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Candidate: Whitley Hurd District: 5 Subject: Math

Mentor Teacher: Mrs. Brown

Academic Year: Spring 2013 Grade Level: 5th

School: Whittaker Elementary School Dates of unit: 3/18/13- 3/29/13

Section I: Unit Title and/or Description: Measurement Section II: Description of Students: Describe (1) the number of students, (2) demographics of the
students, and (3) any other special features or important information that you included in your Long Range Plan as you described your students.

There are a total of 75 students in this grade level. However, there are only 25 students in the class at a time. In the first class, there are 13 boys and 12 girls. All 25 students are African American and they are academically advance than the other two classes. In the second class, there are 11 boys and 14 girls. All the students African American except for 3 Hispanic children: 1 boy and 2 girls. In the third class, there are 12 boys and 13 girls. All of these students are African Americans except for 2 Caucasians: 1 boy and 1 girl. This information was gathered from the school secretary, Mrs. Guinyard. Three students are English Language Learners (ELL) and speak fluent English, except for one. This information was gathered from my cooperating teacher. There are a total of 3 students who receive academic assistance from resource personnel as well. My resource teacher, Mrs. Charlie, comes to assist the students daily. The students reading levels are between a second grade level and a fourth grade level. All of this information is essential to teaching the class effectively.

Section III: Contextual Factors: Describe the contextual factors, including the (1) relevant student
characteristics from Section II, as well (2) as other factors related to the community, district, school, classroom or students, that are likely to impact instruction and/or student learning with regard to the selected instructional unit. Include a (3) description of the ways in which each of these factors will be taken into consideration during unit planning and instruction.

As stated above, I teach a total of 75 different students a day. I think it is very important to know the background of my students. Knowing that one student doesnt speak fluent English and three students receive academic assistance is very important to planning my instruction. I have to make sure that they understand, comprehend, and apply the information that is given to them. When Im planning instruction, I make sure that I allow them a chance to hear the information clearly and see the information clearly. I have to have a variety of instructional strategies to present information to the class. Its also important that I break the content down to a level that they understand. Because the reading level is low, I dont want to present content that they cant understand. Its important to remember that teaching is taken place when students are learning. If they are not learning, I am not teaching. My lesson plans are always adjustable for students who are having difficulty or if a problem occurs.

Section IV: The Unit Plan Section IV A: Major Unit Objectives (Key Eleme nt 2.A) (1) List the unit objectives and (2)
indicate the corresponding state standards. (Remember objectives must contain 4 parts: performance, product, conditions and criterion.)

Unit Objectives Key Element 2.A 80% or more of the students will be able to apply formulas to determine the perimeters and areas of triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms.

Correlated Standards/Expectations 5-5.4 The students are expected to score 80% or better.

80% or more of the students will be able to apply strategies and formulas to determine the volume of rectangular prisms.

5-5.5 The students are expected to score 80% or better.

80% or more of the students will be able to apply procedures to determine the amount of elapsed time in hours, minutes, and seconds within a 24hour period.

5-5.6 The students are expected to score 80% or better.

Section IV B: Unit Plan (Key Element 2.B)

Describe your instructional plan that is, the (1) sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the unit objectives. (2) Describe the key instructional activities, strategies, materials and resources including instructional technology), and indicate the unit objectives (numbered according to the order in which they are listed in Section IV A) that are addressed.

Instructional Plan for the Unit Key Element 2.B

Activities/Strategies/Materials/Resources (Key Element 2.B) Unit Objective Number(s)

PowerPoint Presentation: Introduce information from the standard. Prezi Presentation to present the content and/or a fun activity. Grand discussion: The students will engage in the grand conversation about each indicator and its importance. PACT Math Workbook: The students complete the activities in the workbook. Group Activity based on the content. The students will complete a formula book. This book contains the formulas for perimeter, area, and volume. Cooperative Learning: The students will get in groups to discuss what they have learned to each other. Weekly Assessment: The students will be assessed on each indicator.

