Homework 2

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Homework #2

A newly discovered oil reservoir has an average reservoir pressure of 2445 psig. A leading PVT laboratory reports the bubble point of the bottomhole oil sample as 2800 psig. A stabilized flow test reveales that the well produces 282 STB/day oil at 1810 psig bottomhole flowing pressure. Use Vogels quadratic IPR equation and answer the following questions:

a. Calculate and plot inflow performance relation for this well (0 Pwf PR). b. What is the theorethical maximum flow rate (q and well conditions ? c. What would be the production rate if the bottomhole flowing pressure was dropped to 1380 psig ? d. What should be the flowing bottomhole pressure to produce 430 STB oil daily ? e. If the production quota is imposed on the well as 1/2 q bottomhole pressure at the present conditions ? f. Calculate and plot the straight line IPR (constant J calculated from the well test data) on the same graph. g. What is the absolute error on q o.max if the straight line IPR approach is used ?
o.max o.max)

at the present reservoir pressure

what will be the flowing

PET 332 retim Mhendislii I

Spring 2013

Dr. enol Yamanlar

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