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Claflin University School of Education

EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Whitley Hurd PART I: PLANNING Title of Lesson New Technology, Aviation, weaponry, and communication during WWII. This lesson plan was an original idea. Date: March 12, 2013


Subject Area (s)

Social Studies 5th grade

Grade Level

Curriculum Standards

5-4.6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of American economic challenges in the 1920s and 1930s and world conflict in the 1940s.

Description and Background Information

Essential Questions: What new technology was used during WWII and how did it apply to the war? What new weaponry was used during WWII? Was it beneficial to the United States and why? What was the purpose of the Navajo code talkers? Agenda: Morning Starter Break the Code activity Collect Homework Discuss PACT book pg. 144 Group Activity Notes on WWII Ticket out the Door!

Lesson Objectives

The students will be able to summarize key developments in technology, aviation, weaponry, and communication and their effects on WWII and the United States economy.

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

I will vary these objectives by utilizing different instructional strategies, like reading to children and allowing them to read to me. I will break down the information as simple as possible and give them examples that individual students can relate to. For students who have already mastered the content, I will have extra worksheets for more individual practice and I will also allow them to assist in the example. For those who know limited English, I will pair them up with another student in class and allow them to work together. Students learn better from one another.

Statement of Purpose

Why is it important for the students to learn this content? Its important that students learn this content because alot of the technology, weaponry, and aviation is still used today. Studies have shown that students hold more knowledge when they can compare and contrast. So I want my students to do that for the past and present of WWII with all the new technology and aviation. WWII was a very important war and students need to know.

Materials and Resources

Teacher: Printable handouts PACT book Computer

Students: Paper Pencils PACT book/workbook

Anticipatory Set

To motivate the students, I will give them the alphabet in sign language. This is a form of coding to those who are unfamiliar with the language. A selected amount of students will be allowed to come in front of class and give a word using sign language. The class will have to guess what the word is. This goes great for the lesson.

Part II: IMPLEMENTATION We will review the essential questions. I will ask the students questions from the essential questions to find out what they already know.


Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

Every day that I walk into the classroom with my students, I am modeling. As for as my lesson plan, I will model the proper way of reading. I will read the agenda at the beginning of the lesson to show what is expected of them for the day. We will read and review together. We will also answer the questions located in the PACT book, dealing with the content learned as a class.

Guided Practice

Checking for Understanding

Each student name is written on a popsicle stick located in a cup. I will pull the names of the students to ask them for the answer they choose from the guided practice and independent practice. This allows me to ask kids randomly. As we read and discuss the content from the PACT book, I will ask the students to put their thumbs up if they understand.

Independent Practice

The students will answer the remainder questions from the review in the PACT book independently.


I will go over some final notes about all that we have been discussing then they will have the ticket out the door! I will ask a specific question. The student must answer the question to leave the room. That question is their ticket out the door!

Assessment (attach to lesson plan)

They will have to write their essential questions on a sheet of paper and answer them with an explanation. The students homework was to go home and study their notes on the content. Each child received notes, gathered from the support document of the standard. The student can use a colleague, parent, or community agent to improve their performance by helping the child study the notes.

Extension Activities


On this specific lesson plan, technology was not used. It was used the next day to present a PowerPoint.

Connection Across the Curriculum

Math~ The students will discuss some number codes used during WWII. Science~ We will discuss science while speaking on the new technologies. English~ The students will have to use correct grammar while completing the lesson as well as fluent reading.



The students loved the lesson from today. They were engaged throughout the whole process, so learning was definitely taken place. I have good classroom management. The students enjoy having me teach. The students like peer teaching because it allows the students to help one another.


There was no weakness with this lesson plan.

Suggestions for Improvement

I would definitely use more technology. Technology is nice to enhance learning, but I dont think it has to be use daily. Differentiating the instructional strategies.
Revised 1-2012

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