History Revision Stolypin 1905-1914 Past Paper Questions.

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Li Chun Ho (Alvin Li) History Revision: Stolypin 1905-1914 past paper questions.

November 2005 Question 11 (a) Describe how Stolypin attempted to deal with Russias problems. [5] Stolypin, as the newly chosen minister by the Tsar aimed at solving the problems in Russia and to prevent the uprising of the people which may lead to a second revolution. Due to the big majority of peasants in Russia, he and the government announced the peasants no longer had to repay the loans to the government in which they had lent to them as they were freed from being serfs in 1861. This helped release the tension. He then used land reform to solve the peasants problems of not enough land to use. Each village was given a number of fields divided into long thin strips. Each family was allowed to have at least one strip of this land. This aimed to give the peasants a minimum amount of land and each of them also had the ends of the land; both the best and worse regions of the farming area. Stolypin also aimed at using repression to put down any oppression against the government. This was achieved by executing over 1000 people in 1906 for being part of the revolution in 1905, and after that, he had further hanged 1800 people in 1907-1911; this act of noose was soon referred to Stolypins necktie.

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