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Christian Eckert Gladiator-dinner Mexican style

1 onion 250g rinsed canned kidney beans 500g canned tomatoes oliveoil smoked salt Cheyenne pepper cumin red wine dice the onion and fry it together with the Cheyenne pepper in a lot of oliveoil. Add the beans, tomatoes and the wine. Add salt and cumin as much as you like. Takes 10 minutes to prepare and cook. Its super quick.

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Jessica Finley My Grandmother (mexican) always said "To be mexican, a dish must have garlic, onion, and cumin. Everything starts there." Tortillas are SUPER easy to make. 3c unbleached our 2tsp baking powder 1tsp salt 4--6 tablespoons vegetable shortening Mix the dry ingredients, then add shortening and mix with hands until entirely incorporated. Then add 1 1/4 c of warm water a little at a time. Continue to mix with hands. Dough will get very sticky, but you don't want it to be TOO sticky. Knead for a short time, then split into 12 balls and let rest for 10 minutes. IN the meantime heat up a cast iron pot or skillet over medium-high heat. When it's hot, roll out the tortilla until VERY thin, then drop onto the skillet. Cook for a few seconds on each side. Then set aside and wrap in a towel. Continue for all of them, stacking them up inside the wrapped towel. Let sit for about 10 minutes. Then eat! Freezes well, and can be rewarmed by putting directly onto the ame of a stove for a few seconds each side (at least that's how grandma did it).Christian Eckert

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NEO MORETVM new recipe!

200g feta cheese 250g canned beans (rinsed) oliveoil onion herbs Smash and mix the cheese with the beans and the oliveoil. Then add the herbs and the diced onion. Done!

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Sean W. Hayes Breakfast: oven-roasted sweet potato (cold) on toast with a drizzle of good olive oil. Really freakin' good.

Christian Eckert bread, wine, cheese The three foods that represent human culture the most. The opposite of paleo. I am NOT a caveman. I am a citizen!

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Nicole Allen Tonights dinner - one plate, many tastes; Jorg's fagliola in stufa recipe(with extra garlic and tons a fresh rosemary), arugula w/mini portabella mushrooms mixed w/a sherry vinaigrette & porcini olive oil, steamed parsley root( a new one for me - yum!) and basmati rice both with Tuscan herb olive oil and fresh cracked pepper. Yum. Thanks Christian, Jorg, Sean and Jessica - you've taught me well.

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Nicole Allen A light repast before riding: southern style red beans and dirty rice with Greek yogurt and a greek cucumber salad with olives, fresh mint parsley, sun dried tomatoes and lemon garlic vingarette.

Dirty rice, Louisiana style, is cooked with a large quantity of spices including paprika garlic powder red pepper akes oregano and sauted onions, scallions, garlic chicken livers and chicken stock. No, not veggy, but yummy! And you can also add andouille sausage

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Matthew Cacy Recipe for Parsnip chips: Parsnips (I nd 1 parsnip is good for 1-2 people, got by with 4 to feed 6 and still had leftovers) 1 Quart canola oil (optional, if you choose to ash fry) Salt (or whatever you want to season with) Preheat oven to 375 degrees Farenheit. Pour canola oil into a dutch oven or reseaonable facsimile and put on high heat. Place a metal wire strainer into the oil (for removing the chips!) Wash the parsnips and cut off the root. Cut the parsnips into chips/fries. Have a baking sheet with a wire rack on the bottom ready to go, place chips into the canola oil and cook for 1-2 minutes or until browned. Use the strainer to remove the chips and place them on the baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt before placing in the oven until golden brown (5-10 minutes I nd) You can skip the frying portion and just place the chips into the oven if you wish. You will just have to coat them with a light oil and season beforehand. Adjust cooking time accordingly. I nd olive oil is a little overpowering for these.

Timothy Devlin Hall Gladiator inspired soup. Beans, barley, potatoes, cabbage and onions.

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Matthew Cacy Tonight's gladiator dinner curried PVLS and some good bread after a workout. Same PVLS inspired recipe I've used before just with curry.

