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How to mount USB in Solaris

Posted by admin on Monday, 11 March, 2013 1. Login as root user. 2. insert USB drive. 3. # cfgadm // try to locate your USB drive usb0/2.0 usb-storage connected configured ok 4. # mkdir /rmdir 5. restart vold daemon as # pkill HUP vold;volcheck Or manually #/etc/init.d/vold stop #/etc/init.d/vold start #volcheck

6. Accessing data #cd /rmdisk/rmdisk0

Manual Mount:

Follow steps 1 to 5. Now try to locate the device name as one of the following methods: A) 7. iostat En 8. mount it manually: #mount F pcfs /dev/dsk/cxtxdxs0 /mnt Sometimes as: # mount -F pcfs /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0p0:c /mnt/ If USB is not recognized then run B) #devfsadm C #iostat En Or # cd /dev/rdsk #ls l c*0 | grep usb #mount F pcfs /dev/dsk/cxtxdxs0 /mnt C) #rmformat

Unmounting USB drive: #fuser c u /mnt #umount /mnt

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