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Parting Words In the state of nature...all men are born equal, but they cannot continue in this equality.

Society makes them lose it, and they recover it only by the protection of the law. Charles de Montesquieu (1689 - 1755)

In summary, the report has presented the different labor standards in terms of the rights and benefits conferred to the primary stakeholder Kasambahay; for instance their minimum pay, provision of board and lodging, access to education, medical assistance, and rest periods and paid leaves among others. The general guidelines as to the role of the implementing stakeholders like the employer and DOLE are likewise laid down by the law. These shall be further given flesh when the DOLE comes out with the Implementing Rules and Regulations. We have insider information, that this is a work in progress with a deadline on September this year, in compliance with Sec. 42. The common reaction of cynics when more laws are passed converge to the undeniable truth that laws are rendered useless when not properly carried out into force by the implementing stakeholders, such as Private Employment Agencies, the employers themselves and DOLE as the lead governmental implementing agency. Are the employment requirements reasonable? Will the kasambahay feel empowered to assert his/her rights? Will the erring employers be meted with the imposable penalties? Or will the less empowered kasambahay settle out of court and at a loss? These are questions that will be answered by the efficient and effective implementation of the law. The law was passed only recently, and we do not have a test case to analyze its effectiveness. But things like the bargaining power of the kasambahay vis-a-vis the employer, and their right to unionize may be adequately discussed more intelligently when we learn more about them in Labor Relations, our next course with our very able and competent professor. On this note, we thank you for paying attention and we hope to see you ALL next semester, right Sir?

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