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An Ethical Business?

Fill in the word map. Write words associated with the the key words Ethical Consumerism .


Ethical Consumerism


By law, all the merchandise we buy has to be labelled as to its place of origin.
Do you know where your clothes were made? Check the labels of the clothes and shoes you wear and indicate the countries where they were made. Well-known trade marks are usually associated with certain countries where they are based. Which countries do you associate with these companies?

Globalisation and Consumerism

Do all these companies make their products in the countries you have just mentioned? List the possible reasons why American and European fashion labels relocate some of the production to far-away places such as Mexico, India, China or the Philippines.

Global Trading takes us here !

The greed and profit of corporations are responsible for:
- low wages - illegal working conditions - labour abuses - too many hours of work - ignoring workers rights - no tax payment

Lets have a look at a Nike Factory in El Salvador!

Nike Factories: Something to Hide Today in the global economy, corporations hide their production around the world behind locked factory gates, armed guards and high concrete walls. More and more of the worlds industry shifted from the affluent nations to the poorer, less developed countries in search of cheap labour force.

Writing a letter to Nike

Imagine you are a consumer of Nike articles and that Nike is you favourite brand. You have heard of criticism being levelled against the way some of their goods are being produced and want to know whether they are accurate and fair. Write a letter to the Consumer Relations Officer at Nike headquarters in San Francisco asking to clarify your doubts.

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