Student Survey From Myra Lipsey To IRC Students

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Student Survey GSU -Instructional Resource Center I am a graduate student at GSU working towards my Master in Instructional Technology.

I am presently working on a project that requires me to analyze the effectiveness of a technology center. I chose the IRC (Instructional Resources Center). If you have time, would you please answer the following questions. I will be in the center and you can turn your completed survey upside down on the round table at the door and I will collect them on my way out. Thank you very much for your help. Myra Lipsey __________________________________________________________________ Please put a check mark beside as many answers as you need to in order to answer the questions. 1. How did you learn about the IRC? ____from an instructor ____from the GSU website ____from another student or friend ____other ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. How many times do you say you have visited the IRC during last semester? ____1 5 times ____5 10 times ____10 20 times ____more than 20 times 3. What are some of your reasons for visiting the IRC? (What things do you come here for?) Please write in a response. 4. Do you find the IRC beneficial in meeting your needs? ____yes ____no (Explain) _______________________________________________________ 5. Is there any service not presently provided by the IRC that you wish were offered? (If yes, please tell what services or other things that you wish were offered.)

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