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MUST - Q & A

Answer the following (scanning the course if necessary) (7 pts.): 1. When does the epistemic sense of must occur?

2. Which is its main tense? What do the other possible tenses indicate? Give examples in sentences.

3. What are its substitutes? Give examples in sentences to highlight the main differences in meaning.

4. What does the distinction performative/non-performative, related to deontic must, indicate?

5. Which is its main tense? What do the other possible tenses indicate? Give examples in sentences.

6. What are its substitutes? Give examples in sentences to highlight the main differences in meaning.

7. How is epistemic must negated? How is deontic must negated? Give examples in sentences.

Translate bearing in mind the answers to questions 1 to 7 (3 pts.): Trebuie ca a fost foarte suparat de faptul ca nu ai fost suficient de rezonabil in luarea deciziei.

Va trebui sa-l determin sa isi ia pastilele la timp daca vrea sa se faca bine.

Mai este nevoie sa-ti spun ca nu ai voie sa pleci daca nu iti reinnoiesti pasaportul?

N-a fost nevoie sa ii traduc ce se vorbeste; spre surprinderea mea, vorbea romana foarte bine.

Mark poate sa vina in orice moment; ar fi trebuit sa fie acasa deja.

Probabil ca se simte bine cu vechii ei prieteni daca nu simte nevoia sa-si faca altii noi.

Nu se poate sa se intoarca azi daca s-a oprit in Sibiu.

De ce a trebuit sa va duceti acolo? Stiati ca nu era nevoie ba, mai mult, nu aveati voie s-o faceti.

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