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GRAPES put them in the freezer eat frozen and slowly SALAD - for dinner - make extra for lunch tomorrow CHICKEN avoid the skin when possible - avoid fried! VEGGIES cut up extra to keep on hand for a quick snack POPCORN (no butter) low calorie & satisfies the need to munch 0% FAT YOGURT a great substitute for ice cream add fruit! GRANOLA BARS make your own easy and better for you FLAVORED WATER add slices of lemon, kiwi, strawberries, lime PEANUT BUTTER add shredded carrots (can hardly taste it!) TUNA mix with avocado and skip the mayonnaise! (or 50/50) TUNA mix with lemon and olive oil add veggies (broccoli etc.) OATMEAL/OATS eating regularly - lowers cholesterol OATMEAL add raisins, walnuts and/or almonds for variety (the nuts will keep you satisfied and less hungry for longer) WHOLE GRAINS in breads, pasta and cereals read labels! NATURAL and unprocessed is the goal ORGANIC is the goal try Quinoa and wild rice if you havent! PESTICIDE FREE is the goal be sure to wash all fruit thoroughly! 1% or fat free milk is ideal organic is even better CHIPS many are baked products avoid fried chips/French fries DIPS use yogurt vs. sour cream FROZEN YOGURT vs. ice cream SWEETS - in moderation ALTER YOUR PALLET over time: fewer sweets and fats SMALLER PORTIONS! Enjoy weighing less and feeling better!

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