Flexibility, Impact Resistance

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angle to determine how hard the lead has to be in order to break VII Flexibility, Impact substrate Resistance (ASTM

D3363). The through to the coating to the metal hardness is defined by a numerical value equal to the hardest pencil that will not break the surface.


The flexibility of the coating can be important if the field use of the part will cause it to be stressed by thermal changes or handling. A conical mandrel bend test is used to test the coating for flexibility and adhesion. 1. The panel is placed between the mandrel and the drawbar. 2. The test panel is folded around the tapered fixture in a uniform 180 bend using a manually operated arm. 3. The panel is inspected for cracks along the bend. 4. If cracks appear, they are measured from the small end of the bend to the far end of the crack. The amount of crack that is acceptable is determined by the use of the product. If the part will not be subjected to stresses in the field the standard may be several inches. If the part is used for a product that has a post-coating forming step or if it is used in an environment that will subject it to stresses then the standard may be no cracking. Conical mandrel bend testing is also an indicator of adhesion loss as described later in this chapter. Another test for flexibility is the Erichsen slow penetration test. The panel is subjected to deformation by a ram. The ram is driven slowly into the back of the panel. Flexibility is measured by how far the ram travels before coating cracks.

Impact Resistance

Impact tests can be performed as direct impact or reverse impact. Both tests use a Variable Height Impact Tester. The panel is placed on a surface under a tube. A cylinder of a precise weight is dropped down a tube onto the panel surface from different heights. For direct impact, the coated side of the panel is facing up and the cylinder is dropped onto it. For reverse impact the panel is turned down and the cylinder is dropped onto the non-coated side. The results are reported in inch-pounds, the maximum impact that the coating will take before it cracks.

VII /8

Powder Coaters Manual 1/98

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