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Alisha Reeve MUSE 258 Citation Sound Connections: A Comprehensive Approach to Teaching Music Literacy 2010 Chapter 9: Assessing

Literacy Skills Don P. Ester Summary Instruction Cycle o Teacher Presentation o Student Response o Teacher Feedback Feedback is one of the most important parts of teaching o Good teachers are good at giving feedback Definition, Purposes, and Characteristics of Effective Assessment o Measurement-process of collecting objective and quantifiable data o Evaluation-using this and addition qualitative info to make judgments about achievement o Assessment-combination of measurement and evaluation Can be formal or informal o Two purposes Provide formative data Provided summative reports Methods of Assessment o Comprehensive measurement Collected will echoing, reading, notating o Daily Assessment Built into the lesson Seating chart will be useful in making this process streamlined Notating and composition cannot be assessed aurally o Cumulative Assessment Two forms Skill Summary Reports o Now and then reports of how they student has done based on seating chart assessments o More accurate measurement of achievement Skill Tests o Assesses the application of knowledge in a broad context o Two means Written tests Time efficient Assesses knowledge not skill Performance Tests

Direct test of skill More authentic, also more stressful Use of a recording device can decrease anxiety as teacher isnt present Rubrics are needed to grade fairly

Course Grades o Should be based on achievement rather than participation and effort o Music literacy should be a main factor in the grade

Reflection This final chapter is very important as it talks about what makes a good teacher and teacher model. It covers the appropriate forms of assessment and what works best in each scenario of testing. This chapter is a culmination of everything discussed in the book and was a great final reminder of what makes a good music literacy program. I will use some of the samples from this chapter in my own classroom because they are based on research and have proven to be successful.

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