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Information on the move > 4 A line of flexibility > 6
Customer Insight - Bremnes Seashore

Higher-quality salmon for customers worldwide > 10 The food of the future > 12 Controlling salmon logistics> 14

FOCUS - Research is the core> 18

2 0 1 0 V O L U M E 1

APRIL 2012




Whole fish batching at ElaboPack in France

The future is bright
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The future is bright Whole fish batching at ElaboPack in France Information on the move A line of flexibility Innova a powerful ally Higher-quality salmon for customers

The world seafood industrys future is bright as it continues to build on strong foundations and a long legacy of real-value creation. Today, the industry has a unique opportunity: studies show that it is sustainable both from an economic as well as an environmental standpoint. However, all predictions indicate that demand will be more than what can be produced. What will define the future? One important aspect of the industrys bright future is that steps are still being taken to improve efficiency and processing productivity in fish processing. Marel has played a major role in the steps already implemented, and intends to continue developing in strong partnerships within the industry. Numerous companies are already very much driven by ongoing improvements to their efficiency, yield and value creation, which are exactly the companies that we at Marel are eager to work with, for they are the future stars of the industry. What Marel brings to the table

A visit to Marels stand at Seafood Processing Europe in 2011 led to improved productivity for French seafood processor SAS ElaboPack, a Lequertier Group company Looking for a batching solution for its plant in northern France, ElaboPack was intrigued with Marels TargetBatcher TB 3000 at the Brussels exhibition. It suited the companys requirements to a tee. The machine was bought and installed in October 2011 and used primarily for fixed-weight batching whole fish and fillets, which are then packed into trays. The Marel TargetBatcher is the easiest way to reduce giveaway by rapidly identifying and combining products to fill up trays with an absolute minimum of overweight. It can combine numerous configu-

rations, delivering various fixedweight packages of fresh or frozen products. Six months later, the company is pleased with its decision to go with Marel. The Target Batcher is running smoothly, and has improved production by increasing yield and reducing giveaway. Marel has a reputation for providing advanced equipment, and after installing the TargetBatcher, we can see why. We are very satisfied with our new batching solution, says Didier Lequertier, Group Director.


The food of the future Controlling salmon logistics The automatic edge Increased capability for WPL9060 Weigh Price Labeler Research is the core Lets meet

Marels role in the seafood industrys bright future is to facilitate innovation in our customers processing operations. We have extensive knowledge of fish processing, and aim to assist you as a customer to focus on your processing, leaving us to focus on defining the needs and providing advice on how we can provide added value with machinery, innovations, and ongoing service. To further build on this capability, we are heavily investing in product development as well as research in the field of food science, a field that we know will create innovative value for ourselves, as well as our customers. Fish connections With all this in mind, it is a great feeling to be working at Marel, as all our efforts are ultimately aimed at serving the seafood industry. I am always looking to strengthen my connections to the industry, and would therefore like to stay in touch with our customers via Twitter @jonbg or on where I frequently post industry or Marel related items of interest.
Jn Birgir Gunnarsson General Manager, Fish Industry Centre, Marel

Marels optional Innova production software monitors real-time information from the TargetBatcher during processing, providing a complete overview of all aspects of the batching process and its results. The graphical user interface allows the user to see and easily adjust both the program and the products currently running on the batcher. The software also generates reports on critical factors such as giveaway, throughput and efficiency.




