3tsy2007-2008 Datatel Midterm Exam

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Information Technology


FEU-East Asia College



GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Follow all instructions carefully. Failure to do so will warrant a substantial deduction from your final score. 2. Write everything in non-red ink. No borrowing of pens, calculators, etc. 3. You are not allowed to leave your seat unless you are through with the exam. If you have any questions, just raise your hand and the instructor or proctor will attend to you. 4. Talking to or looking at your seatmate (and his/her paper) is automatically considered as cheating which is subject to very serious sanctions as stipulated in the student handbook.


TEST I. CROSSWORD PUZZLE. Fill up with correct term to complete the puzzle. USE UPPER-CASE LETTERS only.

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TEST II. PROBLEM SOLVING. Show your complete and neat solution for each problem. PROBLEM 1(15 pts): A 64MB JPEG file is to be transmitted between two computers. Determine the round trip delay for the following types of data link and deduce what factor contributed to the computation of the round trip delay: (a) 2.78 km of coaxial cable and a transmission rate of 10Mbps. (b) 75,000 km of free space (satellite link) and a transmission rate of 512 kbps (c) 100 m of twisted pair wire and a transmission rate of 100 Mbps

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PROBLEM 2 (15 pts): The length of a TV antenna is /2 for radio waves with a frequency of 60 MHz. What is the antenna length in (a) centimeters and (b) feet?

PROBLEM 3 (15 pts): For a 6-meter band used in amateur radio, what is the corresponding frequency?

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Test III. Draw the corresponding waveform for the following modulation technique. (5 pts each) Modulatio n Amplitud e 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

Frequenc y


*****END OF TEST *****

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