakeven 5 38.5% 8 61.5% 13 100.0% Profit 12 57.1% 9 42.9% 21 100.0% Total 23 51.1% 22 48.9% 45 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 1.190a 1.197 .104 45 df 2 2 1 sided) .552 .550 .747

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.38.

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