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Date:__________________ Group #:__________

Moksha Dhrama Sudra

Samsara Brahmin Untouchable

Brahman Kshatryia

Karma Vaisya

Create a script, cartoon panel, illustration or short story that uses the terms above and demonstrates your knowledge of those terms. The script must demonstrate that you understand what the terms mean as well as how they work together in Hinduism. You must also show that you understand how Hinduism and the Caste System are interconnected. Please use at least six terms.

2.1 Students will understand the relationships between Hinduism and the Caste System.

4 3.5 Students will be able to apply knowledge from Hinduism to the Caste System.

3 Students will make connections between Hinduism and the Caste System.

2.5 2 Student will identify some contributions and partially use them to connect Hinduism to the Caste System.

1.5 1 Student needs more help identifying key contributions of Hinduism and connecting it to the Caste System

Students will produce logical arguments that demonstrate understanding of historical content.

4 3.5 Students will produce credible and consistently logical arguments about historical content.

Use of supporting evidence persuasively, recognition of self-bias, counter-arguments, clear, analytical thesis, relevant outside information.

3 2.5 2 Students will Students will produce credible partially produce and mostly logical arguments about arguments about historical content. historical content.

Recognizing issue, definition of issue, Use of supporting evidence acceptable thesis statement, partiality

1.5 1 Students need more help producing arguments about historical content.

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