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Monthly Report: September 2012

Activities/Action Plans Results Orientation with Marion/Ida Understand CCIS and I was given CCIS their different programs brochure to read and and how ROP is just one know more about their of such programs under services and programs community development & integration services Was introduced to other staff and employees of Become familiar with CCIS, was shown the other staff members and copy room, my desk, workers of CCIS. Know phone and laptop them by their names Was introduced to the Able to confidently talk Inter-Faith Project about the Community Community Leaders Project with other from Genesis Library. Community Leaders. Learning agreement to The complete Action be submitted this month Plan and Info on CCIS and an action plan was was given to me to read drawn and submitted to Practicum job Ida for correction and description was given to approval me and an action plan Know some service and learning agreement providers and faith was requested leaders who deal with Purpose particular issues e.g. To better understand diversity and cultural the organization as a competency whole In my research I got to To become familiar with know more about faiths the staff I will be working in Community North of with everyday. To know McKnight knew nothing where to make about. The survey photocopies and how to questions and Monthly set up my email account. Report needs to be To understand the submitted in September purpose of meeting with to Ida Community Leaders and Faith Leaders since I will be involved with the project together with Ida and Marion. To know and understand what my practicum will look like and also to know what I will be doing To help me come up with a plan of action on Final Learning agreement to be approved as tentative, meaning other responsibilities might come up that needs to be included/taken in the learning agreement. My job description is to facilitate the drafting of a learning agreement/action plan

Monthly Report: September 2012

how I will go about completing my assigned duties How (Methodology) Reading brochures and also browsing the internet to get relevant information Read about the Partnerships in community to understand the role of the communities Researched service providers who are stakeholders on the findings of the consultation

Invitation letters will be handed in to Community Leaders to attend the presentation on the Inter-Faith Community Meeting on November 17.

Other Activities Discussion to take place October 02, 2012 about Amra presentation with my supervisors including myself and where I have to continue from Had short meetings with Ida and Marion from time to time about my job description and the progress I have made so far

Monthly Report: September 2012

First meeting with Nicola tentative upon her return from vacation. Getting my action plan ready for this meeting Research and facilitation skills developed at the end of practicum. Research some engagement tools used by service providers. To send Nicola a draft of my learning agreement in October/November.

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