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Setting up Personal Folder Files in Outlook

1. After logging into Outlook, click on the VIEW menu and select Folder List. This will enable the folder list view.

2. Click on the TOOLS menu, and select SERVICES.

3. Make sure you are under the Services tab, and click the ADD button. Make sure that Personal Folders is not already listed as an available information service.

4. In the Add Service to Profile window, scroll down and select Personal Folders from the list. Click OK.

5. In the next window, name the new file. We recommend giving the file the same name as your login ID for email.

6. Click the drop-down arrow for Look In, and select your H: drive.

7. Click OPEN to create the file on your H: drive. This will allow you to access mail archived in your personal folders from the office and from home over a Citrix connection.

8. Click OK on the final screen to complete the setup for your Personal Folders. You do not need to change anything on this screen.

9. Make sure Personal Folders are listed under Services now, and click OK.

10. In your Folder List, you should now see a listing for Personal Folders. This item will contain no information currently.

11. In order to create new folders within your Personal Folders to store mail, right-click with your mouse on the Personal Folders icon in the folder list, and select New Folder. Name the folder as you wish, and it Enter.

12. To place mail into your Personal Folder file, simply select the message(s) you want to store, drag them with the mouse onto the folder where you wish to store them, and release the mouse. The items will be removed from your server based Inbox and stored in the Personal Folder file on your H: drive.

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