Verb+Tenses Verb+Tenses PDF

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Verb Tenses

Tense Present Past Future Present Perfect Past Perfect Use Happening now Over and done with Hasnt happened yet Happening sometime before now Happening before a specific time in the past Happening before a specific time in the future How to form it Ordinary verb Add ed will + verb have/has + verb had + verb Example I go to the store when I need food. She walks home after school. I went to the store yesterday. She walked home everyday last year. I will go to the store next week. She will walk home tomorrow. I have gone to the store whenever Ive needed sugar. She has walked home many times. I had gone to the store before it started raining. She had walked home everyday until she was mauled by a dog. By the time Im 40, I will have gone to the store over 13,000 times. She will have walked home after school before you even get picked up. I am going to the store now. She is walking home as we speak. I was going to the store everyday last year. She was walking home last night. I will be going to the store for many years. She will be walking home forever because she has no car. I have been going to the same store for the last 8 years. She has been walking home everyday since she was in 2nd grade. I had been going to that store everyday when suddenly it closed. She had been walking home when she was mauled by a dog. By the time I die, hopefully I will have been going to the store for at least 80 years. By the end of the year, she will have been walking home for 10 months.

Future Perfect

will have + verb

Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive

Continuous action, happening now Happened over time Will happen for awhile

am/is/are + verb ending in ing was/were + verb ending in ing will be + verb ending in ing has/have been + verb ending in ing had been + verb ending in ing

Present Perfect Progressive Past Perfect Progressive

Action continuing into the present Continuously doing something when something else happened Continuing future action completed before another action

Future Perfect Progressive

will have been + verb ending in ing

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