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Christian Eckert PVLS with mushrooms and homade souted (?) peppers

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Nicole Allen G-dinner: brown basmati rice, sauted savoy cabbage, my version of tikka masala with pigeon peas, chickpeas, carrots and smidgeon of chicken(because I'm just NOT a vegetarian)

Roland Cooper I make my own granola: 10 cups of dry grains'n such, usually 6-7 cups of rolled oats with the remaining 3-4 cups being sesame seeds, walnuts, almonds, or similar (or a mix). I throw that in a big bowl, and mix it up (by hand) with half a cup each of oil and honey, and just a bit of water to help mix things together. Spread the mix evenly on a couple of baking sheets, and cook it in an oven set to 250F until it's nice and brown, stirring it up every ten minutes or so to make sure it's nice and even. Usually takes 30-40 minutes. Once it's done I pull it out to cool, throw it all back in the bowl and add another couple of cups of fruit. Last time I used raisins and dried blueberries, and I also recommend dates and apricots (chopped up a bit, of course). Once it's all cool, I store it in a glass jar (or two or three). I usually drizzle a bit more honey over it, and some goat milk.

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Justin True Anderson Just made this to eat for lunch the next couple of days.

Gladiator Chili : black beans, lentils, onions, red peppers, tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, garlic, tobasco, and a bit of salt. Recommend frying the onions and peppers in olive oil.

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Simone Fischer Whole lotta G-food for my Birthday dinner with Jrg Bellinghausen.

Jrg Bellinghausen MORETUM: 3 blocks of feta (sheep/goat), 3 or 4 cloves of fresh garlic, cider vinegar, olive oil, a bit of thyme and freshly ground black pepper Jrg Bellinghausen HVMVS: 2 large cans of chickpeas, a generous glug of tahini, juice of one large lemon, half a glass of sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil with herbs (with the oil), olive oil, hot paprika powder, cumin, salt and freshly ground black pepper Jrg Bellinghausen faglioli in stufa: soak two cups of large dried white beans overnight. Next day, boil for an hour in fresh water with half a teaspoon of baking soda. Drain, put in a large ovenproof dish. Add 4 cloves of garlic chopped not too coarse, 3 level Tbsp of dried rosemary, salt and freshly ground black pepper, 3.5 oz (100 g) lean bacon, 6-8 or more Tbsp. of olive oil ( I used quite a bit more). Mix well and add enough water to cover everything by an inch or so. Bake at 350 F (180 C) for 90 minutes, stirring two or three times. put an ovenproof lid on and bake for another 30 minutes. Turn of the oven and let the dish sit there just before serving. Stir well, add another glug of goos olive oil and serve.

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Jrg Bellinghausen oven-baked veggies: cut 2 zuccini, 2 red bell peppers, 1 large eggplant and 250 g of brown champignons into bite-sized chunks. Put on a baking tray and mix well. Add a large handful of pine kernels, season with salt, freshly ground black pepper, dried rosemary and thyme and a generous serving of honey. Drizzle wil olive oil ,grill at 350 F for 20 minutes or until veggies start to blacken at the edges. Turn of oven and let sit for a moment before serving. Jrg Bellinghausen Tabouleh:Put 4 cups of water in a pot, salt lightly. Add 2 cups of ne bulgur, bring to the boil, stir, turn heat to lowest and cook uncovered for 10 minutes, stirring frequently, Turn the heat of, put a lid on and let sit for 10 more minutes. Drain if necessary (it shouldn't be) and let cool. In the meantime, chop 2 bunches of Italian parsley and a handfull of fresh mint (or use dried as I did), deseed and cup 3-4 large ripe tomatos, peel and cube 1 cucumber and one large red onion (ne cubes, you can also use shallots or green onions). Combine all the chopped greens with the bulgur in a large bowl. Add the juice of one large lemon and 6 Tbsp. of good olive oil. Season with salt, freshly ground black pepper, ground cumin and a bit of ground cinnamon. Let sit for a while, adjust seasoning and serve. Jrg Bellinghausen That's all folks! :D Total kitchen time: about 3 hrs, including a coffee and smoke break and a break to touch up my knives