Information on the move

Innova software and the iPad have added an entirely new dimension to packing and quality control at Icelands largest pelagic processor.
Based in Neskaupstaur on Icelands East Fjords, Sildarvinnslan hf. is Icelands largest catcher and processor of pelagic species, and the largest producer of fish meal and oil. Its ultra-modern production plant for processing whitefish and pelagic species has operated a wide range of Marel solutions and equipment since going online in 1997. Real-time control Since 2008, the packing lines and quality control system at the plant have been controlled by Marels Innova Production Management software. This integration has boosted efficiency to new levels by generating an uninterrupted stream of real-time information on important facets of the production process. Since installing Innova, controlling operations has become a whole lot easier, and more reliable, says quality and R&D manager Sindri Sigursson. We have much better real-time performance information, and this helps us to make the right decisions. Innova automatically stores all information digitally, and easily generates and prints a wide range of reports. Moreover, it can produce key-information labels for attaching to boxes and pallets, ensuring, for example that all products leaving the factory are traceable. iPad friendly Sldarvinnslan recently became Icelands first processor whose production system utilized an iPad to run an Innova QC terminal. In the case of quality control, fish selected for inspection are checked for features such as temperature, size, weight, appearance and texture. This data is entered into Innova using an iPad and the results can be viewed and assessed immediately. Theres no doubt in my mind that this represents a major step forward, say Sigursson. Instead of being tied to fixed terminals, we can now pick up an iPad and access and act on information from anywhere in the factory. Another Innova benefit is a much improved flow of information within the plant. Its much easier to see what everyone is doing, which has led to better communications and teamwork. In the future, we plan to add several of the other features the system offers, such as monitoring and recording performance and productivity.


Speed meets size

While Innova keeps a constant watch on the packing line at Sldarvinnslan, a more visible presence is to be found in the form of a recently installed Marel Speedbatcher. The Speedbatcher automatically weighs raw material into sub-weights at high speed, which are then automatically combined to form the optimum batch weight. Fully automatic from input to delivery, the unit outperforms all conventional hopper systems in both speed and accuracy. Since its installation two months ago, the Speedbatcher has handled around 1,700 tons of whole mackerel, most destined for customers in Eastern Europe or the Baltic region, says Sigursson. It has enabled us to pack larger fish that would otherwise have been very difficult to handle effectively, says Sindri Sigursson, quality and R&D manager at Sildarvinnslan processing plant in Iceland. GO TO:

Its much easier to see what everyone is doing, which has led to better communications and teamwork.

we can now pick up an iPad and access and act on information from anywhere in the factory.




A line of
When Italian manufacturer Excellent Seafood in Avezzano, Italy decided to invest in a new slicing and packing line for its salmon processing plant, Marel was the natural choice.
Excellent Seafood s.r.l. started processing smoked salmon in 2010, and by 2011 production had reached six tons per week of various finished products. The company has been using Marel processing equipment since 1994, and the DPL Dynamic Packing & Slicing Line 125 fulfills its challenging requirements for slicing and packing smoked salmon, as well as other products such as swordfish portions and smoked tuna. Innovative solutions Excellent Seafood sees Marel as a leader in delivering innovative processing solutions. Marel doesnt just sell processing equipment. It also provides support by

High performance The new line has significantly improved performance. The Geba slicer SC 125 V cuts fixed-weight slices to a high degree of accuracy. This precision dramatically increases yield by avoiding weight loss on the fixed-weight packages. Another advantage of the slicer is its ease of use. The multilingual touchscreen easily creates and stores processing programs for each individual product, which plays an important role in standardizing production. It is also simple for operators to very quickly change cutting parameters to fit the temperature and consistency of products, as well as switch between product groups. In addition, all production data is registered in the built-in CPU, making it easy to monitor daily production and calculate yield. On-line support The DPL slicing line has remote online service & support capability. Marel service engineers have helped Excellent Seafood to identify and solve problems, adjust parameter settings that have been incorrectly programmed, etc. Service engineers can also spot-check machines during processing to determine if they are working at peak performance.

getting involved in how to make our production line as efficient as possible. They come up with innovative ideas on how to solve daily problems, and train our operators in the maintenance and daily operation of both new and existing equipment, says Nicola Tontini, Production & Quality Manager of Excellent Seafood. The first improvement using the new DPL slicing line 125 involved the handling of slices, now a much easier task as slices are spaced out evenly on the conveyor belt. This makes them very easy to pick up. Moreover, being able to slice the salmon at temperatures ranging between -4 and +4 C has made the production flow more dynamic. The optimum temperature is quickly achieved in a refrigerated store, so it is not necessary to separate the production phases. Keeping the same temperature throughout the process also ensures that the final product is kept in quality condition vis--vis bacteria.


