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Student Syllabus

Speech & Discussion, Term 1, 2013 - 2014

Teacher: Email: Office: Jorge Ulloa Nakamura Building, 5th Floor Office

Materials & Textbooks

Textbooks Great Presentations Term 1 (April 15 July 29) Units 1-6, 11, Appendix A, B, C, D

Grading & Attendance

All students will receive a grade of A, B, C, D or F based on the following. You will be graded on the following criteria. Tests and assignments 1. One written presentation 20% (At least 500 words) 2. Small group presentation 20% 3. Main presentations 30% 70% In-class participation 1. Class performance 10% 2. Completes HW & assignments 10% 3. Attendance 10% 30% Attendance: All students must attend at least 75% of their classes. Three lates equals one absence. For this class, you are allowed 6 absences and 2 lates. 7 absences, or 6 absences and 3 lates, equals a fail (F)!

Class Objectives
By the end of the term, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Give a presentation with confidence in front of the whole class. Use voice, posture and gestures to enhance a presentation. Lead a small group presentation. Use notes and visuals when giving a presentation. Write a presentation with a clear introduction, body and conclusion. Plan, brainstorm and write an outline for a presentation.

Student Syllabi for Speech & Discussion 2nd Year Term 1, 2013

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