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Introduction of Law (PG #3) DUE 3/18

The final Progymnasmata exercise asks you to attack or defend a specific law that is timely and relevant to your topic for the course. This longer exercise (at least 500 words) requires you to use extrinsic proofs and the other rhetorical strategies we have been studying in order to support your claim for why the particular law should be justified or repealed. Think carefully about how data, facts, and the testimony of authorities might be used strategically to influence your readers for or against your cause. All extrinsic proofs should be attributed and qualified in your writing. Overall, you should use this exercise to prepare for the research-based action essay that will be our final project for this course. Getting started: 1) Read pages 217-221 ARCS 2) Use the example on page 218 as a guide. Please avoid parenthetical headings: (INTRODUCTION), (JUSTICE), etc. 3) However, you should touch on each of the following: - Introducing the law to your audience - Discussing its Constitutionality - The laws relation to Justice - The laws Expediency (i.e. Would the law actually solve what it intends to?) - The laws Practicability Is implementation of said law practical? - Conclusion Other requirements and suggestions: - The law in question must be kairotic - 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, - MLA Formatting - A minimum of at least 3 extrinsic proofs (3 outside sources) - Works Cited Page

- Follow the format found in the Example file (Topic, Thesis, Invention) - 500 word minimum length - You can choose to either attack or defend the law - The law can either be in place or it can be proposed (i.e. SOPA) - Critical Reflection will be completed in class

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