9 - Advanced Turbine Control System

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Advanced Turbine Control System

Course Objectives
The course helps the trainees to master the following competences To troubleshoot the control system hardware To read and modify the control strategy program To understand the principles of turbine control theory To increase the system reliability and safety

Course Duration:
Five (5) days

Who Should Attend

Gas turbine operators, technicians, and engineers

Course Outlines
INTRODUCTION TO GAS TURBINE THEORY Basic gas turbine physics: Energy transformations. Fluid flow. Components and their functionality. Output shaft configurations: Single shaft vs. split shaft.

INTRODUCTION TO FEEDBACK CONTROL THEOR Controller parameters Controller action Proportional control action.

Integral control action. Derivative control action. The PID controller. Control loop tuning. Cascade control. Turbo-machinery control system applications.

INPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS CONTROLLER SECTIONS Gas pressure ratio valve section Fuel control valve section: NHP acceleration control. NLP acceleration control. NLP load control Anti-flameout control. Maximum fuel control. Exhaust gas temperature control section: Nozzle control section:

HARDWARE STRUCTURE I/O structure and interconnections. Location of function of printed circuit cards. Power supply and conditioning. Use of built-in diagnostic aids for help in troubleshooting hardware problems. Protection devices.

Transient absorbers. Isolators. Earthing, shielding, and prevention of ground loops. Mechanical and electrical installation.

TURBINE FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM INTERCONNECTIONS Discrete inputs and outputs. Speed inputs. Thermocouple inputs.

Nozzle servo controllers.

Digital communication options Communication co-processor. Communication protocol.


Graphic information screens. Text information screens. Configuration and modification.

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