1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3,

1, 3

1, 2, 3 1, 2

1, 3 1, 2, 3,

Reflect on the instructional plan for the unit: How does this instructional plan (1) establish a balance between grade-level academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students? (2) Discuss the strategies used to teach students on varying levels. (3) Discuss how you designed your instructional plan using students characteristics, needs and learning contexts.

This instructional plan is centered on the state academic learning standards for fifth graders. All of the activities and assignments were created in order to teach the standards, while also keeping students excited about the learning. I present the information in different ways to teach all students on different levels. I designed my instructional plan based on my observation of the class. The students learn better from one another, and they also like information presented to them in different ways than the book. Prezi is a great way to present information to the students. They absolutely love it. I also allowed the students to create their own work on Prezi. PowerPoint is another great source to present information to students. I know my students and I know how to capture their attention. If I just read out the book, my students would not learn. I also know the students who will always need to be paired with another student to understand the content.

Section V A: Unit Assessments (Key Element 3.A) - List the key unit assessments. Type of Assessment (Check one for each assessment) Teacher-Made Commercially (A copy of each teacher Available

Key Unit Assessments (Key Element 3.A)

made assessment must be attached to this plan.)

Pre Assessment (This assessment has a few questions based on each indicator covered in the unit.) 5-5.4 Perimeter and Area Test

MATH PACT WORKBOOK MATH PACT WORKBOOK SuperTeacher Worksheets (Online Source)

5-5.5 Volume Test

5-5.6 Time Test

Reflect on the unit assessments: (1) How did you determine that your unit assessments are valid and reliable for all students? (2) How did you use your prior understanding of students skills to plan your instruction?

The unit assessments are valid and reliable for the students because they are created based on many different resources, and they are a review for what has been taught. Everything that is on the assessment has been covered during the week. The assessments are also made prior to the teaching the unit. Therefore, I guarantee that all content is taught and nothing will be on the assessment that has not been taught. I used more commercial assessments and combined some of them to get a better variety of questions. I use prior understanding of students skills to plan my instruction by time. I know how much I can cover in each class and how far in content I can get with each class. This helps me plan my instruction effectively.

Section V B: Assessments (1)Describe and attach the assessments for each unit objective. (2)
Include descriptions of any necessary accommodations. For each assessment, (3) include the evaluation criteria (i.e., describe and/or attach each appropriate scoring rubric, observation checklists, rating scales, item weights and the like). (4) Attachments must be clearly labeled to indicate their relationship to the elements in the table below.

Assessments (Key Element 3.A) Unit Objective 1: Pre-Assessment(s) Oral review : Post-Assessment(s) Quiz : Other Assessment(s) Homework Independent practice Guided Practice Unit Objective 2: Pre-Assessment(s) Oral review : Post-Assessment(s) Quiz : Other Assessment(s) Homework Independent practice Guided Practice Unit Objective 3: Pre-Assessment(s)

Accommodations (Key Element 3.A)

Evaluation Criteria (Key Element 3.C)

No Accommodations Necessary.

Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Assessment Attached

No Accommodations Necessary.

Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Assessment Attached

No Accommodations Necessary.

Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Assessment Attached

: Post-Assessment(s) Quiz : Other Assessment(s) Homework Independent practice Guided Practice Unit Objective 4: Pre-Assessment(s) Unofficial Quiz : Post-Assessment(s) Quiz : Other Assessment(s) Homework Independent practice Guided Practice

No Accommodations Necessary.

Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Standard Assessment Multiple Choice Assessment Attached

Section V C: After administering the pre-assessment(s), (1) analyze student performance relative to the
unit objectives. (2) Attach one or more clearly labeled tables, graphs, or charts that depict the results of the pre-assessment(s) in a format that allows you to find patterns of student performance relative to each objective. (3) Summarize the results of the pre-assessment(s) and describe the implications of these results on instruction.

