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STUDENTS MANUAL Form 3 Title : Electricity TASK : 1. Design and carry out an experiment to study . a.

the effects of the change in resistance on current . OR b. the effects of the change in voltage on current. 2. Record the observation and plot a graph based on the result. 3. Answer the following questions (Analysis) a. b. c. d. e. f. What physical quantity does the ammeter measure? What is resistance? Based on the result, state the relationship between the value of the resistance and the current? How does the brightness of the bulb vary with the resistance of the resistor? What does this imply? Based on the graph you have plotted, state the relationship between resistance and current. What will happen when one of the variables is absent?

4. Then write a report.

Topic : The relationship between resistance and current. Aim : To investigate the relationship between resistance and current. Problem statement : What is the effect of change in resistance on current? Material and apparatus: Ammeter, dry cell, dry cell holder, connecting wire, standard resistors (2, 5, 10), voltmeter and switch. Procedure : 1. Set up the apparatus. 2. Firstly, use the standard resistors 2. 3. Turn on the switch. 4. Observe and record the reading of the voltmeter. 5. Repeat the step 2 and 3 with standard resistors 5 and 10.

Result :

Value of resistance 2 5 10

1 0.3A 0.2A 0.1A

Value 2 3 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.1 A 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.1 A

Average 0.3 A 0.2 A 0.1 A

Bulb light brightly light dim

Analysis : 1. What physical quantity does the ammeter measure?

Electric current. 2. What is resistance? Resistance is the property of resisting or opposing the flow of electrical charges through it. 3. State the relationship between the value of resistance and the current? The higher value of resistance the lower flow of current. 4. How does the brightness of the bulb vary with the resistance of the resistor? What does this imply? The bulb is bright because of the decrease of resistance, the resistance is use to reduce electric current. Based on the graph you have plotted, state the relationship between resistance and current. The lower value of resistance, the higher of the electric current. What will happen when one of the variables is absent? If the resistance is absent, the current become higher.



Conclusion: a. The hypothesis is accepted. b. Electric current is decrease when value of resistance is increase

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