Constitution of United States of America

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Introduction to congress

Congress is legislative (the law making) branch of National Government its basic function is to law making

How vitally important this function is to continued success of American governmental system can be seen from the fact that the first and longest article in the constitution is devoted to congress

Article #01 section #01

1st section of Article #01

All legislative powers herein granted shell be vested in a congress of united states, which shell consist of a senate and house of representatives

Constitution of U.S.A



House of Representatives

Term of Congress
Term of congress lasts for two years There are tow regular sessions of each term, one year Special sessions may be called by the President

Representatives of Congress (Congressman tenure)

Members of the house serve for a 4 year term and are popularly elected The congress reappoints the seats in the house among the states on the basis of population after ten year census, but each state must guaranteed one representative

Qualifications of Congressman

Must be twenty five year old Seven year a citizen of the united states Resident of that state from which he is chosen Both the house and senate have power to decide qualifications and they may added informal qualifications

Senate & Senator

Senate Each state has two seats in senate Senators serve a sixyear term One third of senate terms regularly end every two years Senator Must be 30 year old 9 year citizen of U.S.A Resident of the state from which chosen

Considerations of senators

Congressman fix their own salaries by law They enjoy freedom from arrest for petty offences while going to attending, and returning from sessions of congress Immunity in debates and their official remarks.

Congress is main legislative body of U.S.A .as well as perform many non legislative dutieselectoral ,constituent ,judicial ,executive and investigative

For Patience

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