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Homeroom Patterson Howel Pre-Assessment

I printed a pre-test for the students to complete prior to them learning about the content. The pre-assessment covered all the indicators in the unit. I created the pre-assessment personally to figure out what my students know. The students knew they were not going to receive a grade for this assessment. The chart above is the class average score on the pre-assessment. None of the classes score 50% or better. According to the assessment, a majority of the students had an idea of perimeter and area. I used this assessment as a guide to teach them more effectively.

Section VI: Analysis of Student Learning) Key Elements 3.B and 3.C)
Once you have completed the unit, analyze all of your assessments and determine your students progress relative to the unit objectives. (1) Did the information increase your understanding of individual students performance? (2) Attach clearly labeled tables, graphs or charts that depict student performance ( strengths and weaknesses) for the entire class, for one selected subgroup and for at least two individual students. For each visual representation, (3) provide a descriptive narrative that summarizes your analysis of student progress and achievement. Finally, (4) explain the ways in which you have assigned student grades (or other indicators of student performance), and what were the overall results? Based on the overall results, (5) did the students gain from this unit all that you expected? Why or why not? (6) Include a description of the ways in which these results have been recorded as well as how and to whom they have been reported.

The information definitely increased my understanding of some individual students performance. I was very surprised at some of the students scores. I have been observing some specific students work and I was very happy to know that they all have learned the unit content. Even the students, who are not usually high achievers, were now high achievers for mathematics. They wanted to learn math and they were eager to see what was next. The overall average student grade was 90% correct. I made learning math fun and that made my students want to learn. I have assigned students grades based on the grading scale provided by the school. It tells you the score the student should receive based on the number of problems they get. At the end of my unit, the students did gain knowledge about area, perimeter, volume, and time. The scores prove it and I knew they would do great based on their excitement about learning something new in math.

94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 Homeroom Patterson Howel Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3

Overall, I am very impressed with my students. All classes scored an average of 80% or better! My studies at Claflin University have trained me to be an effective teacher. I will use these scores to set higher expectations for myself so my students can all achieve higher scores. These results have been recorded on the PowerTeacher Gradebook and my own personal gradebook. Every week, I present the scores on a spread sheet which shows the scores for every student and the average classs score. These scores are sent to the principal once a week. She likes to know how we are assessing the students weekly and how we are improving them.

Section VII. Reflection and Self-Assessment (Key Elements 3.B and 2.C)
(1) Reflect on and describe the relationship between your students progress and achievement and your teaching performance. If you were to teach this unit again to the same group of students, (2) what, if anything, would you do differently, and why? What (3) specific aspects of the instruction need to be modified?

According to the scores that my students earned, majority of them learned about perimeter, area, volume, and elapsed time. Thats the most important job of a teacher, making sure that learning is taking place in the classroom. If teacher would get grades, I would give myself an A because of the scores of the students. I really enjoyed teaching mathematics. If I had to teach the same students again, I wouldnt change much. It all depends on the students. You teach based on the students needs and interest, and I have done that successfully. If I was teaching to another set of students, I would definitely have manipulatives to assist in teaching the content for my visual learners. You can never be perfect as a teacher, but I will do my best to be the closest to perfect! Assessments and instructional strategies can always use better improvement. I got to know my students and their needs, which allowed me to teach them successfully.

Name:______________________ Pre assessment


Here are the formulas to find the perimeter and area of different shapes. Use a separate sheet of paper and find the perimeter and area of the given shapes below. Rectangle: P=2l + 2w Triangle: P= a+b+c Square: P=4s Parallelogram: P= 2a+2b A= l x w A=1/2(b x h) A= s x s A= b x h





14 in. 6in.




Perimeter__________ Area_____________

Perimeter________ Area____________

Perimeter______ Area__________

Perimeter________ Area___________

5. What is area? _______________________________________________________________________ 6. What is volume? _____________________________________________________________________ 7. What is perimeter? ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Jessicas pottery class ended at 3:48 P.M. and lasted 58 minutes. At what time did her class start?

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