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Roles of the facilitator in the Maseno UniversityeLearning

TheFacilitatorsrolewillinvolvethefollowing: Pedagogical: The Course Facilitator will ensure that learners learn the skills according to the learning outcomes specified for the course. The facilitator will cofacilitate the course with the Subject Expert (alsoKnownasCourseLecturer)whowilladdresssubjectrelatedissues.. Social: The Course Facilitator will create a friendly, social environment to develop group cohesiveness andcollaborativelearning. Managerial: The Course Facilitator will play an organizational, procedural and administrative role by setting the agenda for learning activities: the objectives of the activities, the timetable, procedural rules anddecisionmakingnorms.Thefacilitatorwillmanagetheinteractionsonthelearningplatforms Technical: The Course Facilitator will make participants comfortable with the learning environment and itstoolsandmakethetechnologytransparent,toenablethelearnertoconcentrateonthelearningtask athand.

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