Marel doesnt just sell processing equipment. They come up with ideas on how to solve daily problems

Excellent Seafood has achieved a high level of performance and flexibility after installing the DPL slicing line. Our expectations with this investment have certainly been fulfilled, says Nicola Tontini.

a powerful ally
Marels dynamic packing line now has a powerful new ally: Innova Production Management software that scrutinizes all key positions in the line, enabling processing control from your desk. The standard slicing and packing lines for salmon retail packing have long been a highly successful solution for Marel customers. Since introducing the Innova software option, however, this dynamic packing line has become a whole lot smarter, and more efficient. All data on fillets, pieces, weight, trim, etc. are registered and used for creating reports, or for traceability by logging historical data. Moreover, production line weaknesses and strengths can now be easily identified and fixed to ensure an optimized processing line.


Our expectations with this investment have certainly been fulfilled.

This precision dramatically increases yield by avoiding weight loss on the fixedweight packages.

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Customer Insight




Higher-quality salmon
for customers worldwide
When Norwegian salmon processor Bremnes Seashore embarked on a major upgrade of its Bmlo plant, the project included the installation of a Marel whole salmon packing grader, followed shortly by a complete gutting line powered by Innova production management software.
of them under the companys own multi-award winning Salma and Bmlo brands. Upgrading value-added mix Bremnes Seashore recently embarked on a major upgrade of its Bmlo plant, including the installation in July 2011 of a Marel whole salmon packing grader. A few months later a complete gutting line was added, with Marel graders ensuring the correct distribution of fish into the gutting machines. This equipment, as well as all of the plants logistics, operates on Marels Innova production management software. Much more advanced than the plants previous system, Innova provides a complete overview and control of every stage of the production process, including quality control, order processing and packing. At the same time, Innova provides Bremnes customers with complete traceability for every fish from the time they are hatched until they leave the factory as a processed product. The main reasons behind the upgrade are to boost production capacity of gutted salmon, and expand production of value-added products, such as fillets, while maintaining our focus on high-quality whole-fish products, says processing manager Vidar Helvik. Our ultimate aim is to supply higher-quality products for customers worldwide, with a much stronger value-added mix. We believe that Marel equipment and software will play a key role in these efforts. Achieving optimum quality For salmon processors, speed and temperature are essential to achieving optimum product quality and consistency. To ensure this, Bremnes fish are kept at a constant year-round temperature before being slaughtered, and high-speed processing keeps them at a qualityretaining low temperature.

For salmon processors, speed and temperature are essential to achieving optimum product quality and consistency. After slaughtering, the salmon are fed onto a Marel grader, which weighs them to high accuracy before sending them to the gutting machines. They are then cleaned and stored in a buffer tank, where they are cooled to 2C before being cleaned once again. The salmon then pass through quality control where they are examined for any defects in appearance, before entering a Marel whole-fish packing grader. They can then be channeled to freezing, value-adding filleting, or direct to a box filling station for whole gutted salmon. Onward journey After being labeled, boxed and strapped, the processed salmon end their processing journey at the packing station, where a pair of robots transfer them onto pallets at a rate of 20 boxes per/min, for transfer to trucks which carry them off on their journey to customers. Although were still getting to know the new system, it has already proved easier to handle than its predecessor, and has many more features and enhanced flexibility. Were very pleased, says Bremnes Seashore processing manager Vidar Helvik.

Bremnes was founded in 1937 on the island of Bmlo just off Norways southwest coast as a seaweed reception plant. Since 1958, the company has been producing farmed salmon, and is a pioneer in Norways aquaculture industry. Today, Bremnes operates salmon farms at 22 locations in the Stavanger-Hardanger region, processing some 250 tons of live salmon daily about 50,000 fish into 100 different products sold worldwide, many


Our ultimate aim is to supply highquality products for customers worldwide, with a much stronger value-added mix.