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Nicole Allen Inaugural G-dinner - but it was also a dinner party - so its a bit of a feast day meal. Lag of Lamb braised in white wine with herbs, au jus, my rst puls: butter beans, bulgur, red onions, garlic, roasted thyme, dash of sh sauce, nicoise olives and sauteed savoy cabbage with a leeks, garlic and parsley - all garnished with either, feta or parmesan . The puls turned out OK - I need allot more experimentation. I don't think my grain-to-bean ratio was right. In my extreme omnivorous state I know I won't go full vegetarian - but I'm thinking of meat as more avoring and side dish.

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Bill Grandy Gladiator Lunch. Puls made with barley and lentils, bread made with zucchini and sesame seeds, and home made pita bread. Washed down with some of the Finley's ne home brew. with Jessica Finley.

Jrg Bellinghausen

PVLS made from spelt and white beans with olives and capers topped with Pecorino

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Christian Eckert PVLS made of barley, onions, chickpeas, dried tomatos and olives Cooking...

More cooking...

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Christian Eckert Cooking: roasted barley and beans with hot peppers

Thomas Plath Wheat, Lentils, red Beans, Carots, Onions, Oregano, Cumin, Thyme, Fishsauce, Pepper, Salt. Together with diced white Cheese.

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Christian Eckert Special combination of food to reduce acid in the blood. Reduces recovery time dramaticly! Heat a lot of oliveoil, add 250g oyster mushrooms, after two minutes add 250g rinsed beans, 60g capers and 200g Sauerkraut. Cook for 2 minutes...ready! As spices I used seasalt, black pepper and Majoran It is vegan! It is very tasty! It is super quick! Tip: Be carefull with the Sauerkraut. Caned Sauerkraut is extremely sour. My homemade one is very mild. You can use fresh cabagge instead.

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Christian Eckert Dinner: homemade bread, homemade Sauerkraut and smashed beans Ups! It's vegan.

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Jrg Bellinghausen My way to make Sauerkraut The recipe I use is inspired by Alsatian 'choucrotte'. Ingredients: 1 kg of raw, uncooked Sauerkraut (organic preferred), make sure you get Sauerkraut made by lactic acid fermentation, just cabbage and salt) 2-3 (depending on size) onions or shallots 4 cloves of garlic 1 large glass of dry Riesling (or more) 1 medium-sized oury potato 1-2 (depending on size) sourly cooking apple, Boskoop/ russet is the best 2 bay leaves 6 ea. whole black peppercorns, whole allspice, juniper berries 3 whole cloves olive oil or (to be non-vegan, but more tradtional) goose lard Preparation: Drain and press the Sauerkraut thoroughly, removing most of the moisture. Taste a bit of the uncooked Kraut, if it is too salty/sour, rinse it briey in hot water and drain/press again. In any case, remove a large handful of the raw, uncooked Kraut and set aside. Peel and cut the onions/shallots into ne cubes, peel and coarsely chop the garlic. Peel and cut the potato and the apples into not-too large cubes. Put all the spices except the bay leaves in a small cloth bag and seal it. Heat a sufficiently large pot over medium-high heat and add olive oil or goose lard. Add onions and saute until they start to become golden, stirring frequently (they must not brown). And apples and garlic and saute for a bit more. Add the Sauerkraut a handfull at a time and mix well. Add the bay leaves, make a hole in the center and put in the cloth bag with the spices. Add the wine and just enough water to barely cover everything. Bring to the boil, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer on low/very low for about 30-40 minutes, then add the potato cubes, stir well and continue to cook until the potato starts to fall apart (about 30 minutes). Remove the bay leaves and the spice bag, add the uncooked kraut, stir well and serve. Tastes best when prepared a day in advance and re-heated.

