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Perth Progressive Network WA inc.

re-imaging religious experience

Events of Interest in 2013

1. Attitudes towards Sexuality in the New Testament World, Emeritus Prof Bill Loader Organised by Wembley Downs Uniting Church, 7.30-9pm 1. Creation and Sexuality 2. Sexuality and Household Order: Marriage and Divorce 3. Same-Sex Relations 4. A Future for Sexuality? Celibacy and Sense

Tues 18th June Tues 25th June Tues 2nd July Tues 9th July

2. Prof Amy-Jill Levine, Jesus from a Jewish perspective. Brian Hill Lecture Theatre, Murdoch University. 6.30-8.00pm Organised by Murdoch International Theologian Program 1. Hearing the parable: Pearls of Great Price, Pharisees and Publicans, and a lot of leaven Tues 6th Aug 2. Dangers on the Road to Jericho (Luke 10: 25-37) Tues 13th Aug 3. The Provocation of the Prodigal (Luke 15: 11-32) Tues 20th Aug RSVP is essential to or 08 9360 6176 3. Celebrating Mowanjums Future: building on the last 100 years. Fri 9th, Sat 10th, Sun 11th August Organised by the Boab Network with Mission and Outreach, All Saints Floreat UC 4. Common Dreams On The Road - End of September 2013 - TBA: To be co-ordinated by PPNWA inc. with local churches Rev Bruce Sanguin Workshop and Preach TBA Rev David Felten Workshop and Preach TBA 5. Climbing the Sermon on the Mount Emeritus Prof Bill Loader Organised by All Saints Floreat Uniting Church, 7.30-9pm 1. Blessed/happy are - Starting with Hope 2. Not one Stroke of the Law Sustaining Radical Continuity 3. Our Father The Lords Prayer 4. Not everyone who says, Lord, Lord Discerning Spirituality

Tues 22nd Tues 29th Tues 5th Tues 14th

Oct Oct Nov Nov

6. Common Dreams On The Road - Val Webb In the Defence of Doubt To be co-ordinated by PPNWA inc. with local churches Please let the PPNWA inc. Committee know of other Events of interest to contemporary religious thinkers and your interest in becoming a financial member. It will support visiting speakers, advise you of up-coming events and give you discounts to major events. Chairman: Richard Smith, Ph: 9384 3308, Secretary: Marie Yuncken, Ph: 9385 8537, Treasurer: Karen Sloan, Ph: 0421314008, Committee: Matt Smith Ph: 0416187320, 19 April 2013

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