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Customer Insight




The food of the future

For Bremnes Seashore COO Bjrn Willy Sverud, farmed salmon can go a long way to solving global food shortages, with Marel technology playing a key role in his companys drive for continued quality, increased efficiency, and valueadded products.
The upgrade of our Bremnes plant, and the introduction of Marels packing grader and Innova production management software, are key elements in our goal of continuing to produce high-quality fish, while increasing our mix of value-added products such as fillets, says Bjrn Willy Sverud. The new system gives us the option of processing several different types of products at the same time, resulting in an uninterrupted flow of product on-line, while Innova provides us with logistics relating to production planning, packing, labeling and registration for a variety of purposes, among them traceability. Each fish that leaves our factory can be traced back to the egg from which it was hatched, and the labeling on our boxes has bar-coded data on a host of details, for example size, quality, tracking number, packing date/plant and shelf life. Farmed salmon is a healthy, nutritious food produced in a sustainable way in terms of breeding environment, processing and stock. For me, it is the food of the future, and a means of feeding large populations in an economic and sustainable way. When it comes to conversion rates, no other form of food comes close: it takes only 100kg of feed to produce 55kg of salmon fillets, which is much better than poultry and pork, and far healthier. Despite higher production costs in Norway as opposed to other European processors, we have a distinct advantage in that we have ready access to a constant supply of high-quality fresh fish, which does not have to be transported long distances for processing, as is the case, for example in Russia, Poland and China.
Bjrn Willy Sverud

Aquaculture is a young industry, and in some cases much maligned. In my opinion, this criticism is unfair, and most often based on misunderstandings and lack of public knowledge. I sometimes think that if agriculture, the basis of human existence for the past 5,000 years, had been discovered today, it wouldnt be allowed in many countries. As long as the salmon industry works together with nature as we should, and the worlds fishing nations approach their fisheries in a sustainable way, farmed salmon for me can be a sustainable and effective way of solving the worlds food shortages, says Bjrn Willy Sverud.

High automation
and all-round control
Although weve only been using Innova production management software for about two months, we already know that its a very good system. Its easy to understand, gives us excellent all-round production control, and provides us with an uninterrupted stream of key information, says Bremnes Seashore production manager, Ronny Meling. We use Innova to program all equipment on the line. This includes the gutting machines and Marels whole-fish packing grader, which has parameters such as number of fish, size, and the flow and rate of production we want to achieve. Given the range of features it offers some of which were still discovering its a very easy system to use. Plus, it gives us a much higher level of automation and control than any other production software Ive ever seen, says Ronny Meling.




Customer Insight




Controlling salmon

features than our previous production management system. It took me only about three weeks to become very comfortable with it. As highly skilled at their jobs as Bjarne and his team may be, one thing they cannot do is make time stand still. There are two things we know we definitely cant do, he smiles. One is stop production, the other, stop the clock. Anything else well definitely have a go at.

The Bremnes Seashore logistics team work together to make time work for them helped by Innova software.
Take 250 tons of salmon processed into any one of up to 100 different products. Now take each order and make sure that every one of the 50,000 fish is dispatched to its correct destination on any one of four continents on time, to exact customer specifications, and with all the correct paperwork in place. This is the task faced by the Bremnes Seashore logistics team every day. Logistics is pressure Logistics is the place in the Bmlo plant where production ends, the road begins, and pressure is a fact of life for logistics manager Bjarne Sortland and his close-knit logistics team of Anne Meling Brthen, Jihad Salih and Linn Hege E. Ekonster. Inside the plant, the team continually monitors and evaluates activity on the production floor, and loading bays, as salmon make their way through the processing line and emerge as completed orders ready for delivery. Externally, they must liaise with customers, customs, haulage companies, and the many other agencies that are a fact of conducting an export business, while

ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed on time and in perfect order. And all the while the clock ticks relentlessly. This is a place for cool heads and split-second timing. Innova eases pressure Like the rest of the Bremnes plant, the logistics department harnesses the power of Innova production management software to bring all these different and often competing threads together. Control, says Linn Hege, when asked what the introduction of Innova has meant to the team. Total control, she adds. Its also much easier to use, and has a lot more features than our previous production management system. Sitting here at my screen, I can monitor fish as it passes through the factory, including the Marel whole fish packing grader, and see exactly whats going on at any given time. If there are any unexpected hitches or delays likely to affect delivery schedules, I can react to them immediately, or even see them coming before they actually occur. Its a very flexible system. Innova has also made prioritizing orders for dispatching much simpler and effective, adds Anne Meling. We know exactly when the trucks are coming, and can have everything ready for loading.

