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Ross Lippard Elizabeth Caruso English 1102 11 April 2013 Memo

Comment [BC1]: Use regular typeface for titles in an MLA document.

Ive wanted to reply to the audience of this article in agreement with the author of how to switch the idea of medicine from cure to prevention. If you think about it; it would make more sense to prevent and injury or illness than have to resort to treatment. This article just discusses ways to prolong life and how to live a more healthy life. It compares people with illnesses and ways they could have prevented it. One of the biggest challenges the world faces today is the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle, in which this article explains ways to establish one. Article:
Comment [BC2]: Who is your audience? What genre are you writing in? Where will this work be placed?

The Focus from Cure to Prevention Did you know that forty percent of cancer, as well as eighty percent of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes could be prevented if Americans exercised more, stopped smoking, and ate healthier? Many people dont realize how easily these things are to do day by day. They also dont realize how many health programs there are around the community to help with these struggles for the typical person (i.e., smoking). With this being said, the focus in todays society has moved from cure to prevention. Many Health and wellness education programs have been created to help those lose weight, create a healthy diet, create an exercise habit and quit smoking. The last one there, smoking, is one of the highest leading causes of cancer and can lead to heart attacks. One of two young people who begin to smoke and continue to smoke will be killed by a tobacco-related illness.(School Health and Youth) Does this catch your attention? If this doesnt make you want to quit smoking then I dont know what would. The point is that in todays world there are many temptations like smoking and drinking that are easily accessible and are major causes of death. The use of tobacco not only is unhealthy for you, but is also addictive. This plays a major role in the life of a smoker especially when wanting to quit. Quitting smoking often requires multiple attempts. Using counseling or medication alone increases the chance of a quit attempt being successful.(Health) This shows that it isnt easy, which is why lots continue to smoke and dont care about the effects to themselves or others. With the help of these counseling centers to help smokers quit they are taking part in the movement of switching from cure to prevention by helping smokers prevent cancer or decrease their risk. Another role in the community that helps to prevent diseases and helping those avoid tobacco and alcohol; is our public schools. In these schools, the health curriculum or most of them teach to avoid the use of
Comment [BC3]: Even though the last idea in the intro you mention is smoking, this is a bit of a rough transition and might take your audience off-guard. Although it is designed to do so, there is little advance warning that youll be talking about smoking at all.

tobacco. In health class which is mandatory to graduate, one will go over the effects of tobacco, drugs and alcohol. They go over the negative effects of these substances for short term and long term. This is a positive thing because the earlier the young people of our society learn the effects and consequences then they will be less likely to use tobacco creating for a healthier society in general. The sad part about all of this is not everyone will quit smoking, which is not good for the rest of the population because this brings up the issue of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke inhaled by those of nonsmokers is responsible for 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths annually. (Health) With this being said, Having said this, many states have outlawed smoking inside public places including restaurants and patios. This also includes bars and clubs, which has created a healthier environment and reduced the amount of secondhand smoke being transmitted between others. Having these rules in place has also shown the great These laws have shown a great deal of emphasis to prevention rather than cure, and to better the communitys health and promote the well-being of others. The government has put some laws in effect that has lowered the smoking population. This has been done with more publicizing information on smoking ads like cancer awareness. Also, commercials on television with have been using live actors who have illness due to tobacco usage.usage to scare or send a message to viewers the consequences of using tobacco. Along with smoking lifestyles being detrimental to your health, lack of exercise and poor diets are also part of a poor lifestyle. Daily exercise can help is proven to help prevent heart disease and stroke. Also, It can strengthen your heart, lower blood pressure, raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels, lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, improve blood flow, and increase your hearts working capacity.(Health) Doesnt that just sound awesome? If you said no, then youre not conscious about your health and thats what is making our society unhealthier every day.
Comment [BC4]: Informal/conversational

This shows that if you just exercise for several minutes a day your health can improve significantly. Exercise simply means bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health. (Exercise) Exercising has so many positive effects on the body, not just losing weight and physically improving your body. It has psychological effects also. It has been proven to reduce depression, reduce anxiety, and aid to a more restful sleep. Studies have consistently shown that both short and long term exercise reduce depression. The antidepressant effect begins as early as the first exercise session and lasts beyond the end of the exercise program. Both men and women of all ages had a decrease in depression with exercise. The greatest benefit occurs when exercise is combined with psychotherapy or medicine. (Health) Exercise doesnt have to be vigorous and to the extent youre hurting your body. Exercise can be taking a fifteen minute walk each day. This will keep your joints loose and prevent them from stiffening. Another great way of exercise is swimming because it uses all of your muscles in your body and is strengthening them. These forms of exercise are making the body healthy by not just strengthening but also burning off calories and fats that the body doesnt need. This is crucial in society today because of the overwhelming obese population that has sprung up. It is due to the increase in fast food restaurants and non-natural food selection which the body isnt made to digest. McDonalds for instance, isnt real food for the most part which gives our body no natural ingredients that are good for our body and also our body isnt prepared to break down these foods so they go right through us. This is why exercise should be a major part in your daily routine, it will not only be beneficial to your health now but it will help you in preventing diseases down the road. Overweight and obesity are the result of caloric imbalance in which too few calories are being expended for the amount of calories consumed, and are affected by various genetic,

