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Chase Lee

Essay about the novel Skellig

Skellig is a fantasy realism novel, written by David Almond, about Michael a boy who discovers a mysterious creature in his garage. In Skellig, Almond uses Michael, the baby, and Skellig to demonstrate the universal theme that when you help someone else, you shall be rewarded in return with something far greater than what you originally gave. In the novel, Michael helps Skellig by giving him food, the baby helps Skellig by giving Skellig life, and Michael helps Skellig by looking into ways to help inspire him to live on. Along the way, Michaels perspective on life becomes greater and he also teaches himself that there is a purpose to his own life which is to help Skellig and his friend, Mina. Firstly, Michael looks after Skellig by giving him food and necessities such as beer and food; in return, Skellig gives Michael a dream. Michael helps Skellig and Skellig considers the 27 and 53, Food of the gods and 27 and 53. Sweetest of nectars (53, 29). In the novel it exudes the fact that Skellig really enjoys being given food and Skellig considers the food to be something even greater than just regular food. Skellig considers basic necessities to be important; however, it can be seen by Michael that is really fond and appreciative of the dream Skellig provided him with. The dream is unimaginable, which is Michael being able to fly. On page 167, Michael suddenly sees ghostly wings on his back and he seemed to turn and dance in the empty air. This shows that Michael is not expecting to have wings on his shoulder blades/back and be lifted into the air as if he were to be a bird. Almond has clearly shown that Michael helps Skellig by providing him with food and in return Skellig gives Michael a dream; a dream which cannot be replaced or underdetermined. In addition to the theme that Michael can help Skellig; the baby sister of Michael helps Skellig by bringing life into him. As said by Michael on page 154, She isnt there. Michael believes that his baby sister is dead when she is not and finds out that Skellig went to his sister (166). Michael realizes that Skellig visited his sister and he also thought that Skellig is the person that brings life back to his baby sister; You made her strong. That ones glittering with life. Heart like fire. It was her that gave the strength to me (166). This shows what Michael assumed was wrong and that his baby sister is the person that is bringing life back to Skellig; and then the same applies to the baby by her getting better as a result of her helping Skellig. Another thing that Michael is willing to do is help Skellig by inspiring him to live on and then in return Michael helps himself by feeling good about what he did to help Skellig and develops into a social person. Michael originally was a very lonesome kid since he just moved to a new house and school. This behavior is shown until finally Michael meets Skellig. He then finds out Skellig has several problems; however, the main problem is that Skellig has Arthur Itis which is a disease that can make someones hands twisted and their knuckles swollen (31, 65). By the hands being twisted and the knuckles being swollen, this shows the negative aspects of having arthritis. Michael learns more about Skelligs disease by going to the hospital and there he learns about the effects of arthritis. This suggests that Michael is trying to become more social with the new environment and be friendly with his fellow neighbors/people such as Skellig. As said by Skellig on page 168, Thank you for giving me my life again. Now you have to go home. This shows that Skellig not only gets better on the outside but also the inside/Skelligs heart. Michael helps Skellig move beyond his selfish behavior and be himself. Michael is helping himself move beyond being lonesome to being sociable; I was brilliant at school next day. Nobody could get the ball away from

Chase Lee me (169). This shows that Michaels demeanor has changed about school and life and that a conflict man v. self has begun between Michael and himself. Michael is ready to help Skellig, and Skellig did not intentionally help Michael but Skellig helped him by making Michael a social person. In conclusion to the essay, Michael helps Skellig by feeding him food, the baby of sister of Michael helps Skellig with bringing him to life and Michael finds ways to inspire Skellig to move on past his grudges. These all relate to the theme that when you help someone else, he or she will reward you with something far greater than what you originally gave. For instance the story, The Little Red Hen, used this universal theme. The characters that did not help the Little Red Hen with certain tasks and in the end did not receive anything in return. I know that this relates to my theme because the other characters did not help The Little Red Hen and as a result they did not get a greater prize. This universal theme shows that with people that help one another shall receive something greater in return.

Chase Lee

Critical Analysis Essay - Rubric

A: Content You demonstrate an understanding of the theme and how the author develops the theme. you need to make sure you understand what to do you use very few or irrelevant examples and show very limited 1understanding 2 you need to relate your examples to your main ideas your use of terminology is missing, inconsistent and/or incorrect you need to make your ideas more relevant to the assignment You have used few examples to show limited understanding 3 You attempt to relate your examples 4 to your main ideas but with little success you sometimes use terminology that is accurate and appropriate you have included some obvious ideas but need to dig deeper you have used some examples to show adequate understanding 5- You sometimes relate your 6 examples to your main ideas you usually use terminology that is accurate and appropriate B: Organisation You organise your essay in a clear and logical way. you need to use paragraphs you need to organise your ideas you should present your ideas more logically you do not include any quotes C: Style and Language Usage You use appropriate language in your essay. there are many grammatical errors, which make it difficult to follow your ideas you need to develop more varied, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure little awareness of, or attempt to use, a suitable register grammar and syntax are generally correct, but there are inconsistencies and errors you have made some attempt to use varied, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure but you need to do so more consistently some awareness of formal register grammar and syntax are generally accurate, and there is some variety in the structures used you have made a good attempt to use varied, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure you often use formal register, but need to be more consistent

you need to use paragraphs consistently you need to order your ideas better and organise them into a more appropriate structure you have some logic in your arguments but you need more you include very few quotes you use body paragraphs but are missing an introduction or a conclusion your ideas are generally organised but need to be further developed to enhance their impact. you have logic in your arguments you are beginning include quotes as evidence you use paragraphs including an introduction, a conclusion and body paragraphs your work is mostly well organised, clear and coherent your arguments are logical and thoughtful


you have included obvious ideas and some that dig deeper you have used relevant examples to show a good understanding You relate your examples to your main ideas You use relevant terminology

grammar and syntax are mostly varied and used correctly although there may be the occasional lapse your use of vocabulary and sentence structure is nearly always appropriate and generally varied. You use formal register consistently

Chase Lee

accurately and appropriately you have included insightful ideas that dig beneath the surface meanings you have used many relevant examples to show a perceptive understanding You effectively relate your examples to your main ideas you use relevant terminology in a sophisticated and appropriate way

91 0

Stay on topic (do not include unnecessary information) Explain, using quotes, how the author develops the theme Persuade the teacher of your pointof-view (interpretation) Use appropriate terminology (e.g., protagonist, antagonist, conflict, theme, mood) You have answered the unit question, How can we explore human commonalities and different perspectives through themes? Explain how the theme is universal

you generally include quotes as evidence you use the introduction, grammar and syntax are used conclusion and body paragraphs correctly with very infrequent errors purposefully your use of vocabulary and you have consistently organised sentence structure is always your work with sophistication appropriate and greatly varied. your arguments are clear, you have mastered the use of coherent and presented in a formal register perceptive and persuasive manner you correctly include quotes as evidence State the title of the book and Use third person in the the author in your introduction introduction and body paragraphs State your thesis and Use first person (I. . .) ONLY in supporting arguments in your the conclusion to show your introduction personal response Include a conclusion Avoid using slang and Separate your ideas into contractions different body paragraphs Use present tense Organise your body Edit for spelling and punctuation paragraphs with a topic Underline the title sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence Organise your argument logically i.e. use PEE (point, evidence, evaluation) Include direct quotes from the novel to support your argument Include the page number in brackets after the quote


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