User-friendly interface All the team agrees that the system has a short learning curve and is easy to use. Anyone familiar with a Windowsbased environment should have no problems learning to use Innova, says Jihad Salih. Its much more user-friendly and offers a lot more

Unlike the Rolling Stones, the Bremnes team would never claim that time is on their side. However, by utilizing their skills, experience and the power of Innova, they form a vital link in a chain that begins in the breeding cages and ends with the dispatch of products that make Bremnes Seashore a by-word for quality and customer satisfaction on four continents.

This is a place for cool heads and split-second timing.


Sitting here at my screen, I . . . see exactly whats going on at an given time.






The automatic edge

When Belgian fish processor Zeevisgroothandel Andr began researching a means of automating its portioning operation with the goal of improving yield, throughput and quality the company found the solution at Marel. The choice: an I-Cut 10 Portioning Machine. Based in Zeebrugge, Belgium, Zeevisgroothandel Andr was founded in 1979 as a traditional seafood wholesaler. It initially established itself as a supplier of fish and fish products to street traders and speciality shops. That has changed. Today, the company specializes in supplying the food-service sector professional kitchens and catering companies with fresh, frozen, smoked and marinated fish. This focus has led to ever-growing demand, and the need for increased automation. We chose Marels I-Cut 10 because both the machine and the company inspired confidence, says Geert Vlietinck, Zeevisgroothandel Andr co-owner and foreign sales and purchasing manager. Their knowledge, experience and service record were decisive. We never got the feeling we were pushed to buy. Small size big performance Small in size but big in performance, the I-Cut 10 performs a 3D scan of each fillet for length, width and height, before cutting each to precise specifications. This proven scanning system makes the I-Cut 10 both highly flexible and costeffective. Operating on Marels M3000 platform, it can be programmed to cut to multiple patterns, for example three 200gr pieces from a single fillet and as many 125gr pieces as possible from the remainder. Improved product quality and extended shelf-life are also major benefits, as increased automation means less manual handling and better quality end-products. This machine saves a lot of manual labour. Our people can now concentrate on really skilled work such as filleting, says Vlietinck. Yield is also much higher because the I-Cut 10 calculates the best cutting patterns automatically, so there is less waste. We get the most out of each fillet.

Controlled and labeled by INNOVA Marels Innova production management software system offers a Portioning Module that allows for remote programming, controlling and real-time monitoring and reporting on actual performance. By using the yield figures generated by Innova, we can now purchase our raw material according to order, a big plus given that 70% of the cost of fish nowadays lies in the raw material itself, says Vlietinck. Zeevisgroothandel Andr also offers customers the option of MAP packaged portioned fish, complete

with customised labeling generated by Innova software. Theres definitely a growing demand for packaged fish, says co-owner and purchasing manager Eric Cobbaert. Its leak- and odourfree, and many deli shops and even butchers are now turning to us for fish. We made the right

choice going with Marel.



GROENLANDSTRAAT 17 8380 ZEEBRUGGE - BELGIUM TEL. +32 50 55 75 30 FAX +32 50 55 06 72


We chose Marels I-Cut 10 because both the machine and the company inspired confidence.

Increased capability for

WPL9060 Weigh Price Labeler
The Marel WPL9060 represents a new generation of reliable, accurate, easy to use, time-saving weigh price labelers that can operate for long periods without interruption. It employs the very latest technology and class-leading design to provide excellent performance at a competitive price. This unit delivers low running costs with long print-head life across a wide range of applications and industries. A new, long weigh table version enables the WPL9060 to handle packs of up to 600mm long at speeds of up to 30 packs/min, which greatly increases its flexibility. The WPL9060 can operate as a standalone machine, or it can be integrated with a range of manual or automatic production lines, as well as Innova, Marels intelligent production management software. GO TO:

We made the right choice going with Marel.






