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Angie Gerber ENG 2100 Camargo

Lust - Susan Minot pg 339

Analyze the effect of point of view on our understanding of one of the stories. The topic that I have chosen to discuss in my paper is point of view of the story 'Lust' by Susan Minot. Due to the fact that this story is written in the female's perspective, first person narrative, it gives a biased opinion on men and they way they use women for sex. My current working thesis is that 'this text employs tone, diction, and point-of-view to create a one-sided view of gender, suggesting that the narrator is trying to sway the beliefs and bias of the reader.' In order to support this topic, I will use specific quotes and sections of the text that use specific vocabulary to sway readers to feel a sympathy for the narrator and her internal struggle to fill an emotional void in her life. I will compare how the narrator felt at the beginning of the story, and the tone of the text, to how the narrator felt at the end of the story and its tone of text. In terms of secondary sources, I will find published articles that compare biased and nonbiased pieces and how they affect a reader's perspective as well as medical studies that show how certain individuals bias their opinion based on their own-beliefs/experiences or by the 'unanimous' choice (when you feel peer pressured to agree with everyone else) I. Introduction Paragraph & Thesis II. - Body Paragraph #1 : The discussion of how a writer may set up a story to bias a readers' opinion. III. - Body Paragraph #2 : Give examples of the text to show how the Narrator transitions in tones from the beginning of the text to the end. IV. -Body Paragraph #3 : Display how these examples have biased a reader based on gender. V. Summarize & Conclusion Paragraph

I am still in the rough draft(s) stage of my writing process. I am gathering information about my topic and will put forth any comments/criticism about my idea to use towards my paper. My concerns is the general flow of my paper, and getting my information to correspond correctly with my thesis.

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