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2/12/13 2:55 PM April 16, 2013 2:40 PM

Title sequence of the lm

The title sequence shows Richard Dawson walking down a street being followed by a suspicious man, who is slowly gaining on him. As he goes past an alley the he is pulled in by another mysterious man. The man who was following him casually looks around before following them into the alleyway. It then cuts to the murder scene where Dawson is lying on the ground, dead. Two detectives approach the scene; the chief detective sheds some light on what has happened. He then orders Detective Vilmont to go home and not get involved in this case, due to him knowing the victim. After telling his wife about the incident and seeing how upset she is, Vilmont decides to take matters into his own hands (disobeying his wifes and the chiefs orders) and try and solve the case; for the victims family. Vilmont dedicates a lot of his time, after work, to try and solve the case and nd the criminal. After weeks of not getting anywhere his wife orders him to stop and leave it to the detectives who have been given the case. He refuses and his wife gets extremely frustrated because of the lack of attention she is getting. Vilmonts best friend, Ben Smith offers to help him out and try and get a lead. After looking into a possible lead, Vilmont starts to nd clues; nding out that the Dawson and Smith had recently fallen out over Dawson owing him a large sum of money, which indicates that he could be involved. He asks Smith about Dawson but he denies having any communication with him, saying that he had not spoken to him for weeks before the murder. So, believing Smith he dismisses it straight away. A young woman comes forward and says she was in the cafe which was opposite the scene of the crime and tells Vilmont that there was actually to men involved in the murder. She vaguely describes one of them. Vilmont describes the man to (his watch) and the watch projects pictures of men in the area that t the description. It comes to light that the man is a friend of Smiths. Vilmont secretly follows him around town and sees him meeting up with him quite often. Smith gets scared that Vilmont is going to catch him out, so he arranges for his wife to be kidnapped and taken to derelict warehouse. He calls Vilmont, but uses a voice changer to hide his identity. He is informed that they have his wife, and tells him to meet them at the warehouse if he wants his wife back, alone though. When Vilmont arrives at the warehouse he sees his wife tied up to a chair with a rag in her mouth, looking weak and feeble. The second murderer, Tom Phillips, comes out and laughs, then Smith comes out from behind a shadowed area. Vilmont, who is in utter shock, asks why? and then he explains. Phillips shoots Vilmonts wife afterwards. Vilmont runs over to aid his wife. Feeling all angry, Vilmont gets up and goes to shoot Phillips but Smith shoots Vilmont before he can pull the trigger. As he is collapsing to the oor, Smith walks over to him and apologises saying that he didnt want to do it, but he had no other choice as he knows too much. He kisses him on the forehead then shoots him again in the chest. Both murders ee the murder scene.

2/12/13 2:55 PM April 16, 2013 2:40 PM

This is the opening scene of the lm

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