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April 22, 2013 Mayor Robert Ford Office of the Mayor City Hall 100 Queen Street West,

2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Dear Mayor Ford; On behalf of our followers, we would like to thank you for raising the issue of the dearth of women on the Toronto City Council in your NewsTalk 1010 radio program yesterday, April 21, 2013. We agree that this is a pressing issue and would like to invite you to attend and speak at a Women in Toronto Politics event about how to run for municipal office. The event can be scheduled at your convenience. We feel that your presence at this event would reinforce your commitment to encouraging female leadership on City Council and set an example for other city councillors. It would be an opportunity for attendees to learn about your valuable first-hand experience campaigning, including tips and pitfalls to avoid. We think it would also be an important opportunity for you to learn more about what other factors and forces drive women away from city politics. Women in Toronto Politics was formed as a result of the lack of womens voices contributing to and leading the discussions about how to make Toronto a better city for all of its residents. We know that you are committed, as we are, to a strong City Council which is representative of the women it serves, and takes advantage of the great talent Torontonians have to offer its leadership. For more information on how inclusion of women builds strong cities, we invite you to review the Federation of Canadian Municipalities paper, Women in Local Government: Getting to 30% by 2026, available online. We hope that you can make time for what we think will be a very relevant and well-received program. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Via E-Mail:

Jessica M. Spence, B.A., J.D. Operations & Research Director


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