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1). Smile~ A smileis the closestpath betweentwo Souls. 2). Trust~ Trustis the bridgebetweentwo heartson whichLovewalkspeacefully. 3).

Give~ To giveis to shareLove. 4). Share~ Whenyou sharethe best of you, youget the best of Life. 5). Believe~ Believein the beautyof yourdreamsso that you makethemtrue and sharethem all. 6). Connect~ Twoheartsconnectthroughone moment.Eachof whichis Love. Eachof whichis Life. 7). Forgive~ To forgiveis to openthe heart to Love. 8). Remember~ Loveis rememberingKindnessas the languageof the heart. 9). Open~ It is whenyouopenyourheart to anotherthat Life appearsmeaningful. 10. Laugh~ A laughis a soulful momentthat carriesLovefromHeavento shareit with thosewe love. 11). Grow~ Loveis the Gardenerthat makesLife growstrangersinto Friends. 12). Learn~ WhenyoulearnfromLove,youare discoveringthat Peaceis possibleas a wayto co-exist. 13). Create~ To createa spacefor Loveto exist beautifullyis to care simply,yet endlessly. 14). Build~ To build a Life fromLoveis to ensurea foundationon whichto stand. 15). Honor~ HonorthosewhosupportyourGreatnessas theyprovideyou with a pathto happiness. 16). Bless~ Blessthe one whoseeye seesyouin yourTruthfor (s)heis the mirrorto yourSoul. 17). Respect~ To respectanotheris to allowhim/herto exist independentlyfromyourown needs. 18). Accept~ To acceptLife partlyfor whatyou see and mostlyfor whatyou cannotyet fathom is great Wisdomandgreat Love. 19). Dream~ The dreamof a rainbowis Life showingyouyourtrue colors. 20). Imagine~ To let anotherimaginehis Greatnessis Leadershipas a wayandLoveas guidance. 21). Envision~ Lovelets you envisionan Immaterialpower.It alsolets you realizeit is yours.

22). Agreeto disagree~ Catalyzea relationshipthroughwhichyou can agreeto disagreeand see howLovecreatesbridges. 23). Cherish~ (S)hewhocherishesa momentof Love,cherishesthe TruthwithinLife. 24). Hug~ A hug is Unity givena form. 25). Kiss~ Kissthe lips and youll see all stars. Kissthe Soul andyoull knowthe Lightbeyond all of them. 26). Thank~ Givethanksto all that bringssmilesto yourSoul for this is DivineLovewrappedin Lifesdearestblessings. 27). Appreciate~ To appreciateLoveis to givea heart a chanceto feel it, shareit andrejoicein it. 28). Nurture~ ShewhoseSoul nurturesanotherknowsLoveas the closestTruthto Life. 29). Communicate~ To communicateHappinessis Lifesmostempoweringpath to Love. 30). Live ~ Livea Life in whichLovehas becomethe mostessential wayof expressionand Lovedyou will foreverfeel.

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