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Christian Eckert Oyster mushrooms with roasted barley ...and fresh Sauerkraut ;-)

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Christian Eckert Dinner: Puls and Sauerkraut

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Sean W. Hayes Delicious dinner of Sopa Seca and Vegetarin Refried Beans, from recipes by Jessica Finley. I used brown rice (which increases cooking time) and diced red pepper instead of peas and corn in the sopa seca, and added diced sweet peppers and half a bag of frozen spinach to the beans. Garnished with a locally made pico de gallo, accompanied by a glass of pinot grigio.

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Sean W. Hayes Feast Night. Pan-fried steak, baked potato, and salad with vinagrette of olive oil, wine vinegar, mirin and dijon mustard. Accompanied by Damnation, a Belgian-style Ale (served in my WMAW snifter). The butter on the potato makes this the highest-fat meal I've had in weeks. The combination of Gladiator on a daily basis and a feast or two a week is really working for me. I nd I enjoy the daily meals and take a pleasure in the feasts that I might not ordinarily nd.

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Christian Eckert for Sean W. Hayes: "...Gladius in hand..."

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Christian Eckert PVLS AFRICAE chickpeas and millet ...and MORETVM

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Sean W. Hayes Avacado on whole grain toast garnished with peccorino, and a salad of mixed greens, spinach, tomatoes, and a vinagrette of olive oil, white wine vinegar, and mirin.

John Enzinas Millet with Mushrooms and Waterchestnuts. Served on a bed of collard greens.

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Jrg Bellinghausen Rajma Chamal (Indian kidney bean curry) Ingredients: 1 large can of kidney beans, drained and rinsed 1 large onion, chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic, chopped 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, julienned and chopped 2-x green Indian chilies (as many as you like/ can tolerate), chopped 1 tsp ground cumin 2 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp cayenne pepper (or more to taste) 1 tsp paprika powder 1/2 tsp Garam Masala salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 knife-point ground cinammon 1 Tblsp tomato paste 1 8 oz can chopped tomatoes hot water or vegetable stock (I use instant) ghee or peanut oil freshly chopped cilantro for serving Preparation: Heat a large pan over medium-high heat, add ghee or oil. Saute onion, garlic, ginger and chilies for a couple of minutes. Add all the spices except salt, pepper and cinammon and roast them for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Add tomato paste and sweat if off for a minute, stirring constantly. Add chopped tomatoes and beans, add water a bit at a time, just to barely cover things. Season with salt, pepper and cinammon, bring to the boil, cover and let cook on low until the basmati rice which you start immediately afterwards is done. Sprinkle with a bit of freshly choppes cilantro and serve.

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Sean W. Hayes Time for David to eat at The Gladiator's Kitchen.....

After a two year loan to the United States, Michelangelo's David is being returned to Italy... And a word of thanks to the proud sponsors that made his visit possible McDonalds, Starbucks, & Burger King. By: Hans Arthur Schmid

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Christian Eckert Onions, Cinnamon, Cumin, Honey, Black Pepper and Chestnuts in Oliveoil

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Beans and Water added


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Christian Eckert VIRIDIS

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OK guys that here is very special: Zutaten: 1 Dose weie Bohnen 1 rote Zwiebel 250g Broccoli 250g Spinat Eingelegter Knoblauch Gemahlener Seetang Meersalz Olivenl Zwiebeln in Olivenl anbraten. Gewaschene Bohnen und den Broccoli dazu. Den eingelegten Knoblauch, den Seetang und den Spinat im Mixer total zerkleinern und dann zu den anderen Sachen giessen. 5min kochen fertig! VIRIDIS heit "grn" auf Latein. Ich bin krank und brauch die Stoffe, die in diesen Sachen sind. Es schien mir das bestmgliche Rezept. Den eigelegten Ingwer hab ich lieber pur vorher gegessen. Htte nicht gepasst! Christian Eckert HVMVS chickpeas roasted in oliveoil than smashed Spices: black pepper, turkish chili, salt, cumin

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