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Religious and Economic Dimensions in International Intervention

Introduction Religion and economy play a critical role in driving international intervention initiative. It is profoundly clear that the extended operation of UN in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Algeria, Rwanda, Burundi, and Darfur was predominately mobilized for economic expansion and to pillage the natural resources and control oil price. Religious issues and functions are more complex. In this regard it is argued that the motivating force of international intervention is not solely based on religion but human consideration to lessen the irreparable damage to human and civilian right. This work will analyze and discover to what extent does religious and economic drive play in providing the ground for intervention and its role in reconciling cultural and religious divide and in facilitating global integration and process. The Nature of Religion Religion, is defined as by is The Role of Religion in International Intervention Does religion has any role in international intervention? It seems that United States pay no interest to intervene and help conflicting countries which was predominantly populated by 99 % Muslim nation. The Idea of Economy The Role of Economy in International Intervention Natural resources is chapter will analyze the role of religion, how do dimension in Muslim nation, population economy as the driving force. the role of religion as the driver and is and in pushing the initiative for armed intervention since the post-cold war era. into other nation territory. as the motivating drive behind the sequence operation and political intervention. This is especially true play significant and important role in international intervention. The operation in which to. by United States led coalition

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