behavioral, and environmental factors.(Centers for Disease) This means more calories are being taken in than consumed. This is bad; its a sign of obesity in society. This problem is highly preventable and is a main focus in our schools today. Did you know that the percentage of overweight children and adolescents has tripled since the 1970s? More than one in five children today ages 6-17 is considered overweight. (Teachers vs. Childhood) The focus is to start them learning at a young age so it will carry with them for the rest of their lives. to start at a young age so that the children will know early. There For those who struggle to maintain their weight; there are many diet systems out there to aid with weight loss and its very important to know which ones are healthy for you and not healthy. Back to the health side of things we are now seeing Type 2 diabetes in young people whereas this used to be a disease of middle age. While the implications for the future wellbeing of our society are grave, the good news is that interventions to reduce overweight among young people have long-lasting effects on future weight.(Obesity) The high amounts of sugar consumed contribute to the cause of Type 2 diabetes which can be prevented by education in schools, and the teaching of parents and watching what their kids eat. This goes hand in hand with childhood obesity, which like I said earlier is a big issue in todays society. as well. Did you know that the percentage of overweight children and adolescents has tripled since the 1970s? More than one in five children today ages 6 -17 is considered overweight. (Teachers vs. Childhood) This just shows you how important it is to prevent obesity and in general the main point is to prevent than cure. If you can prevent it, then theres no need for cure. Has this convinced you to be more concerned about your health? Hopefully it has, it should teach you to take caution and prevent yourself from getting diseases or illnesses. If you answered no I hope you think hard about it and start using caution and not being that smoker

killing a nonsmoker from secondhand smoke. With this being said, we can see why prevention is more important than curing and why there has been more of an emphasis on it in tod ays medicine than in the past. Take a preventative measure, and curing will not be necessary.
Comment [BC5]: Ross, Overall, it is obvious that you are invested in and understand the conversations surrounding your topic, but this understanding gets a bit muddy since you write a fiveparagraph essay that doesnt allow the different ideas to be split up into paragraphs that allow them to thoroughly explain and separate ideas. As you revise, work to separate your paragraphs according to idea. When you begin shifting to another idea within the same topic, end what you were talking about, then begin the new paragraph. Also, as you separate your paragraphs, consider how you might make those paragraphs more succinct by combining similar sentences or taking out ideas that might not stress your points as much. Im looking forward to seeing what youll strengthen in your portfolio version! -Ms. C

Works Cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19 Feb. 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2013. "Exercise.", n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. "Health Information." The Benefits of Exercise, Health Facts for You, UW Health, University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2013. "Obesity and Its Health Effects." ACSH. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013. "School Health and Youth Health Promotion: Facts." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2013. Teachers vs. Childhood Obesity. Donors Choose. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013

Research Prewriting In this project the main focus will be on the debate of prevention rather than cure. The audience can range from literally anyone because disease prevention deals with every person of every population to prolong life as much as possible. The purpose is to get the point across that if you can prevent a disease or illness, then the step of curing can be taken out of the conversation. For instance, in this article they state that most of the chronic diseases that people acquired were in fact preventable diseases and mostly by healthy lifestyle behaviors. Source: In this article the fact that most of the chronic diseases that people acquire are preventable. This makes you wonder why people choose the bad and unhealthy lifestyles that lead to chronic illnesses and most of them know that. This piece is important to respond to because it is a major issue with the topic of prevention rather than cure because it all starts with

Comment [BC6]: This needed to be the research prewriting from 3/21, not the proposal.

someones lifestyle and behavior choices which lead to illness and even death. I just want to say or question why people would continue an unhealthy lifestyle knowing the consequences and not trying to better them. Is it addiction, hereditary, or just popular in society? With this topic, I not only want to respond but I want to question it. Why? Why do people continue to do badly to their bodies with unhealthy lifestyles? I intend to respond in a way that hopefully it would get the point across to someone and somebody taking place in those bad habits whether its smoking, over-eating, or lack of exercise for example. I dont want to make fun of these people but I want to make sure Im bold about the fact that people; specifically Americans, can change their bad habits and make themselves healthier and promote a better life which then would save them and prevent them from diseases and more importantly chronic diseases. In this article specifically Im coinciding with the author and his/her views. They have very important information in which I agree on, which is why Im taking their side to fight against the audience to make a change in their life and the life of others. Im trying to accomplish the acceptance of the audience and to make a change in a way that others will use this information and maybe want to make a change in their own lives to better themselves. Like I said earlier; prevention is ahead of cure, if you can prevent by promoting a healthy lifestyle then there will be no need for cure. With this being said, I intend to write an article addressing the same audience this author is addressing.

9 Research Pre-Writing The purpose of my piece (article) is to agree with the author of my article chosen to refer to and express some of my opinions. Some information needed is just the knowledge of public health and healthcare in general. In the article most everything is clear to me, but in a way you need to have knowledge of how the healthcare system works to interpret some facts or statements made. This article is just a general informative consisting of facts towards the general public. It sparked my attention because Im trying to inform the public that there is a problem with society and how we treat our bodies. Also, I want them to know that their decisions can affect not only them but those around them. After looking over my proposal I may need to research several things like statistics, and what types of programs are used to help other with their health problems. (i.e., weight or substance abuse) With my intended audience they are going to be looking for statistics of real life people of their age group that they might be able to relate to which in fact could lead to them quitting smoking or driving them to lose weight. Im not too sure who the unintended audience would be because this information should be informative to everyone. Ive looked at several examples of articles, but every article seems to have different structures so I want to flow my article how I want it.

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