F CUS ON Research
6% of annual revenue earmarked R&D
From the start, innovation has been a key element in Marels growth. Today, the company is the leading global provider of advanced integrated equipment, systems and services to the fish industry. About 6% of annual revenue is earmarked to its research & development teams, which work closely with customers in fish processing. Research is key Marel believes that it is critical to understand the underlying mechanisms of why things work or why things do not work before transferring knowledge into equipment. This includes, for example understanding bone connection and muscle physiology, pre- and postmortem, when modeling chilling curves. Only a thorough understanding of the principles and mechanisms makes possible the development of transformational breakthrough technologies, such as SuperChill for ground fish and Automatic Pinbone Removal for pre-rigor salmon and cod. These are two examples of completely new approaches based on research work. Contributing to the industry Conducting fundamental research is an integral part of Marels long-term approach and commitment to product development, and a core asset of the Innovation Team. Moreover, research is often conducted in close collaboration with universities and research centers in various countries. Several members of the research team have international reputations within the industrial and scientific community, and are members of scientific boards and working groups. This is also reflected by frequent invitations for presentations at international congresses and symposia around the world.

Research is the core

Latest members
The newest members to Marels research team in Iceland the companys Industry Center for the development and manufacture of advanced equipment for the fish industry are Kristn Anna rarinsdttir and Kristn Lf Valtsdttir.

It is critical to understand the underlying mechanisms

We are pleased that they have joined our product-development team, particularly since we are working on some very exciting projects, says Kristjn Hallvarsson, Marels Director of Product Development. About 15% of the companys turnover is generated by sales and services to the fish processing industry, and the core for Marels success is its uninterrupted dedication to product development in cooperation with our customers. The company was originally founded to increase productivity, and that is still our objective.

Kristn Anna has a Ph.D. in Food Engineering from Lund University, and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Food Science from the University of Iceland. Kristn Lf has a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, and a B.S. in Industrial Engineering, from the University of Iceland. Both will be involved in research projects aimed at developing solutions for fish processing. Marel is currently working on technologies and equipment to remove pinbones from fish fillets automatically or semi-automatically.

The Marel Research Team consists of a group of international scientists and professionals with specialties ranging from biology and agricultural science to process and mechanical engineering and food sciences. Together, they cover the complete supply chain from slaughter to packing, linking fundamental research to practical applications.

Analyzing fish skeletons as part of automatic and semi-automatic pinbone removal.



Lets meet
Every year, Marel participates at numerous fish industry tradeshows worldwide, in addition to organizing a number of in-house events at various venues. Our annual Salmon ShowHow in Norresundsby, Denmark is by far the largest of its kind. It highlights all the latest Marel standard and standalone equipment as well as fully integrated systems designed for salmon processing. For many Marel customers, attending the salmon ShowHow has become a must, attracting more than 200 key decision makers from leading companies worldwide. We are also pleased to see many new people joining us every year.

We would like to welcome you to meet us at any of the following tradeshows or in-house events.

Seafood Processing Europe Value Adding Event BTA Further Processing Fish Event ProPak Asia Nor-Fishing Foodtech Packtech Conxemar Agroprodmash AquaSur Scanpack Pacific Marine Expo Marel Seafood ShowHow China Fisheries and Seafood FoodPharmatech Eurotier Marel Salmon ShowHow

24-26 April 2012 25-26 April 2012 15-18 May 2012 June 2012 13-16 June 2012 14-17 August 2012 25-27 September 2012 02-04 October 2012 08-12 October 2012 10-13 October 2012 23-26 October 2012 November 2012 November 2012 06-08 November 2012 13-15 November 2012 13-16 November 2012 February, 2013

Brussels, Belgium Boxmeer, the Netherlands Barcalona, Spain Boxmeer, the Netherlands Bangkok, Thailand Trondheim, Norway Auckland, New Zealand Vigo, Spain Moscow, Russia Puerto Montt, Chile Gothenburg, Sweden Seattle, USA Seattle, USA Dalian, China Herning, Denmark Hannover, Germany Norresundsby, Denmark

Marel is the leading global provider of advanced equipment, systems and services for the fish, meat, poultry and further processing industries. Our brands Marel, Stork Poultry Processing and Townsend Further Processing are among the most respected in the industry. United in one company, we offer our customers the convenience of a single source for products to meet their every need. With offices and subsidiaries in over 30 countries and a global network of more than 100 agents and distributors, we work side-by-side with our customers to extend the boundaries of food processing performance.

Global leader

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