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Chilled Shake

The laid back way to enjoy the works of William Shakespeare

The event timing: 7.30 8.00 People arrive at the venue. The organisers meet and greet. At this point we will ask people to be involved with the reading and distribute roles. 8.00 8.15 Introduction to Chilled Shake, the play, main characters and historical context. 8.15 9.00 First act of the play is read. Before and after each scene the organisers will give a description of the action and storyline. 9.00 9.30 Intermission. The organisers direct people to the bar. At this point the organisers may redistribute roles among other willing participants. 9.30 10.15 The second act of the play is read, again with commentary from the organisers. 10.15 plus Concluding statements from the organisers, thanks given to the participants and bar staff.

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