Believing I AM

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Believing I AM Week 1 The what-ifs of life can be daunting; but they can also be daring and even dazzling.

. Just imagine what if you lived like you truly believe Jesus is Who He says He is? How would your everyday be different? Believing I AM would radically change how you think, love, interact, dream, hope, work, play, parent, share the Gospel, EVERYTHING. Are you ready for a life transformation? What if you could join me on this journey taking ancient, dusty roads, following Jesus, the great I AM? What if you could hear Him make seven statements that could totally turn your world upside down and the course of your life in a whole new direction? Would you strap on your sandals or would you turn and walk away? I promise if you follow Him, if you listen to Him, if you allow the Word to change you, you will never regret it. It will be the best what-if you have ever explored. What if we get started right now? Part 1 For our first week on the road with Jesus, lets read the book of John straight through. It may sound like a lot, but consider this; if you spend just 30 minutes a morning reading, you should be able to read three chapters a day and all 21 chapters by the end of the week. As you read, look for Jesus. Watch His every move. Listen to His words, Seek the message in His teaching. Part 2 Each day of your reading, record one major thing you see Jesus do, one thing you hear Him say, a well as one reflection on the message of the chapters. Part 3 Choose one verse from chapters 1-3 to memorize this week. (If you choose John 3:16, continue on to verse 17 to expand your memory work.)

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