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Teacher Language Awareness #4 Groups Members _Kasee Zaugg_______________________________________________ Content Area: Social Studies, Language Arts, Grade Level

for the Text: 6th grade USOE Core Standard: Social studies, Language arts Standard 1-Students will understand how ancient civilizations developed and how they contributed to the current state of the world. Objective 2-Evaluate how religion has played a central role in human history from ancient times to today. a. Explore the importance of religion in the cultural expression of ancient civilizations (e.g. customs, artistic expression, creation stories, and architecture of sacred spaces). Objective 3-Explain how modern governments can trace some of their attributes to the systems of power, authority, and governance established in ancient civilizations. a. Identify forms of government within these civilizations. b. Compare those forms to existing systems of governance in today's world. Objective 4-Analyze how the earliest civilizations created technologies and systems to meet community and personal needs. a. Identify innovations in manmade structures over time (e.g. irrigation, roads, building materials) and their influence on meeting needs. b. Examine the evolution and importance of writing. c. Identify cultural expressions that reflect these systems (e.g. architecture, artistic expression, medicine, philosophy, drama, literature). d. Compare social classes, vocations, and gender roles within ancient civilizations. Reading: Literature Standard 1-Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Reading: Informational Text Standard 2-Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. Key Content Concepts: The great Sphinx Pyramids

Archaeologist Kent Weeks Pharaohs of Egypt o King Tutankhamen o Hatshepsut o Ramses the Great

Key or Essential Questions: Who were some of the famous rulers of ancient Egypt? o What was his position did the Pharaoh hold among the Egyptian people? Is he similar to our present day president? o Egyptians believed the Pharaohs were God-like how did that influence the power the Pharaoh had over his people? What were some of the famous structures the Egyptians built? o Why were these massive structures built? What significance did they hold with the Egyptian people? What are archeologists? How do they discover what ancient civilizations were like?

Content Obligatory Vocabulary: Ancient Archaeologists Artifact Tomb Inscription Scribe

Content Compatible Vocabulary: Pyramid Mummified Hieroglyphics Pharaoh Sarcophagus Rosetta Stone Sahara Egypt Vocabulary Activity #1 Type: Vocabulary Dice Game Directions: Create a vocabulary dice using content obligatory vocabulary. Vocabulary dice template web source link: Work in groups of 6. Each person gets to roll the die one time. The whole group performs the one task that corresponds to the number rolled for the first word. Repeat the process for each of the words.

If you roll a 1: Draw a picture of it. 2: Define it in your own words. 3: Provide 3 synonyms. 4: Provide 2 antonyms. 5: Use it in a sentence. 6: Think of a real-life application of this word

Vocabulary Activity #2 Type: Find your partner Directions: Using content specific vocabulary Make a list of words, or pictures and then create a list which has their corresponding definitions, cut them into slips of paper. Distribute them to students randomly, one word strip OR definition strip per student. Tell students to discuss with their classmates until they find the person that best matches their paper. Ask them to sit down when they have found their partner. Share as a whole group to make sure the partnerships are correct. Vocabulary Activity #3 Type: Read around review Directions: Using the newly introduced vocabulary words create word strips using the following format: Make sure to mark the first card by writing: I am the first paper on it. Read aloud: I am looking for a word which means example: A massive structure containing tombs built especially in ancient Egypt with a square base and four triangular faces meeting at a point. To which the next person would respond by reading their strip of paper: I have the word ex: Pyramid . I am looking for a word which means: ex. Scientists who learn about the past by finding and studying objects from long ago. I have the word ex. Archeologists . I am looking for a word which means. And so on. Make enough for each group to have 1 full copy of questions and answers.

How to Play: Divide the class up into small groups by having each of the students choose a card/strip of paper and break into groups according to color, suit, number, have the students create a circle and sit in these groups. Whichever student has the longest hair have come to the front of the class and pick up a group of the papers, they then pass the papers out among themselves. The first paper which was labeled informing the reader that it was the first paper begins reading. The students continue following the papers and practice their vocabulary. Have each group just begin again if they finish the game before the others. Syntax Activity Type: Jigsaw Directions: Break students into small groups, assign each group a bolded portion of the text to read and then summarize. The group needs to read the text and then summarize/discuss what was read. Afterward 1 person from each group goes to a new group to present what they summarized. How to Play: Give each group a piece of the text or a question to answer. Have them split into groups and answer the question. Have the class split into new groups with one person from each group. One member from each of the first groups takes a turn to teach what they summarized from the first group. Fill in a graph with information learned from each group. Example of information graph: Pyramids: Structures built as tombs for protection and luxury in the after life

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